Open Floor > Weekly Contest

2015 -- New Paragraph Contest!!

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Here we go -- Let's all get our writing brains working again!!  :72:

She had just put away the last of the holiday decorations and was about to make a little dinner when there was a startling knock at the door breaking the silence. 


She had just put away the last of the holiday decorations and was about to make a little dinner when there was a startling knock at the door breaking the silence.  A bedraggled gentleman with scuffed boots, ripped trousers, matted hair and crumbs in his beard stood on her doorstep. He said, "Sorry to bother you ma'am, but I am missing one of my pets. Do you care if I search your backyard? I'm really getting worried about him, and I'm afraid if I don't find him soon, it will be too late..." They proceeded to her backyard and began the search. There, behind the tool shed, was a pile of sparkly snow, some broken bits of red glass, and a hoofprint. A little further on, they found him...poor Rudolph! He was looking as bedraggled as his master, and no wonder--it looked like it had been a rough night for him as well. He'd thrown up a bushel of carrots.

How can I outdo that?

She had just put away the last of the holiday decorations and was about to make a little dinner when there was a startling knock at the door breaking the silence.
Now, who in the world could this be, she thought, as she dragged her tired old body to peek out the window.
Oh was ....THE POLICE!!! She had been expecting them all day, so.....
Should she answer the door or pretend that she was not at home?
Frantically, her mind raced ....
She had awakened to find "him" in another foul mood. She had gone to bed alone again, and assumed he had staggered in sometime near dawn.
Maybe if she just ignored him , he'd fall asleep...but, no he kept nagging and nagging at her.
Her mind grew foggy about what happened next...but, she did remember taking the leg of lamb out of the freezer.
That's about the last thing she was sure of since it all happened so fast.
He was sitting down...eating the huge breakfast she had been ordered to make...when she felt something in her ...snap.
Next thing she remembered, here he was...all bloodied lying on the kitchen floor...the leg of lamb in her freezing hands.
She dragged his lifeless body out of the house, and just knew it would be found.... but, she felt absolutely no remorse. He deserved his fate.
Now, here she was, alone and afraid as she opened up the door to two uniformed officers who definitely wanted to search her house for evidence...a weapon!
Well....she would let them look. She had nothing to hide.
The leg of lamb...was in the oven and she was just sitting down alone. Who would cook such a huge meal if they didn't expect their husband home for dinner?
Oh.... how awful they felt for this poor woman as she carried on...(her drama teacher would have been so proud).
She would compose herself and ....yes, she knew......she'd invite them for dinner.
Two lovely officers dined on ....yup, the " frozen" leg of lamb that had finally ended her misery!!   :72:

( Sorry I got carried away... this is so long)

y'all are cracking me up!!! 


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