Open Floor > Weekly Contest

New contest



Things seem to be kind of quiet without any shows to watch and  show games to follow here.....
So, before we all get involved with Big Brother next month...anyone want to do another weekly contest?
Hey, MP, or Outtie, ...anyone.... have any ideas?
And, where o where is Sarge....out with his buddies.... :singing: or manybe...  -Dancingpink- with a hot chiquita?

We could do another limerick contest or paragraph...but, if anyone has any new idea.... let's hear it.  -Dancekick-

I would love to do the Big Brother game but I am going to be gone from June 17th-22nd so if someone else will take over that would be great.  We just gotta have one! 
I will ask about doing either Limerick or paragraph and see which one gets the most votes.

I'm sure I'll participate in whichever of the three mentioned you guys want to do.  :)

I enjoyed both limerick and paragraph...but, like trouble shouted...I found doing a new one weely kind of hard to keep up.
Let's see if we have any more weigh ins....still haven't heard from MP.


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