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Author Topic: Kill the Boy  (Read 988 times)

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Offline ponytail

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Kill the Boy
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:25:12 PM »

I lost my whole post and I don't want to do it all again, so here are the highlights:

Dani is dealing with the aftermath of the ambush in the alley. Grey Worm is wounded (not dead, as I thought) and Barristan is laid out on a slab. She has all the leaders of the great families, including Hizdar,  arrested. They are taken to the dragons, where she shows them what may happen to them--one of them is thrown out to them, scorched, and ripped apart--a strong lesson. She lets it sink in, and then lets them leave to think about it.
Jon speaks to Maester Aemon asking his advice on a decision he has to make--half his men will hate him for it. Maester Aemon tells him to--kill the boy Jon Snow, and let the man take hold. Jon goes to speak to Tormund, frees him from his chains, and asks him to gather the remaining free folk to the north and bring them back to fight with them. Tormund agrees but insists Jon go with them so they can hear it from him.
Jon has a meeting of the Night's Watch. They are not happy with his plan, they can't forget or forgive. Jon tells them they will learn to live with them or they can add them to the army of the dead.
Brienne and Pod have arrived at Winterfell. They make arrangements to get a message to Sansa.
Ramsey's lover Miranda is jealous of his upcoming marriage to Sansa.
A serving woman tells Sansa if she is ever in trouble, light a candle in the highest window of the tower. She is not alone.
Miranda finds Sansa in the court yard and takes her to the kennels where she discovers Reek bedding down with the dogs.
Ramsey makes Theon tell him about Sansa seeing him, but forgives him for telling him before he asked.
At dinner, Ramsey makes Reek apologize to Sansa for killing her brothers. And then informs her that Reek will give away the bride at their wedding.
Bolton and Walda inform their dinner guests that they are expecting a baby, a boy they think. This worries Ramsey, he wonders if he will be cast aside. Bolton reassures him. They talk about how Stannis wants the Iron Throne, and how he means to take the north.
Stannis finds Sam in the library and asks him about the dragon glass, how he managed to kill a white walker. He encourages Sam to keep reading so he can find out more about them.
Stannis tells Davos that it is time to march on Winterfell.
Grey Worm awakes, he and Missendei have a tender moment.
Dani and Missendei have a talk. She wants to know what she thinks. Missendei tells her she has seen her lean on her councilors, and also ignore them because there was a better choice--one only she could see.
Dani goes to the dungeons to talk to Hizdar. She tells him he was right, she will start up the fighting pits, but only with free men and that she will marry a suitor from an ancient family--him.
Jorah and Tyrion are still sailing. The ruins of Valyria loom on the horizon and they sail in to that land. A large flying shape appears before them--Drogon, coming out of the fog. He flies overhead and vanishes. They sail under a stone bridge and are ambushed by some of the Stone Men in the last stages of the grey scale disease. Jorah tells Tyrion not to let them touch him. They fight, Tyrion falls into the water, but is pulled out by Jorah who cuts him free. They are stranded on the coast, with a long walk ahead of them. Jorah walks off, rolls up his sleeve, and sees a small patch of grey scale already forming on his wrist.



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