The Bachelor/Bachelorette > New Board

The men on the bachelorette


Is anyone else watching the Bachelorett show?  I usually don't but this season there is someone on that I am interested in.  That is Josh Murray, the older brother of the former Georgia quarterback, Aaron Murray.  I watched it tonight for the first time and would like to hear what other people are thinking about the bachelorette and the men she has to choose from. 

I am kinda watching it, but I didn't see it tonight. I will probably watch it off and on, so we can chat about it together!

The show only started last Monday, so you haven't missed much yet...only the first rose ceremony.
I didn't get a chance to watch it tonight, but, it's on again tomorrow/Monday night , so maybe I can catch up.
I like the girl Andie. She was on the last Bachelor .
I haven't gotten to know the men too well yet to form an opinion. But, when I have some...I'll be back.


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