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President Donald Trump ?

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After years of saying he would, Donald Trump has officially cast his hat in the ring....and is running for President of the U.S on the Republican ticket.
Now he is off to start campaigning. What are your thoughts about him ?

Merry Prankster:
Donald Trump is a shrewd businessman and is a master at branding himself.  His Presidential campaign is a combination of giant ego and shrewd marketing of his name. Let us see what happens when dozens of reporters and internet sleuths dig into Trump's business background in the coming weeks.  Can you say toxic waste?

Heard him tell George Stephanopoulas he was going to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and was going to make Mexico pay for it.

If not for anything else, "The Donald" will bring up different subjects he wants answers about ...from the other runners. He's great at doing this.
Look at the big fuss he made about Obama's birth certificate. It blew up the media for months, such that Obama finally released it to the public.

So, whether he seriously wants to be President, I don't know,...but, he certainly will make this race a whole lot more interesting ....keeping the others on their toes.

Don't get me started.  This election is turning into a joke.  I can just see it now:

Donald Trump, President of the United States, has decided to play apprentice with the (insert government high office here).   Apply now to be the next Secretary of State apprentice.


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