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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2016, 09:44:34 PM »
3.21 - Snow Drifts
Other than Emma wanted to go back to New York (leaving everyone behind but Henry) and the Rumple/Belle dagger stuff (which as you know I hated)... this is a very good 2-parter (yes even with Hook in it).

Emma: Thank you, Mr. Gol-, (stops herself mid-sentence) Rumplestiltskin, for believing us. I know that time travel is hard to swallow.
Rumplestiltskin: Not as hard as the other mystery you’ve presented me. (pointing at Hook) Why haven’t I killed him?
Hook: If it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t for lack of efforts. Let’s just say we bury the hatchet.
Rumplestiltskin: Yes, but why not in your skull? (Belle enters.)
Belle: Oh, Rumplestiltskin. You’re back. Do you, uh, do you need anything?
Emma: (turns around) Belle.
Belle: (to Emma) So, do we know each other?
Emma: Sorry, no. Mr. um- Rumple, the Dark One told me about you.
Belle: Did he?
Rumplestiltskin: No. (making a dismissive gesture) Go away and read a book or whatever it is you like to do. Come back and clean later. (turns away)
Belle: You could ask nicely.
Rumplestiltskin: I could also turn you into a toad.
Emma: (muttering quietly) It’s a miracle you two fall for each other. (Belle exits.)
Rumplestiltskin: (laughing) What? I mean, first you tell me I let the pirate live. Now you’re telling me I fall for the help.

3.21 Snow Drifts Deaths - NONE ...too many butterflies.

3.22 - There's No Place Like Home

See above and add the lovely realization Emma comes to at the end of the episode.

Emma: You think, I don’t know that? Yes, I run away. That’s how I always survived. But, believe me, I want this to work. I wanna go back. I wanna stop running.
Hook: What’s changed your mind?
Emma: Watching my mother die. Thinking she was dead. You saw what happened. I was so relieved when she was okay. And I hugged her. And you know what I saw in her eyes? Nothing. She didn’t know who I was. (Her voice breaks.) I had saved her and lost her, too. And that’s what I’ve been doing to her since I met her. It’s got to stop. When Henry brought me to Storybrooke he told me I was the savior. I didn’t see what he was really doing: He was not bringing me back to break a curse. He was bringing me home. Neal was right.
Hook: About what?
Emma: You don’t have a home until you just miss it. Being with my parents the last few days, but not really being with them? I’ve never missed them more. Storybrooke. That’s my home.

Belle: Rumplestiltskin, this thing we have, it’s never been easy. I’ve - I’ve lost you so many times. I’ve lost you to darkness. To weakness and... And finally, to death. But now I realize - I realize that I have not spent my life losing you. I’ve spent my life finding you.
Mr. Gold: Belle, when we met I wasn’t just unloved and unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up. But you broke them down.You brought me home.You brought light into my life and chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you I will never forget the distance who I was...(places a ring on Belle’s finger) ... and what I am. I owe more to you than I can ever say. How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know.
Belle: But the monster is gone and the man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are. And I love you for it. Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes the best tea cup is chipped.

3.22 There's No Place Like Home Deaths - NONE

Regina 2
Rumple 2
Peter Pan 2
Snow White 1
Zelena 1!

Quite bloodless really. For a TV show that is.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2016, 09:51:09 PM »
I'll start on season five as soon as I can LM. Let me know if you want me to pick up season two where you left off or in direst circumstances... season four.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2016, 11:16:34 PM »
5.1 The Dark Swan

Not a bad episode at all for one obvious reason DARK CONSCIENCE RUMPLE ROCKS!!!!
The story goes like this... Emma just became the Dark One and once they realize she's been transported back to the enchanted forest the main cast (the awake ones anyway) run around trying to find a way back there to save Emma.

Henry and Hook free Zelena (who cuts off her own arm to escape the no magic cuff) she opens a portal to Oz, but is then re-cuffed by Regina in a weak moment (okaaay). The team then gathers at granny's dinner and prepares to fly to the old EF using Zelena's open portal, which apparently they can shift over to EF instead of Oz. Belle gets a bell jar (get it?) from the Blue Fairy so that she'll know when the husband she's leaving behind dies, then she (apparently) leaves him to the 'care' of Blue and joins the Camelot crew. They also take the baby. Yes really, they take THE BABY.

Meanwhile in the EF Emma is trying NOT to give into the darkness which is really hard because Rumple looks really good in leather. :) And we meet Merida who is pretty cool and has a neat accent. The Camelot crew arrives just in time to save Emma from going all sparkly by stopping her from squeezing Merida's heart. Then Arthur shows up and says Merlin prophesied that they would reunite them (Arthur and Merlin) and takes them to Camelot....

SIX WEEKS LATER... (did anyone remember to feed Coma Rumple?) They're all back in Storybrooke, but whoopsies they've lost their memories AGAIN (really?).  Belle immediately runs away to check on Rumple ...oh wait that didn't happen except in my head. Sorry. Instead Emma comes in wearing way too much black and accuses her family of having wronged her in some fashion in Camelot and they're all going to punished for what they did to her (after having seen the reasons behind the curse/memory loss... none of this makes sense even as a cover story for Dark Hook!) and then she turns Sneezy into a statue (not dead though since Regina will fix him next week). Fade to black.

Lancelot: (to Arthur after Sir Kay gets turned to ash by Excalibur) "Your turn."

5.1 The Dark Swan DEATHS
Well Sir Kay gets ashed by Excalibur, but I can't really give a point to a sword and The Apprentice dies (I think?) but again there isn't really a person I can point to for that either.

