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Author Topic: New Paragraph Contest  (Read 3649 times)

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Offline Snowbird

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New Paragraph Contest
« on: May 29, 2015, 09:32:25 PM »
Okay, we will begin a new paragraph contest. 
I will put up a beginning sentence and you will use it to start a paragraph.  Only one paragraph per person, please.
The contest will end next Thursday night at midnight.  I will choose the winner who should then put up a new sentence before Satuday at noon.  We will follow this routine each week.  If the winner does not put up a new sentence by the appointed time, I will put up one to keep us on schedule.

The new sentence is"
He led her up the rickety stairs to his office, and showed her to two over-stuffed chairs by the window.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 12:28:33 PM by Snowbird »
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline Outlast

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 10:25:24 PM »
He led her up the rickety stairs to his office, and showed her to two over-stuffed chairs by the window. He asked her if she wanted coffee, which she politely declined. "Mrs. Cooper..." the man from the government began, carefully picking his way towards the point of this visit, "You're aware that this is the second time we've had to have this conversion?" the women nodded contentedly, "Yes, I know. I've told that boy time and time again. Sheldon, you can't keep yellow cake uranium in the shed! Hell, Agent Smith, you told him so yourself the last time...", the agent shifted his weight to the other butt-cheek, the old bullet wound always smarted when he had to talk 'mothers', "That was actually another agent ma'am..." she laughed and slapped his leg, "Shoot, I'm sorry. But you government people all look alike." The agent's smile was tight, "As you say, ma'am. But if we could just return to the point... can you please explain to the United States Government why and much more importantly and I can't possibly stress this enough Ma'am, HOW your ten year old son managed to obtain 300 hundred grams of radioactive plutonium and a DeLorean?" 

...so good to have the paragraphs back.  :86:

Offline bacali

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2015, 07:38:38 PM »
He led her up the rickety stairs to his office, and showed her to two over-stuffed chairs by the window.
Oh, Morgan wondered, I guess he wants me to sit down. So, she had.
All the children, on the block, had always feared the thin little, old man in the big stone house, but, Morgan had
never quite felt this way.
She defiantly had rung his doorbell !!!
His scowling face had answered the door , and, then he asked her to come in ,so .....here she was. ...scared to death.
Now she thought, ...could I have been wrong ? She started to tremble thinking how Mommy had always warned her about talking to strangers.
But, she had to disobey...just so she could sell more Girl Scout cookies than her sister.
All of a sudden, the rickety stairs creaked with the weight of this scary man coming towards the room.
Oh, no...what was she going to do? What was HE going to do?
Morgan covered her eyes, barely peeking up .....to see....
To her amazement,  her cookies had been placed neatly on a plate and there was a small pot and some beautiful China cups.
Wow, they were going to have a tea party !!

Offline ponytail

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2015, 10:47:54 AM »
He led her up the rickety stairs to his office, and showed her to two over-stuffed chairs by the window. She sat and steeled herself for the hard questions she knew were coming. Her finger absently traced the looping paisley pattern in the upholstery as he said "How do you intend to make good on your promise to pay back the money you borrowed?" She looked at the paisley pattern on the chair and saw it begin to move...a swirl to the right, a twist upside down, a small dance between her fingertips...until she heard a loud "Monica!, Monica!" She glanced up startled to see him looming over her, his face red with sweat beads running down his chin. But it was too late for him, the paisley swirl had begun to grow until it began it's final dance around her antagonizer. Faster and faster it swirled, engulfing him in a dizzying whirlwind of bright colors and twisting shapes until he collapsed lifeless, at her feet. Monica dusted off her hands, got to her feet, stepped over his still form, and left with a light step for the first time in many months. Those lessons with the back alley witch had paid off.

Offline Snowbird

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2015, 12:40:06 PM »
OH MY!  I had so much going on last week having new flooring put in that I completely forgot about the new contest!  Sorry I am late announcing the winner.  The winner was hard to pick but I finally decided on Outlast.  Congratulations. 
We will let the time go until Friday night instead of Thursday this time.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline Outlast

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2015, 04:30:24 PM »
Ok, thanks Snowy! new sentence

The tired housewife wrung her hands in frustration when the electricity went off just as she was putting her casserole in the oven...

Offline ponytail

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2015, 09:22:24 PM »
The tired housewife wrung her hands in frustration when the electricity went off just as she was putting her casserole in the oven...She got out the old cast iron kettle and scraped it all into the bottom of it, added a little water, and began to stir. Maybe a soup could be made from the ingredients that could no longer be baked in the oven. "Honey", she yelled. "Start up the fireplace!" She slowly trundled the kettle in and set it down on top of the glowing embers, watching for it to come to a boil. A little ash started to trickle down from the flue overhead, and then more and more until finally, a large 'plop' of it landed in her mixture. She inspected the contents and noticed a yellow eye and a few black feathers peering up at her from the bottom of the kettle. "Oh well", she thought as she stirred it in, "maybe it's time for my hubby to eat a little crow".

Offline Snowbird

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2015, 12:13:20 AM »
 -rollinglaugh- I don't think I can beat that one, Ponytail.
Here goes my pitiful attempt.

The tired housewife wrung her hands in frustration when the electricity went off just as she was putting her casserole in the oven.  What would she do now, she thought.  Of all times for this to happen her husband was bringing his boss and his wife home for dinner.  She got out her crystal candle holders that she inherited from her grandmother and sat them in the middle of the table.  She then put out her best china and got everything all ready.  Just time to run down to the Kentucky Fried Chicken and bring back the meal.  Then she would pray that the quest didn't recognize Colonel Sanders' recipe. 
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline Outlast

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2015, 11:02:44 PM »
The tired housewife wrung her hands in frustration when the electricity went off just as she was putting her casserole in the oven. "Drat and tarnation!" she grumbled as she crossed to the fireplace and pulled the hot poker from the embers. Her cold eyes surveyed the exhausted donkey harnessed to her husband's electro-machine. She raised the red-hot poker menacingly, which was all that was required to get the donkey to resume turning the great wheel which produced the electro-magic needed to cook a proper newt eye casserole. Pleased with her cruel accomplishment Grizelle returned the poker to its fiery home and placed the cold casserole in the quickly warming oven. She honestly had no idea how other women managed without a wizard for a husband.


ok, I think we can all agree that Ponytail won this hands down by serving her husband, 'er her character's husband crow. Congratulations Ponytail! Please post the next sentence below.

Offline bacali

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Re: New Paragraph Contest
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2015, 02:09:08 AM »
 :clap: :clap:

Yup, ponytail. I shouldn't have read your paragraph. It took away any imagination I had for this week.
Very clever and funny ! -rollinglaugh-


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