Other Reality Shows > The Apprentice

The Firing of Three


What are your guy's thoughts on last nights Celebrity apprentice?

Quite frankly I was a little annoyed by the firing of those three celebs. Quite frankly all three have been apart of a winning team, with five wins under there belt they did not deserve to go home. All three of them anyway. To completely abolish a winning team just proves to me that the entire show was fixed from the start. Geraldo is who Trump wants to win so he will. Quite frankly Geraldo should have been gone weeks ago.

I agree with you Court, Geraldo has tried to take over every mission they have done.
I didn't mind the first guy being fired but it was unfair for Brandi and Johnny.  I like both of them so I was very disappointed.  I think it was done to move along the show and finish it up next week.  I am sure Geraldo and Lizza will be the top two. 

They are exactly who will be the final two. I think Lizza will be the one who deserves the win, but he probably will although he has completely sucked for most tasks.

I didn't mind Ian being fired either, he kind of deserved it. Any of the three could have technically deserved it, but not all at once.

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well and missed the whole first show. I fell asleep. DVR only tapes 2 shows and so I had to watch Celebrity Apprentice.
I did catch the 2nd show at the end and I guess to make the shows end on the right day, The Donald had to get rid of more people this past week.
I really, really wish I had seen Kenya fired.

I have thought for a while Leeza and Geraldo would be who DT wanted in the final.  I hope in the final challenge Leeza will come out on top because she listens to others and Geraldo will only do his thing.  I dunno though.  It may be tailored to his talents.


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