5.2 The Price
We open with the dwarves testing the town line again. Poor mute Dopey gets stuck with the job and soon after crossing the town line he turns into a tree.... You know I wonder if Dopey the tree is outside the town line, wouldn't some road crew show up at some point to take out this big tree that miraculously grew out of the pavement? It's right in the middle of the road for Pete's sake! Poor Dopey. Here's gonna end up in the wood chipper.

Emma again reiterates this fiction (as we now know) of everybody 'doing' something to her in Camelot. Speaking of which we get a scene in this episode where Emma uses magic and her hand starts to go a bit sparkly (ala golden Rumple), but she's still not dark enough to go full Rumple and yet in Storybrooke she's constantly uses dark magic and if as this episode reiterates 'all magic comes with a price', what is that price? Emma never goes full dark one so all this dark angst just doesn't jive very well imo. I know Emma is the main hero in Storybrooke and the show may not have wanted her to run around killing people, but as a dark one Emma was kind of disappointing.

Anyway a fury steals Robin Hood and they learn that his soul must be the price of some magic Regina used in Camelot. The fury drops Robin by the pond and summons Charon, but before it can finish sucking out Robin's soul, Regina interferes and offers her own life in return. The fury seems perfectly happy with that and begins sucking out Regina, but Snow, Charming and Grumpy grab Regina's hands and that somehow repels the fury who never returns? Ok then.

Regina yells at (a sleeping) Rumple and blames him for everything. (Blaming others IS kind of Regina's thing).

In Camelot
Regina claims to be the savior and takes some joy in controlling Emma using the dark dagger, but not nearly as much as she takes from muting Zelena.

Charming teaches Regina to dance (really the uber ambitious Cora didn't teach her daughter how to dance at a royal ball? ok then.) which is cute and later at the dance when Percival confronts the woman who murdered his whole world and tries to kill Regina (would Charming hesitate to try to kill someone who murdered his whole family? I think not)... Charming runs him through without a second thought or any noticeable regret; which I hated, because I like Charming and don't want him to be vicious or a moron.  Anyway moving right along from the further blackening of our heroes... Robin Hood is injured (presumably fatally) and Regina begs Emma to heal him, which she does despite head-Rumple's warning that a price must be paid by Regina (who knew the deals weren't just a cute quirk of Rumple's but a Dark One magic coop kind of thing?).

5.2 The Price Deaths
Charming murders Percival
We get a mention of Regina burning/killing Percival's entire village. I'm not sure if that is a different village from the one she burns down in season 2 (I think), but for Percival's sake I'll count it against her.

Regina 100
Charming 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #48 on: February 18, 2016, 10:02:50 PM »
5.3 Siege Perilous

In Camelot
Charming and Arthur bond over being born peasants and go questing.

Snow finds out that Lancelot isn't dead. And Arthur gives Charming the vacant seat at his round table (Lancelot's seat, not Percival's, cause that would be all kinds of wrong) and gives him a flowery coat of arms.

In Storybrook
Hook admits to Emma that he was the villain in Rumplestiltskin's story before Rumple became the villain in his.

And Arthur uses his squire Griff and then forces him to drink poison. Nice character they wrote for the Once and Future King.

Belle is gloomily collecting a sandwich from Granny clutching her wilting rose when the rose suddenly springs back into life and she promptly drops the plate with a smash and runs happily back to Rumple... who is no longer there. Emma took him and plans on using his new pure heart to help her extract Excalibur. I was just happy that Belle cared so much.

Regina: Enough. Now... let's have a little chat about you trying to escape back to Oz.
Zelena... you know you can't take that child away from Robin.
Zelena: Can you blame me? You're going to take it from me. This child could be my only chance for someone to truly love me, and... you got a second chance. Why can't I?
Regina: Oh, I'm sorry. But you've had a second chance and a second second chance. You can't keep painting yourself as a victim. It's absurd.
 Zelena: You can tell me that life is fair all you want. All I can tell you is that from in here, I'm still seeing one sister with all the toys... (whoosh as Regina takes Zelena's voice away again)
Regina: Be quiet and listen for once in your life.
Zelena: (Stomps foot)
Regina: You forgot who I am. The Evil Queen. I can be a far greater nightmare than you can possibly imagine. But now... my gift to you is a promise. I will make sure your baby is fine and loved and safe. Just as I promise... The same will certainly not hold for you.

Hook: Are you really suggesting that we move forward in a real relationship?
Emma: Gold and Belle loved each other.
Hook: I don't think you should use the Crocodile as your example.
Emma: But think about it. He was born a coward. He didn't find true love until he was the Dark One. You told me how the man he was groveled and cried on the deck of this ship. He changed for the better, too.
Hook: You're wrong. I was the villain in that little drama, Swan. He was a good man trying to keep his family together. I took this cutlass and put it to his head and taunted him.

Emma: All I need is your trust. I promise.
Hook: I liked you the way you were. I liked your walls. I liked being the one to break them down.
Emma: The person you found inside is still me. I have a question for you for once. Do you love me? If you tell me you don't love me, I will let you go.
Hook: I loved you.

5.3 Siege Perilous DEATHS
Arthur kills his squire.

Regina 100
Arthur 1
Charming 1

5.4 The Broken Kingdom
In Camelot
I should note that Regina continues to use dark? (it's still purple) magic all the time. Is she a goody goody yet? I don't think so.

The story is the backstory of Arthur, Gwen and Camelot and the wondrous love story of how he restored the kingdom (and his wife's affections) by throwing sand (of Avalon) at his problems. Ah the romance. Also there is a lot of coming and going in through the dark vault, which really needs a better security system and we learn from Lance and Gwen's adventure that that dark ribbon stuff can be repelled by a small flame. Gee too bad Emma didn't try that instead of stabbing it with the dagger, it might've saved her from a bad hairdo.

