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NFL Football

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You know if it happened once, it happened before.  I think the Patriots should have a punishment that hurts -- like a Super Bowl rescinded.  I also think they should not be allowed to play in this year's Superbowl and Brady disappear forever.  He's really not that good.  Of course, I'm in Panther country where hope springs eternal that we will make another Superbowl.

Merry Prankster:
The NFL would never yank the Super Bowl title from the Patriots----Goodell's balls are even more deflated than Brady's.   Here is something the NFL might consider:

I think it's a shame that more isn't done.
I just listened to Bob Costas on The NBC nightly news...he said that he thought "maybe
" Brady would be suspended the one Thursday night game..
But, ...also that people are now watching and the year we've had maybe more will actually be done.  :sign0103:


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