Open Floor > Post Games

How much?

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Let's start a new game! This one is called 'How Much?' Since we live all over the country it might be interesting to know 'How Much' something costs where we are. I'll start:

Gas costs $2.59 where I usually fill up my car, how much does it cost where you are?

Anytime you want to pose your own question, go ahead!

I buy gas for $2,14 and sometimes I get a 3 cent discount from the grocery store or Walmart. 

Today Gas in OKC was 1.99  I love it for my pocket book but the oil companies are talking about layoffs.  They need to suck it up and cut their own pay rather than the little guy!

A dozen eggs was $3.45 at Wal-Mart the other day, how about where you live?

Wow! I filled my tank for $1.25 a few days ago.

I was making a recipe that called for a vanilla bean the other day. When I checked at the store, they were $9....for one bean! Needless to say, I went without. Holy shmoley!


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