Emma: ( Slowly approaches the horse and reaches out, but the horse snorts and tries to move away from her, and she snatches her hand back )
Rumplestiltskin (in Emma's head): ( Laughs ) Well, I guess the pony's smarter than the pirate. She knows what you are, dearie.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #49 on: February 22, 2016, 02:32:24 PM »
5.5 Dreamcatcher
In Camelot - Emma rips out Violet's heart and uses it to break Henry's which frees Merlin from his tree-prison.
In Storybooke Merida 'trains' Rumple to be (wait for it) BRAVE. And Regina and company find out that Emma is hiding Excalibur in her basement and has a stash of dark magic infused dreamcatchers.

Deaths - none.

Emma: You're gonna need your strength if you're going to remove the sword.
Mr. Gold: ( Breathing heavily ) I, uh, I won't be able to do that. You should really just let me go. Please. I-I need to see Belle. Emma: You're not going anywhere until you get me my sword.
 Mr. Gold: Well, you have so much power. W-w-why do you need Excalibur?
Emma: Tell me, when you were the Dark One, did you advertise your plans?
Mr. Gold: My plans were always hidden. But my reasons were not. Every time I used magic, I told myself it was all for my son... to protect him.
Emma: How noble.
Mr. Gold: Despite my best intentions... I still lost him.
Emma: I'm stronger than you were.
Mr. Gold: Well, that... that really doesn't matter. The more you justify what you're doing, the more you push them away. And take it from me... you will always lose the ones you love the most.

5.6 The Bear and the Bow
I like this episode, I do. It's Rumple and Belle centered and I appreciate that no end, but enough with the angst! I've just rewatched all of season one and season three and Rumple and Belle had a great relationship throughout the show that falls apart in season four for what I can only assume are plot reasons because they never fit the story/characters for me.

Also perhaps this show and TV in general should rethink the tried and true head bashing trope. Merida bashes Belle on the head in this episode to get her into her boat without resistance and in the last episode Merida did the same thing to Rumple. Have these people never heard of rope or duct tape or CONCUSSION?

Deaths - None

Belle: Wait. What happens if he can't pull it from the stone?
Emma: Then you will be sweeping his remains from the floor. You were his maid once.
Mr. Gold: Belle... Just in case this doesn't work, I want you to know that I am sorry for everything. If I had to do it all again, I would make sure I was the man you deserved right from the very start... And I would change everything for you.
Belle: It's never too late.
 (Mr. Gold removes Excalibur from the stone.)
Mr. Gold: Well, well. A deal's a deal.
(Emma takes Excalibur.)
Mr. Gold: Now, you may have Excalibur, but you've made one mistake in all of this... One terrible mistake... You've turned me into a hero.
Emma: There are heroes all over this town, and none of them have been able to stop me yet.
Mr. Gold: Well, that's because none of them... Are me.

5.7 Nimue
Ah the episode that screwed up the timeline.

We open '1000 years before the age of Arthur' (which is basically 1000 years ago +10-30 years depending on when exactly Arthur's age begins parallel to our story.  Merlin and his unnamed buddy, (both with rope tied around their wrists to indicate that they've just escaped from something) come across the Holy Grail in a desert and since they're dying of thirst they're pretty grateful to 'the gods' (rather a poor choice of words in a Grail story imo). Merlin's buddy drinks first and turns to ash; Merlin than drinks in a more respectable manner (I guess, since he isn't ashed) and becomes super powerful in magic and immortal to boot. He touches the ground and grass grows across the desert (does this mean England used to be a desert in Once?).

500 Years Before the Time of Arthur
Merlin and his apprentice (who is about 10 years old here) heal people and generally do good. And then he meets Nimue whose village has been burned down, not by Cora or Regina, but by a masked villain named Vortegan (sp?) Merlin notes that he can't 'read' Nimue (he seems to have a second sight/seer ability similar to Rumple's where he sees the future but it's a bit wobbly, especially when it touches his own life) and he must be a mystery lover because he promptly falls in love with her. He tells her about the grail and tells her he wants marriage and mortality and she's all ...not me, I want immortality and power. Rut roh.

Anyway, he takes her to the promethean flame and uses it to turn the grail into Excalibur and while he's not looking Numue drinks from the grail. ...What makes Nimue worthy exactly? The Grail killed Merlin's friend, but allowed Merlin to drink which makes you think Merlin must be a good guy (which he really seems to be), but Nimue? Why did the Grail allow her to drink?

Anyway Vortegan shows up and demands the sword, and stabs Nimue who pretends to die to 'teach Merlin what death feels like' (as she says later), Merlin cries and then Nimue comes back to life and kills Vortegan by snatching and crushing his heart, which in turn turns her goldish-green. She breaks Excalibur so that Merlin can't use it to cut the magic away ...from anyone. Later Merlin stashes the broken sword in the stone and forges the dark dagger from the broken tip to control Nimue (who later takes it from him and turns him into a tree).

In Camelot One Year Ago*
Emma makes dreamcatchers the way Rumple used to spin gold. Hey every dark one needs a hobby.
Arthur doesn't trust our people any more so he brews a melty potion that never comes up again.
Zelena offers to help and while Snow is guarding her alone she kicks her in the gut and escapes, going straight to Arthur who removes her no-magic cuff and plunges our heroes into the deep end as he is then able to tether Merlin to the broken sword making him Arthur's (well whoever happens to be holding the sword) slave.

In Storybrooke
The Darkness (Nimue flanked by all dark ones + Rumple - I didn't actually count but it seems like a dozen or so and all in only 300 years? See why I think they screwed up the timeline?) tells Emma that it's proud of her as she re-forges Excalibur.

Why does Merlin (in his 'voice mail') say that only Nimue can defeat the darkness? How does finding Nimue help matters? This has yet to be addressed and I don't sense that it will be addressed in 5b.

