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Clicking onto our site...The Reality Buzz, is second nature to me after almost 3 yrs....how about you?
I really missed us when we were offline the past few days.
And can you believe...we are going to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary in a matter of weeks...on June 1st.
I hope we all continue to enjoy our site for a long time to come.    :72:

If you would...I thought that maybe we each could share what we enjoy the most about being here.

I enjoy my buddies here the most. Love finding out what you are up to, and what you think of our favorite shows!

Though I'm looking forward to spending much, much more time here as the school year draws to a close, I love this site for how warm, kind and caring everyone is.  A big, big thank you to everyone who began it 3 years ago and daily keeps it running smoothly.  kiss1

I love the gentle feel.  The feel that anyone is welcome but to please respect others.  The opportunity to play game and express my creativity with writing, joke, pic's of projects.

I do miss the arcade when the site goes down!! 

When Court, Snowbird, ponytail and I "sat" down and had a computer conference almost 3 years ago....this is just the kind of site we wanted to have.
We had all been on sites that we felt not comfortable on. We wanted it to feel like a "home".. where our friends could stop in and relax ...chat, play different types of games, and talk about tv shows we watch, also catch us with our family events.
Just like ponytail said... "enjoy our buddies".
I'm so happy that our hard work has paid off and that we have such wonderful members.
I guess there's no question about renewing our site for another year. We all missed each other when we were offline last week.
Thank you , girls for the compliments....as,we all look forward to starting another fun year together.


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