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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin  (Read 22746 times)

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Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #75 on: April 19, 2016, 06:33:55 PM »
Outtie's distinction, fetus (pro-choice)/unborn baby (pro-life) raises a host of fascinating issues wrt the sleeping curse, specifically in the case of unborn baby.  For example, assume Baby Rumbelle is an unborn baby.  If one makes the not unreasonable assumption that the sleeping curse potion's effect is similar to that of a drug, it could be argued that the potion places a sleep curse on both Belle and Baby Rumbelle (mother usually shares her drugs with baby through the placenta).  But, because Baby Rumbelle is an unborn baby, the sleeping curse placed on it is separate and distinct from Belle's.  In effect, it is a second sleeping curse.  This leads to the Prankster's hypothetical question:  If the person who gives Belle true love's kiss either is unaware of the unborn baby or does not love the unborn baby, what happens to the unborn baby's sleeping curse?  MP knows this issue will never arise on OUAT but he finds it interesting.

MP has a notion about the quill (get a life, he knows).  What if the life force within the quill is actually that of a person?  Might the quill become that person once its' business is finished but before it passes on?   Assuming the person is a cute, young maiden, it could lead to an interesting mini-story arc and some "puppy love" romance for Henry.

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #76 on: April 19, 2016, 09:44:23 PM »
That's a good question. If the baby is indeed a separate entity than would he/she also be cursed with a separate sleeping curse? Will Baby Rumbelle be born asleep? Can a baby even be born if they themselves sleep through the event? Will Doctor Whale have to do a c-section on Belle because the baby has been in there for two years and her stomach has grown so large that they're afraid she's going to explode? Will the series finale be two sleeping curses broken by fathers kissing their children (Belle/Maurice, Rumbelle/Rumbaby)? Will the writers ever admit that this has become a very silly show? Will I ever stop asking pointless questions? Will I ever find a GIF of Rumple saying 'your questions are pointless' in the 5b premiere?

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #77 on: April 20, 2016, 01:02:18 PM »
Let's face it.  It's not as pointless as season 3 was of LOST or parts of season 5 of LOST. I got very frustrated. But of course, I was the one who told David Fury (writer and Executive Producer) and everyone other producer who was part of the Fuselage that I knew they were in Purgatory so admit it.  But back to the sleeping curse.

Again another instance of Belle's pure stupidity. And let me ask, if true love's kiss -- Rumple -- awakens Belle (cause I'm not buying her father as "true love") then the baby would awaken also.  Belle just didn't think through the true love part.  Snow was Charming, Aurora was Phillip, Henry was him mom's belief.  Get over it Belle.  It was never really Emma's kiss but her belief and the kiss that came from it that worked in that instance.  You haven't even been civil to your dad since he tried to send you out of Storybrooke.

As I said, I'm glad that "dead baby" month never really spilled over to prime time drama.  Of course, these writers may not realize that this was a phenomenon on the 90s.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #78 on: April 24, 2016, 09:32:06 PM »
Well after a slow start...I'd have to say that this episode had a bang up finish. I loved the end! :97: Never thought I'd root for that to happen, but hey, it's a better ending than last week's that's for sure.  :41:

As for this week's river victim...did what I think happened really happen or am I just being suspicious minded?

My TV went out for a minute or so in the middle (right after little Zelena opened the blood lock), but I don't think I missed anything vital. They didn't slip in any deaths while I wasn't looking, right?

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #79 on: April 25, 2016, 11:01:05 AM »
What James survive and David die. No, I think it was James who went into the water.  There was a slight difference and David had blood on his face.  I'm not sure exactly but thought that at first also.  Emma seemed sure it was David.  (They needed different color coats). 

I loved Cora's walk into the light.  Eerie but great.  Only thing is her husband should have been seen waiting.

Loved Pan's last line.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #80 on: April 25, 2016, 11:07:37 AM »
Recaps summary:

With the baby in hand, James is ready to kill both Emma and Robin by forcing them off the docks and into the River of Souls. Thankfully, David arrives just in time,having been rescued by Hook (yess!), but his twin brother is in no way ready to make amends. As James puts it, killing David is his unfinished business. The pair fight, ultimately to the death, as David, in attempt to protect himself from James stabbing him with a concealed knife, flings his brother over the edge of the dock, into the river, sentencing him to death. By the look on his face, it’s an act that’s not going to sit well with Prince Charming moving forward.
  per Hollywood Life

Also from the way Cruella ran, I think it was James.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #81 on: April 25, 2016, 12:43:27 PM »
Okay -- Spoiler info from TVLine -- Michael Ausiello.  I know I use to call him Michael A**-**** but he does better on his own site than TV Guide.