*Ok so the show is now telling us that the entire history of The Dark Ones only goes back 500 years to Nimue?! What a pitiful curtailing of the dark mythos to make the long list of darkness stretching back into the mists of time... only 500 years old. 200 or so of which are spent in Rumple.  Also Merlin says something to effect that dark magic was created at this moment... so dark magic itself only goes back 500 years then? Was all magic light magic until Nimue?

Merlin says (full quote below)
Emma: Is it possible for someone to have the darkness, but use it for good, use it to protect people?
Merlin: Emma, don't let those thoughts tempt you.
Emma: But is it true?
Merlin: Someday perhaps there will be a person who's worthy to hold that much power and not let it burn through to darken their soul. But if we can wipe out the darkness, we'll never have to ask that much of anyone.

Could it be possible that this is referring to Rumple? Will he with his white heart be able to contain all the darkness without succumbing to it again? Food for thought anyway.

Zelena: Without magic I'm a delicate thing.

Hook: Don't touch it. It could have protection charms.
Regina: Tell your timbers to stop shivering, pirate. Nothing in here can hurt us. Arthur doesn't know how to do magic.

Emma: I'm not nothing! I was never nothing! The power you have I don't need! Now I am going to take that ember from you, and you are going to let me.

Emma: Is it possible for someone to have the darkness, but use it for good, use it to protect people?
Merlin: Emma, don't let those thoughts tempt you.
Emma: But is it true?
Merlin: Someday perhaps there will be a person who's worthy to hold that much power and not let it burn through to darken their soul. But if we can wipe out the darkness, we'll never have to ask that much of anyone.
Emma: Sounds like we need to find the other half of Excalibur.

Nimue kills Vortegan

Regina 100
Arthur 1
Charming 1
Nimue 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2016, 09:32:14 PM »
5.8 Birth

In Camelot
Arthur, now in league with Zelena, and with Merlin under sword control ties all of Emma's family to trees and threatens to kill them all if Emma doesn't hand over the dagger and the promethean flame. Emma refuses and Arthur orders Merlin to kill Emma's mother. But Emma tricks Zelena into opening a box which then leaves her tied to a tree of her own and while that's happening Hook manages to wriggle loose and knock over Arthur.  In the process Hook gets nicked by Excalibur and once Emma realizes what's happened she turns Hook into a dark one to save his life (over the reasonable objections of her family and of Hook himself) and the sword now reads Killian Jones (space) Emma Swan.

In Storybrooke
The Heroes confront Arthur over some previous mushroom drama. He escapes, besting Hook in the process, but Emma swoops in to save him.
Hook goes to Rumple (of all people) for advice (shout out to crossbow wielding Belle!) which somehow ends with Hook jumping off a roof to attract Emma's attention. Then she kidnaps him for his own good, locking him up with Zelena which seems like a foolproof plan if I ever heard one. I should note that Zelena has just given birth after eating some of Emma's special order onion rings and is about to be murdered to save Hook in some nebulous dark one plan. ...anyway, Hook frees Zelena with his 'enchanted' hook (how many times have they used that anyway?), but doesn't escape because he wants to talk to Emma. He freezes Emma with squid ink and then Zelena comes back in to reveal the dark truth. End scene.

King Arthur: Look at that. Seems you brought a hook to a sword fight.
Hook: Actually, I brought a sword, but I seem to have misplaced it.

Zelena: Let's just say when the Dark One offers you onion rings... Aah!... Don't eat them!

Hook: You see this? Belonged to a man named Barnaby. Called me "One Hand Jones." I killed him in front of his wife, took his ring. This one, Edgar. Fine sailor. I caught him drinking the captain's wine. I drowned him. Every ring is a sad story.

Hook: ( Coughs, groans ) ( Sighs ) ( Breathing heavily ) Zelena. Why are you here?
Zelena: Your insane girlfriend sped up my pregnancy, kidnapped me right after giving birth, and separated me from my little girl. And they say I'm wicked.

Hook admits to murdering two men, Barnaby and Edgar by name (I believe) and taking their rings. Good enough for me.

Regina 100
Hook 2
Arthur 1
Charming 1
Nimue 1

5.9 The Bear King
I admit I fast forwarded through a lot of this.

Arthur stabs (skewers really) King Fergus in the back. The battle scene was very chaotic, but I didn't see anything else that I could call a point here.

Regina 100
Arthur 2
Hook 2
Charming 1
Nimue 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2016, 06:31:33 PM »
5.10 Broken Heart
I'll skip all the Rumbelle heart-break for the sake of my sanity.

In Camelot
Hook oozes out of the dark vault and sees his own personal head Rumple (amusing) who says now he can do what he's always wanted to do and kill me (Rumple). So Hook kills Merlin to enact the dark curse through Nimue's love? for him. Emma knocks everyone out and takes their memories adding a dream catcher to the curse.

In Storybrooke
Newly aware dark one Hook challenges Rumple to a duel on his ship. Rumple agrees. Before the duel Hook heals Rumple's leg to make it a fair(er) fight. Rumple sort of wins this, getting Excalibur from Hook, but refusing to kill him. Hook leaves and reveals that all he really wanted was a drop of Rumple's formerly dead blood so that he could call in Charon the ferryman and bring back all the former dark ones.

Hook: What the devil am I wearing? Why must Dark Ones dress like monks?
Darkness: Yes, much better. I went leather as well.

Darkness: Careful, dearie. That's the oldest heart in all the realms. Let's cut it open and count the rings.

Hook: Well, I have to hand it to you, Crocodile. You lasted a lot longer than I expected. If you'd fought me with such vigor back in the day, I might have given you your wife back. Soiled, but returned.

