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Once Upon a Time General Discussion Thread

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Well folks we have a new a new OUAT sub-forum to play in (thank you Snowbird!). Unfortunately our old thread hasn't made the magical journey with us (sadness), so I started a new one...
 :ecomcity: :ecomcity: :ecomcity:

Enjoy!  kiss1

That's okay -- season five deserves a brand new start.  And just think of all the ideas we can come up with.

I just read a post about the character arcs for season one that got me thinking...

...What do you think? Her reasoning that Baelfire and Emma were always meant to be true loves makes sense given the character parallels in season one.  If it's true that they abandoned their plans just because Hook was more popular, than that sucks. Hook doesn't actually need to be with Emma to stay on the show. He could be Regina's 'devilishly handsome' henchman or he could run the local fish-fry restaurant or he could be a coat-hook in Rumple's place... you know whatever.   

You know I never bought into Captain Hook.  Too much manliner for me.   But here's the thing with Bael.  We never saw him until season two.  Granted, the ties are there for Emma and Bael to be true love but let's face it, they have played fast and loose with the storylines.  I honestly wonder just how many years they want this show to run.  Granted LOST lasted six year but can this one go longer?  Will fans stand for the the following:

Charming and Snow going wishy washy from season to season.
Emma as the Dark One?
No real role for Rumple (who has to be dark to be good) if he survives the heart thingy.
Regina as good with an evil sister.
Robin with Regina -- even though Marian is dead, is this right.
Who will end up with Zelena's child anyway.
And I want either (a) the house to drop or (b) the water to destroy her.
Dragons in our world?  I think not.
And producer ruining this show like they did Torchwood.

I think Lost is a great comparison, not only because they share some writers, but just in general. Both season one's were awesome minus a few episodes. Both have deep history to draw on. Both have innumerable connections between almost everyone. Both lost their way in the middle seasons (granted we have no way to know at this point how long the middle season for OUAT will go on). Both involve magic of some kind. Both love making everyone gray as possible instead of keeping characters black and white. Both tell stories in flashbacks in a somewhat disconnected style... ok now I think I'm just rambling.

Bottom line is I'd rather have Emma with Bael than Hook. I think the story would balance out better. Enough with the love triangles and such. If the show says so and so are 'true love' lock it. Don't mess with that dynamic. They need to get back to outside forces to cause the drama. The 'Queens of Darkness' largely failed as a plot device imo. Granted I loved Cruella's snarky lines and I liked her back story, but as far as the overall story went she and Ursula were kind of wasted. Maleficent had more juice, but they didn't use it that well. And more than anything I need consistency in the characters. Characters can change, but we need to see it in some way. Mysteries are fine. I like them. But if something isn't meant to be mysterious (like Will Scarlet showing up for no apparent reason) just give us an answer no matter how throwaway the line, have him say Jafar turned his wife into a toad and squished her, and he just needed to get out of Wonderland after that. Whatever. Again I'm rambling. Sorry. :ecomcity:

Actually I just remembered one theory I heard or read a while back was that Wonderland (the series) hasn't happened yet in this timeline, so Will is still in the place he was before he found Anastasia again. I don't know. I guess that could work in a way, but why not just give us a line to set that in place? I guess they could tie it in with Will taking his heart out (that was a plot in Wonderland but I can't remember when or how that happened) pre-Wonderland, you know cause he's sooo broken hearted over Belle and their 'romance'. ::)


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