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Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee


Merry Prankster:
A second Harper Lee novel will be published this summer----Go Set a Watchman.  According to what the Prankster has heard, it is about Scout as an adult with flashbacks to her childhood.  Lee wrote it in the 1950s and her publisher, after reading it, advised her to write a book about Scout's childhood which became the beloved To Kill a Mockingbird.

Supposedly, Lee thought the manuscript for Watchman was lost but it was recently discovered by one of her associates.  The Prankster can't wait!

The ponytail can't wait, either! I will be reading it for sure.

And once again all the rumors begin that Truman Capote really wrote these books.  I don't think he did.  What do you think?

Merry Prankster:

--- Quote from: trouble405 on February 08, 2015, 05:11:14 PM ---And once again all the rumors begin that Truman Capote really wrote these books.  I don't think he did.  What do you think?

--- End quote ---

Nope.  Some of Capote's private correspondence made public in the past few years seems to indicate he had nothing to do with writing TKAM.

There are also some persistent rumors that Lee had a role in writing In Cold Blood.

I think she helped Ca[pote with a lot of the research for In Cold Blood.  Anyway, that is what I have read in several places.

I was very disappointed in Go Set a Watchman.  I can see why her publisher wanted her to do another one. 


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