Hook kills Merlin

Regina 100
Hook 3
Arthur 2
Charming 1
Nimue 1

5.11 Swan Song

Distant Past Enchanted Foresty Time
Hook and his brother Liam are sold into slavery by their father.

Less Distant Enchanted Forest Time
Hook kills his own, miraculously still alive due to sleeping curse, father to prove his worth to Regina (who is about to kill her own father too at this point). Thus leaving his much much much younger brother Liam the 2nd an orphan, who may or may not have grown up to be important to us at a later date.

In Storybrooke
The dark ones Hook called in have all marked one of Emma's family/friends; Snow, Charming, HENRY (marked by Nimue herself), Regina, Robin, Rumple and all six remaining non-deciduous dwarves... for hell. So they'll be trading their heart/bodies/souls to allow all those dark ones to remain in the land of the living.
Regina sends Zelena to Oz.
Emma decides to channel all the dark into herself so that she can kill herself upon Excalibur and destroy the darkness. Eventually Hook decides to man up and do that bit himself, perhaps suddenly realizing that sending a dozen or so of your girlfriends family to hell is no way to gain favor. He channels the darkness and Emma kills him destroying the darkness forever! ...oh wait, nope instead the darkness has just moved back into its old home in Rumple. Great. Emma now decides to drag her entire family (those that can walk) down to hell anyway to 'save' Hook ...wasn't that just what he kind of died to prevent? She thinks she can split her heart the way her folks did, but since the rest of Hook is in the morgue and even if she could preserve it, there's  still the issue of his unhealable wound from Excalibur.... I think it's a bad plan.

Hook kills his father

Regina 100
Hook 4
Arthur 2
Charming 1
Nimue 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2016, 09:59:57 AM »
 I promise to get back to mine.  This week should be easier and maybe I'll stop falling asleep on the couch. My answers below.

Why does Merlin (in his 'voice mail') say that only Nimue can defeat the darkness? How does finding Nimue help matters? This has yet to be addressed and I don't sense that it will be addressed in 5b.

I think at that point of the story they were going with the old myth that Merlin would only awake when England needed him.  After that was said, I think the show went into a different direction. Can it still be addressed?  Of course, this is Once!

*Ok so the show is now telling us that the entire history of The Dark Ones only goes back 500 years to Nimue?! What a pitiful curtailing of the dark mythos to make the long list of darkness stretching back into the mists of time... only 500 years old. 200 or so of which are spent in Rumple.  Also Merlin says something to effect that dark magic was created at this moment... so dark magic itself only goes back 500 years then? Was all magic light magic until Nimue?

I think we have to accept that 500 years in our times is different in the fairy tale lands.  Same thing with Christianity and God. My minister from my youth said never deny "Darwanism" because we don't know how long a day is with God. God could have made a day a million years or 24 hours so the dinosaurs cannot be discredited or discounted as fake.  I think we need to accept that some Dark Ones lived for thousands of years.  What I would accept is that Rumple held the darkness for 500 years.

[quote}Merlin says (full quote below)
Emma: Is it possible for someone to have the darkness, but use it for good, use it to protect people?
Merlin: Emma, don't let those thoughts tempt you.
Emma: But is it true?
Merlin: Someday perhaps there will be a person who's worthy to hold that much power and not let it burn through to darken their soul. But if we can wipe out the darkness, we'll never have to ask that much of anyone.

Could it be possible that this is referring to Rumple? Will he with his white heart be able to contain all the darkness without succumbing to it again? Food for thought anyway.[/quote]

I'm beginning to think that since Rumple had been the Dark One/lost the Dark One/been a hero that he might have the power to ultimately defeat the darkness.  As I've said so often (and tweeted to Adam Horowitz last night), let me suggest the final ending of the show.  The one way around this would be to do "The Last Battle" only make Susan good and still following.  Regina would be the character but in their version was bad now good and accepting.

David -- Peter
Emma -- Lucy
Susan -- Regina
Edmund -- Possibly Hook or someone to be named later
Digory -- Henry
Polly -- Snow
Eustace --  Robin???
Jill -- Belle
White Witch -- Zelena
The supreme being -- ultimate sacrifice/redeemer -- Rumple  -- Is that going too far.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2016, 04:01:06 PM »
I'm not completely sold on the last battle simply because I think OUAT would royally screw it up. It's been awhile since I read The Last Battle but I looked it up on wiki http://narnia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Last_Battle to brush up.
Then Peter and Edmund explain that they had been standing on the railway platform when the train came around the bend a bit too fast. There was a loud roar and something had hit them hard but it didn't hurt and they found themselves in Narnia. Old aches had disappeared. Digory tells about being on the train with Polly and not feeling old and stiff any more. Peter says that they just stood there until the door opened. Tirian turned and saw a door just standing in the middle of a field. He looks through a crack in the door to see the glow of the fire, stars, and sky. The inside of the stable is bigger than the outside. Lucy tells how in our world once a stable held something that was bigger than the stable.
Aslan walks to the door leading to "nowhere" and shouts thrice with a great voice, "TIME!"

