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NFL Football

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So disappointed my cheeseheads didn't hold it together.

Sergeant Prankster:
Until more is known, in the tradition of The Graduate Sarge has one word in reaction to deflate gate:  "Shrinkage." :c029: :smiley_confused1:

Shouldn't they penalize this team for doing this to the footballs? If I were a player on the other team and heard this, I'd sure think so.

Merry Prankster:

--- Quote from: bacali on January 22, 2015, 01:44:33 AM ---Shouldn't they penalize this team for doing this to the footballs? If I were a player on the other team and heard this, I'd sure think so.

--- End quote ---

If the NFL finds the Patriots under inflated footballs there will be penalties, probably a significant fine ($1 million or more) and possibly forfeiture of a draft pick.  There could be additional penalties, i.e., suspensions, fines, depending upon what the NFL finds regarding who did/knew what and when they did/knew it.   Nothing in the way of suspensions will be imposed until after the Super Bowl.  The Prankster's guess---the Patriots will pull a collective Sergeant Schulz ("I know nothing") or some poor low-level schmuck will take the fall.

Merry Prankster:
The verdict is in on Deflategate---Tom Brady was "generally aware"  that his balls were deflated before a game.  The Prankster's reaction:  WTF?  Was the guy under anesthesia?  Did the investigators talk to Giselle?

Seriously, based upon what the Prankster has read about the Wells report, Tom Brady lied.  He was up to his eyeballs in deflategate. Does anyone really believe that some low-level locker room/equipment guys deflated the balls on their own?  Brady spent over an hour on the phone right after the scandal broke with one of the locker room attendants implicated in the scandal.   Does anyone believe they were discussing a double date with Giselle and one of her supermodel friends?  Brady also refused to surrender his cell phone to investigators so they could check for phone calls and texts.  Tom, you are guilty as sin and you lied about it.

Fallout?  Brady's legacy as a QB will not suffer, except for those who already hate the Patriots.  As a person--who cares?

Punishment---fines and a suspension for Brady.  He should be suspended for 8 games---4 for deflategate and 4 for lying about his role in deflategate.  What will Brady actually get---probably no more than two games, possibly as many as 4.  As always, Goodell will cave to the money.  The NFL cannot have one of its biggest stars off the field for too long.

Same old story.  The General issues the orders, things go wrong, the General gets a slap on the wrist and the privates get shot.



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