PRE-FINALE: With Emma ever "emotional" about the situation she put loved ones in, the May 1 episode flashes back to "a time in her life we haven't visited since the pilot," meaning her days as a bail bondsperson, says co-creator Eddy Kitsis. Alas, despite having stormed the Underworld with a very specific plan to save Hook, "what Emma is going to have to face to get him back is very different than what she thought," says co-creator Adam Horowitz. Elsewhere as the Underworld arc comes to a close: Rumple explores both leverage and a loophole to nix Hades' contract; Regina and Robin "team up to take someone down" on May 8; Henry's power as the Author "plays a huge part" in the proceedings; we meet Hades' brother Zeus; and a current coupling "maybe" won't last the season.

SEASON FINALE (MAY 15): In addition to tying up loose ends (including "What happened to the Camelot people?"), the two-hour season ender (airing at 7/6c) introduces Sam Witwer (Smallville) and Hank Harris (Popular) in a storyline that tees up "something new for Season 6," including "ominous threats that are different from ones we've experience before," Horowitz says.

Okay-- they've already said "insane aslym" and people jumped on the brothers Grimm.  Where are they going and who will be committed?  Belle, Rumple, Snow, Charming, Regina, Emma, Henry or Hook.

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #82 on: April 25, 2016, 02:46:38 PM »
What James survive and David die. No, I think it was James who went into the water.  There was a slight difference and David had blood on his face.  I'm not sure exactly but thought that at first also.  Emma seemed sure it was David.  (They needed different color coats). 

I loved Cora's walk into the light.  Eerie but great.  Only thing is her husband should have been seen waiting.

Loved Pan's last line.
I've read a few posts on the message boards (I don't recommend this as the boards seem to be even meaner then they were the last time I mentioned them) to see if it really could have been Charming and it looks like you're right LM...it was James that went into the river. Darn I was hoping this would be the final proof that the pan pipe theory was correct.

I don't feel like Cora and Henry Sr.'s marriage was a very happy one. He always seemed more like her servant than her husband. I remember way back when we first saw the younger version of Henry Sr. and the actor was so much taller than the Henry Sr. we knew that the writers/producers/somebody said that they liked to think that years of living with Cora shrunk him. :D In fact I think that would make a great short story of Cora and Henry right after the wedding with Cora enchanting him so that he shrinks a little bit every time he disobeys her.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #83 on: April 25, 2016, 06:08:01 PM »
MP cannot recall an OUAT episode featuring a bigger collection of OUAT baddies.  His reaction was mixed.  MP will focus on the writers’ treatment/mistreatment of some of his favorite villains.

Cora:   What happened to MP’s Queen of Evil?   The perpetrator of innumerable unspeakable acts and evil deeds against her family and the public at large makes a mea culpa and a Roseanne Roseannadanna, restores a couple of memories, wraps it up with an “I was wrong, I’m sorry, I love you,” and then traipses off to Paradise Penthouse?  C’mon, OUAT, get serious.  Walt Disney is having his tombstone re-chiseled as MP writes this.  MP cannot believe Cora ended her career (in the present) with such a goodie –goodie whimper.  BTW, seeing as how Cora was in such a magnanimous mood, how could she fail to tell Zelena who her father is?

Zelena:  What is happening to MP’s verdant villain and vixen of vengeance?  Instead of tossing fireballs she’s throwing hugs and kisses.  She appears to have her feet firmly planted on the road to goodification.  O the horror…..Combined with Cora, it might take MP the entire OUAT off-season to get over this.  He already has doubled his Prozac prescription.

Cruella:  She went from bullying bravado to a whimpering wuss.  She’s nothing without her car.

Hades:  MP approves of the bewitched, beguiled, besotted hellboy’s taste in women, cars and music.

Rumple:  Just when MP is about to lose all hope, Rumple shows up to restore his faith in evil.  Daddy Dearest must have required some incentive to participate in Rumple’s scheme to kidnap Zelena and swap her for the contract.  Whom will it be?  Idle thought—was Zelena taken to an institution for the magically insane?  Nah.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2016, 12:01:13 PM »
Regarding Cora:  She served a sentence as the Miller's daughter that seemed overly harsh.  We're not sure what else she's suffered under Hades.  She had to how did they put it. . . correct the biggest wrong and I guess that was separating her daughters.  Actually I thought she had to face more fire than her hubbie did so that may have been a test to see if she was really ready to redemption.

Regarding Zelena:  Remember, it took 3 season to really redeem Regina.  I'm betting there is still some evil there so we'll have to wait and see.