Aslan wakes Father Time, who rises into the sky like a giant among giants. Father Time raises a great horn to his mouth and sounds the call. The sky immediately fills with shooting stars and a great starless patch forms as the stars fall to the ground around them. The stars in Narnia are people and they land, falling behind Aslan and the humans. Their light shines into the darkness, enabling the onlookers to see all of what was happening. As the children watch, all the vegetations are eaten by the lizards, dragons, and salamanders. (Jill and Eustace had previously seen them sleeping in The Silver Chair and were told they would awaken at the end of the world, which is now.) Then all the people and animals (including those who had previously died) gather outside the door, either to join Aslan or not join him (talking beasts became ordinary animals if they do not join). The ones who do not join fade into Aslan's shadow, never to be seen again, to fate unknown even to C.S. Lewis (but it may be Tash's realm). Then the great dragons, salamanders and giant lizards grow old, die and rot into skeleton structures. Then the whole world (presumably as far as Bism) is consumed by a great flood from the Utter East, to the Utter West. Then the mountains in every location, crumble and fall into the new body of water. The water then reaches and hits the stable door, but does not pass. The sun rises, and it has become a dying red giant like the sun in the World of Charn. The moon rises and is consumed by the sun. Aslan orders Father Time to crush the sun like an orange, and almost immediately, the great body of water starts to become solid ice. Peter closes the freezing door and locks it, thus bringing an end to the World of Narnia.

However, Aslan leads them away from their dead world and into his own country. As Aslan leads the humans into the Garden within the Western Wild of the true Narnia, he explains to them the jolt they felt upon entering Narnia. He tells them that there was a railway accident and that they died in the accident. Susan Pevensie, however, did not die because she did not go on the train with the others. Her final fate remains a mystery.
Funny I always remembered that as Susan dying and not coming with them to Aslan's Country, but apparently if this wiki is right she survived in our world (which hadn't yet reached it's end), so hopefully she came back to Aslan in the end. I'd like to think so.

Anyway I just don't think Once will do it any justice, especially to the deeper religious themes. But in my head I can sort of see it... everyone dying in Storybrooke (one of the curses finally does in the whole town) and appearing in the enchanted forest where they have one last battle against the dark forces/villains. Everyone picks a side and in the end those who choose darkness are swallowed up by it and those who choose light go on to a better place. And I do think someone will have to get left behind or be chewed up by the darkness. We all hate that Susan didn't make it into Aslan's country, but C. S. Lewis was trying to make a point to his readers about the fatality of non-belief. Susan got too old/smart to believe in something as silly as Narnia and the same thing can be said about a lot of us and God.

They could also go full Lost and have them all meet up in the enchanted forest for the final battle after having died separately (ala Lost season six). Henry could tell Emma all about her great-grandchildren. Rumple will meet Bae again... all of which would of course directly contradict season five of Once, where everyone apparently goes to the underworld when they die and from there on to the good or bad place while those they left behind go on living until it's their time to go to the underworld and so on. In the Lost version everybody just sort of hangs around in purgatory (or whatever you want to call that 'sideways' place) until all their friends die (one assumes they waited a loooong time for Hurley and Ben) and then and only then do they move on.

Hopefully that didn't come off as babbling.  :043:  Anyway... I am willing to do 4b for you if you want me too. I'm even willing to stomach 4a as long as I don't have to watch the 4a finale again. Just let me know what you'd like me to do, LM.  :88:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2016, 12:52:29 PM »
NO -- I can but you can watch 2 B if you want -- just kidding.  I think it's because I got swamped at work because we've been trying to figure out some work situations (whether they're changing or not).  As of now, I'm keeping them for another year at least which is taking some of the stress off of me.  I think the problem is I hit Tallahassee and don't want to forget how good that episode was.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2016, 08:15:37 AM »
Season 2, Episode 6  -- Tallahassee

We finally get the story on who the dude was in episode one of season 2.  It's Neil (or Neal) otherwise known as Baelfire.  Of course, we don't find this out til the end.  This is an Emma-centric episode and also features the Beanstalk.  After the Doctor it was welcomed and one of the best episodes of season 2.

In Enchanted Forest, we find out that Emma and company must go to the land of the giants to get the compass which means going up the beanstalk.  Problem:  No more beans. If they don't use it, they're sunk because the beans were destroyed by the giants who are considered evil.  The giants use the beans to come down to the land and plunder but Hook can counter the spell. To make matters worse, Emma and Snow (as she's called here) can't get home without the compass. 

As they start up the last remaining bean stalk, Mulan gives Emma a powder made of a poppy that will put Hook to sleep (they still don't trust him).  Emma tells her to cut the beanstalk down in 10 hours if she's not back.  And up the beanstalk they go. And as the climb, Hook tries out various lines on Emma.  Two key notes on this:  Hook understands Emma better than she knows and he gets she's an orphan. To him, she's an open book.

Mulan is downstairs and the time keeper.  She marks off a sundial so she knows when to cut the bean stalk. Aurora and Snow discuss the sleeping curse. Snow knows what Aurora is going through and feels and will watch while Aurora sleeps. 

Hook and Emma is at the top.  Here is a battle field. Emma hides a cut because Giants can smell blood.  Hook moves ahead and they sneak into the cave where the giant sleeps.  Hook slips up and talks about Rumple but not much revealed.  Hook wants Emma to lure the giant.  When the giant lunges, Emma throws the powder given to her by Mulan and he collapses asleep. 

Aurora has a nightmare and Snow awakes her. The dream is about a fiery room and someone in the shadows.  Meanwhile, Emma is having trouble with Hook as he is attracted to all the treasure and she only wants the compass.  As giant wakes and attacks again, he stops when he gets to Emma.  Emma tells the giant about the compass and family. She hits him, grabs sword, hits the floor, and the roof falls. No, wait!  The gian is caught in a cage.  Emma needs the compass and the giant begs for death because he's the last one left. He tells her Hook lied and he (the giant) is not a bad guy.  She gets him free and he tells her to leave.  Hook needs help getting out.  Emma needs the compass.  In the end, Emma gets the compass and chains Hook up in the giant's castle because she can't take a chance on him.  Hook won't die and Emma gets a head start.

Down below, Mulan knows the time has passed and starts to chop the stalk down. Snow tries to stop her and Emma appears before the tree falls.  They now will get the dust from Cora.

11 years earlier in the American West

Emma is shown stealing a yellow Volkswagon but she gets more than a car. Neil is in the back street and it a petty thief also. When they hare pulled by cops, Emma learns his history as he weaves a story that the cops believe.  He tells them that he and Emma are boyfriend/girlfriend and the cop lets them off with a warning. 

Emma and Neil become a team.  She plays like she's pregnant and the rob convenience store for food.  When Neil gets caught, Emma fakes labor.  That bump is where they stash their food. Emma has found a dream catcher and places it where they're staying.  Neil proposes (sort of) and they discuss settling down.  He mentions Neverland. They decide to move and settle and get a map. The place chosen is Tallahassee. 

In Phoenix, there is a wanted poster for Neil regarding a jewelry robbery.  This means Tallahassee is out and they must go to Canada -- he alone.  Emma volunteers to go for the watches.  Emma goes to the locker, gets the back, and walks out.  Neil gives her a watch.  They're to meet back at 9 sharp.

As Neil leaves, he is followed by a strange man (we know as August) and Neil makes that he's being followed. He tries to get away but August stops him. August gets Neil to come with him because he has a long story to tell.  The story is about Emma and he's her guardian angel.  August has been looking for Emma for two years and he knows he's not perfect but Neil has to leave her so Emma can fulfill her destiny.  He opens the trunk to reveal...and we don't see but later know that it's a typewriter with "I know who you are."  August reveals there is a curse that needs to be broken and Emma is the key.  August task was to keep her safe and Neil must leave her.  Neil needs to make the decision and do the right thing. 

Emma waits for Neil but he doesn't show.  Instead, she's found  by the cops who arrest her and she ends up in jail over stolen property. Later in Vancouver, August and Neil talk again. Neil has tried to lose himself but it's hard.  He can move on and be okay.  August tells Neil that Emma got 11 months in minimum security prison.  Neil gives August the car and some money for Emma.  August will be sure she gets it.  We see her later in jail, pregnant and alone and about to give birth.  She gets mail which is the car keys for when she gets out. 

In present:  Henry has a nightmare which is the same as Aurora.

Death count:  None although the giant asked to die. 

Best quotes:

Hook to Emma:  "Most men take you not talking as off putting ... afraid to reveal yourself."

Hook (regarding Lost Boys and Neverland comparing to Emma):  "Same Look in their eyes.  An orphan is an orphan."

Hook to Emma:  "You would make a hell of a pirate."

Hook to Emma:  "I don't mean to upset you, Emma, but we make quite an item."

August to Neil:  "I'm not perfect.  This world is full of temptations." 
August to Neil:  (regarding Emma):  "She has a destiny."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2016, 08:46:31 AM »
Season 2, Episode 7 -- Child of the Moon

Another back story which is about Red which may be why I disliked this episode.  The story is good but I hate werewolves. 

In Storybooke, they're mining for fairy dust. While the rest leave, Grumpy stays behind working but there is a slight cave in.  David goes into the tunnel and finds the fairy dust.  The dust needs to be ground out of the mine and made into a power to get Emma and Snow home.  Meanwhile there will be a celebration at Granny's.  As the party/night progresses, Belle and Red decide to have a girl's night.  Meanwhile, George shows up and he's not liking how his son (David) runs the town.  He's going to reveal David for who he is.  Red is going into a cage at Granny's.  Tonight is the first full moon since the curse is broken.

Meanwhile, Henry is dreaming of the fire room and sees Aurora.  Regina wakes Henry and he tells her a little about the dream. Regina takes Henry to see Gold about the burn.  He knows it is the sleeping curse.  During the curse, the soul's in the netherworld until they awake. There's no way to stop Henry from going back but there is an amulet that will help him control it.  The amulet must be worn while he sleep. Regina asks how much it costs.  Gold tells her she could afford it but he gives it to Henry and places it on him.

David and Granny are trailing Red (Ruby) who broke out of the cage.  When they find her, she can't remember anything.  David's cell phone rings, and a car has been found at the cannery.  Billy is dead.  Red thinks she did it and asks to be locked up as others show up.

Let's cut to the chase here.  George actually killed Henry to make it look like Red did it and that David wasn't doing his job.  George uses this to get the townspeople to turn on David.  George will protect the town.  George leads the townspeople to break into jail and grab Red but she's gone because Belle's protecting her.  Granny and David work to prove her innocent.  Red decides if they want a wolf, they'll get a wolf. She chains Belle in the library and turns.

At the clock tower, mob gathers with George (Spencer) leading. Approaches where Red is but Granny and David stops them and announces that George did it.  David turns and pleads with Ruby to control her wolfishness.  When he reaches out, she recognizes him and sits down. He places her cape on her and she returns to normal. George runs with David and Ruby going after him. When George tries to deal, he regeneads but loses anyway. After the drama, Ruby/Red runs to celebrate her wolfishness. 

Aurora dreams again and sees Henry who tells her not to be scared.  She calls for Snow and tells her about Henry.
Enchanted Forest  (Past)

Snow and Ruby run. Snow finds the wanted poster and shows it to Ruby.  Everything has changed. Red's worried about changes and Snow tries to stay but Ruby sends her away. 

At a stream, Red meets a man who knows that she is a "Child of the Moon."  He's one too.  He knows a way to control it an takes her to an underground cave whether others live. Anita, the leader, has been expecting her. Anita is her mother. 

Snow finds Red and the others don't like it.  Red tells Snow not to be afraid.  Regina has followed Snow and attached the wolves.  Quinn dies and Anita decides to kill Snow but Ruby is given the task.  She can't do it and Anita says she will.  Ruby turns to a wolf and stops Anita. Snow throws the cape on Red who turns back to herself and mourns her mother's death. 