Regarding Rumple:  He knows he needs an ace up his sleeve.  Who better than dear old dad. I'm betting he's going to give Pan Zelena's daughter.  Pan didn't specify sex.   :72:

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2016, 07:45:11 PM »
Actually, MP doesn't begrudge Cora her cheeseburger in Paradise.   One of the things OUAT is all about is the redemptive power of true love.   Was there ever a back story on Cora that explains why she became such a nasty piece of work?

Baby Pomegranate to Pan?  Yikes!  Now THAT is evil.  The Prankster thinks Pan might try and double-cross Rumple so Pan winds up with the contract.   In any event, MP hopes the OUAT writers do justice to the Pan-Rumple-Hades Bermuda triangle.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 07:48:19 PM by Merry Prankster »

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2016, 08:31:06 PM »
Well, shoot -- that explains why Robin may die.  And we're only 30 minutes into the show.

Gold is evil again!

OKay -- maybe not completely evil.  But I can't believe what happened to belle!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 09:01:27 PM by LindaM »

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #87 on: May 02, 2016, 06:37:41 AM »
I was so happy when Rumple said he gave Robin his heart back. I was not happy when he took it because we think Robin is going to die and if Rumple does it he's going to get even more hatred from the shippers. As for Belle inside Pandora's box...oh well. If she wanted to walk she shouldn't have taken a sleeping curse off the witch who killed her step-son. Glad Pan didn't succeed, although I do think he's one of the very best villains in once. Very annoyed about true loves kiss not working though. Not that I'm surprised. Whether Belle loves Rumple or not seems to fluxuate wildly from episode to episode. Apaprently she loves him enough to save him from Gaston, but not enough to wake up and walk home. Or perhaps Zelena gave her a bum sleeping curse. If you recall season three Zelena seemed to have a thing for Rumple and he rejected her hard. Twice.

I'm glad that Hades double crossed them because his 'redemption' was way too quick (not that we haven't seen such things before) and it sets up a better finale this way.

The backstory was actually good. We got a flash to a time we've never really seen and we learned about Emma's jacket armor.

Is the headline of this episode that Hook is done now? I don't know about you guys, but I was positive that Hook was making it out in some ridiculous manner and I was surprised that he didn't. Surprised but happy. I'm also happy that Hades pointed out how stupid that heart split plan was with Hooks body decomposing in Storybrooke all this time.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #88 on: May 02, 2016, 11:11:48 AM »
Okay-- we know they're out but they still have to get rid of Hades FOR GOOD!  Now, while I'd love for him to be the big bad next season, I don't see how they can do it without: 
a.  making him mortal
b.  making him nuts
c.  letting the gods have their turn with him.
I do know Zeus/Jupiter is scheduled to appear so I think the "gods" must take a hand.  He could actually be a good "big bad" but I'm not sure how he'd play staying in Storybrooke.

Regarding Hook, I've seen him coming through some type of portal.  Of course, all those pictures have now disappeared.  I'm sure somehow he'll be back.  They got Emma's defenses down and they're going to just hurt her again.  Plus, he fits in the mix so well.  Besides would they destroy two ships in one year - yeah, they would.  They are keeping this finale very close to the vest.

Backstory here was excellent.  I loved how they played it.  It was funny to see two Heroes Reborn (one villian/one good guy) playing the opposite roles (Pan villain/Bounty Hunter good guy).

Okay -- after seeing preview my questions are as follows:
1.  Who dies -- Regina looks grief struck but Emma is the one crying.  This show was always meant to be about the Charming (extended) family.  Are we to believe that Snow, David or Henry dies.  Henry would have caused Regina more grief.  Good show only showing the two leading ladies Once.

2.  Does Belle end up because of her endless sleep at the insane asylum? Could Rumple commit her there.  And how does papa = true love's kiss.  Or will it be that terrible Will Scarlett  :91:

3.  Brothers finale -- Henry in New York with his true love from Camelot.  We know somehow he makes it to that weirdly titled finale but what in the heck is that about.  Regina and Emma re chasing Henry.  Henry and Emma can go through but can Regina.  And Gold was seen filming on the streets also. 

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #89 on: May 02, 2016, 05:21:11 PM »
MP has afew observations about the episode:

Pan probably should have known that Rumple would double-cross him.  The apple never falls far from the tree.  Rumple did not want Pan running around in the world of the living.

MP has a strange thought about the “Hades in Storybrooke” issue.  Zeus shows up to rein in his wayward brother. He takes Hades’ heart, gives it to Hook and banishes Hades back to the Underworld.  This also might set Zelena against Hook/Emma withRegina possibly caught in the middle.

The decomposing body issue puzzles the Prankster.  How could Pan return?

The Storybrookers allowed a number of people to pass on but they also did a fair job of augmenting the population of the River of Lost Souls.

Do you know what happened to the quill? Did it pass on?


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