Death:  George:  1 -- Billy (George tries to blame Red)
Regina's guard:  One wolf (that we saw) Quinn

Quote:  Only a few:

Red:  "I chose me.  I'm not a killer."

Red:  "I didn't lose my family today.  I protected it."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2016, 08:47:35 AM »
I'll get 8 and 9 of season two up later.  Started 2b last night and got depressed so I'll go back to it tonight.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2016, 10:10:28 AM »
Season 2, Episode 8 -- Into the Deep

Just what you don't want -- a Hook episode, right!

Enchanted Forest Now

Hook arrives back on terra forma to be met by Cora who asks for the compass.  When she finds out that Emma has it, well, she's ain't happy.  Cora has crossed two worlds to get to her daughter.  Hooks thinks Cora will kill him but she's not. She's going to leave him behind when she moves on to be with her daughter.  Hook continues to try to convince her to take him with her but she leaves him and retreats to her private lair where she awakens a troop of zombies to attack the crew and get that compass (or Aurora as it turns out). 

Aurora is dreaming of Henry in the sleeping curse again. Snow sees this as a way home.  Rumple can stop Cora and they need to know how. Aurora needs to tell Henry to ask Rumple. Meanwhile Henry has awoken and and told Regina/Charming that Emma and Snow is alive and only Gold can defeat them.  Cora stands in the way.

The group looks for a safe place for Aurora to try and contact Henry again.  Aurora has been burnt from the flames.  Mulan tells her she can't do it again but Aurora refuses to listen.

I'm putting this here because I'm not typing twoice. Aurora and Henry meets in the room but Henry doesn't get the whole message to Aurora because she disappears.  The zombie horde is attacking and as they fight off (about 10 of them), they grab Aurora and run.  They deliver Aurora to Cora who puts her in a cell and when Cora arrives with food, Aurora learns she wasn't the target but the pawn. She'll be offered in trade for the compass. When Aurora asks why they would help her, Cora explains what makes the Charmings what they are -- the protection of the innocent. Aurora is knocked unconscious

Cora's lair isn't as secret as she thought. Hook has shown up and awakens Aurora and sends her on her way. He tells her that Emma must provide him passage and he'll bring the dust. This doesn't endear him to Cora later who is very upset the hostage is gone. Just when we think no more Hook he pulls a surprise. Facing death, he offers Cora a present, Aurora's heart. Holding Aurora's heart in her hands, she gives Aurora the words to speak and a command.  They plan to go to Storybrooke together.

Mulan has wanted to give the compass to Cora for Aurora, but Snow has another plan.  She has trained her mind not to go to the fire room, but with the help of something she can. Mulan knows of a poppy that will send her into this sleep. They travel to the Woods of the Dead to get the poppy. Emma asks about the Netherworld and Snow explains it as being "like you are lost." After another short round of the blame game, Emma blames Regina.  Mulan finishes the potion, blows it in Snow's face and asleep she goes.

She meets David int eh room (after he finally finds the way in going through mirrors and breaking the floor).  She doesn't have time to give him true love's kiss though because she awakes. She realizes he is cursed and wants to return but Emma says that she can do it on returning home.

They move out to go to Rumple's cell


Gold and Belle are eating at Grannies where he is insulted. Regina arrives and Granny expect trouble but Regina says it's only talking. Regina spills that Cora is heading their way and Rumple isn't happy.  He points out that he doesn't have a beef with Cora but Regina says now she has a tool to use against him -- Belle!

Henry is going to sleep at Rumple's.  He wants to know about Cora but Regina tells him not to worry.  David worries about Henry but Rumple tells David it will be worse if Henry fails.  As Rumple tells him a story about Charming and Snow and a magician that uses a quill with special ink and where it is, Rumple falls asleep as Aurora falls asleep with Snow offering encouragement.

Henry awakens and tells them that Aurora suddenly disappeared before the message could be delivered.  Badly burned, Regina heals it.  David won't let Henry try again so that means that someone else must go under the sleeping curse.  Luckily, David volunteers and Rumple knows a way to make it happen.  It's not like the apple pies but it's like Aurora's prick of her finger. They use his spinning wheel and a draft made by Regina with the sleeping poison, David pricks his finger, and off to sleep he goes. (Regina and Henry have a talk about her using magic and she explains this is okay since she's helping people. He also feels guilty because he can't go back but Regina reminds him that his grandparents always find each other.)

Death count:
Do you count a zombie horde that comes back? If so, Mulan, Emma and Snow shot and killed them 2 or 3 times each.  There was around 8 of them.


Gold to Belle:  "Condiments are this world's most powerful magic."

Regina to Gold:  "This time you have someone you care about.  This time you have a weakness."  (Belle)

Aurora to Mulan:  "I was cursed to spend eternity int hat horrible sleep and the only reason I'm here is because you and Phillip risked your lives to save me.  Everyday since my waking has been a gift, so let me do something with it.  It's my turn to help someone."

Cora to Aurora:  "Snow and her daughter just can't help themselves. No matter the personal stakes, they won't let an innocent die."

Emma to Snow:  "You told me to have faith...and now I'm telling you.  We wil make it back."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2016, 06:21:26 PM »
Season 2, Episode 8 -- Into the Deep

Just what you don't want -- a Hook episode, right!

Death count:
Do you count a zombie horde that comes back? If so, Mulan, Emma and Snow shot and killed them 2 or 3 times each.  There was around 8 of them.

Actually I remember this version of Hook (the charming rogue/villain) rather fondly. It's the new 'hero' version of Hook that never sit right with me.

As for the Zombies I'd side with you on that one. If they were already dead than we can hardly hand out points for this episode (though I suppose their deaths have already been dealt with since they were probably in the village Cora leveled for +100 awhile back).


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