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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time Death Count  (Read 35841 times)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #105 on: February 08, 2017, 04:29:31 PM »
4.13 Unforgiven
In the past The Charmings meet Cruella and Ursula and Maleficent who kills three guards on their way to find the Tree of Wisdom. ...And thus we begin one of my least favorite storylines ever where Team Charming (aka the 'heros') will kidnap a baby and shove her through a portal on the specious theory that they will banish their own child's potential for darkness. Yeah that was dumb on every level. Maybe the #1 in the history of dumb OUAT storylines.
Anyway Maleficent later tells Snow she's pregnant and that her child might be a villain (Because the oh so pure hearted Charmings were just rejected by the tree of wisdom so of course it HAS to be the innocent baby that the tree didn't like...right?).

In Storybrooke ...Cruella & Ursy are in Granny's dinner and they twit Regina by asking if she once removed the heart of every villager in the north wood...or was that the south? ....Could we assign points for that???? That almost seems like another 100 point village burn type scenario. Regina doesn't deny it; she just threatens them about revealing her sins in front of Henry.

Later Regina is really cruel to now ten year old Pinocchio while demanding (and threatening) him to remember stuff that happened when he was August and Gepetto tells her to stay away from his boy. Later she apologizes and Gepetto shows her August's motorcycle.

The Two Queens resurrect the third Queen, Maleficent, with a double dumb assist from the guilty Charmings.

Snow doesn't have the guts to tell Emma the truth for plot reasons so she goes to Regina and confesses that Emma was born with the 'potential for great darkness' (you know like basically everyone else) and will Regina pretty please help them cover up their mess.

Oh and one more horrible plotline needs to begin here as we see Gold watching Belle lock up the shop and kissing Will Scarlett (blech).

This episode is TOTALLY in the running for worse OUAT episode ever.

Maleficent 3
Regina (possible) +100

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (Thirteen episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 3
Maleficent 3
Regina (possible) +100

4.14 Enter the Dragon
In the past we see more of Regina's jealousy towards the oh so perfect Snow White and her impatience at the slow pace of Rumple's magic lessons so Rumple poofs her off to meet her new hero Maleficent who is a drug-addled disappointment. Regina says she (Maleficent) has lost her spark so she helps her get it back in time to roast King Stephan.

Once back Regina shows Rumple what she's learned from Maleficent by putting Snow White's prized steed under a 100 tear sleeping curse.

In Storybrooke Regina starts hanging out with a bad crowd and trashes David's police car (he's very possessive for a Sheriff who got the job from his daughter) all in an effort to find the QoD's secret, which The Charmings think is related to their problems but is really just that Rumple is back in town. Emma seems very concerned about Regina. So concerned it kind of feels weird.

Hook thinks the QoD's are here to take the Dark One's dagger and he convinces Belle to give it to him to hide (insert eye rolls). Belle acts like she's afraid of Rumple (why? she wasn't even afraid of him when he was a full on goldie!) and the dagger is her only protection, so Hook tells her to call for him and if he's here he'll have to come to her. She does and nothing happens, so she's convinced that Rumple is off in the real world hobbling around in some gutter. But once her back is turned 'Hook' turns into Rumple who now has his dagger back, but his heart is broken.

Regina helps Maleificent kidnap Pinocchio and when they take him to Gold's cabin she learns that Gold is still in town and she watches as he turns Pinocchio back into an enigma wrapped in stubble.

Well Regina fireballs one of King Stephen's guards, but I think he rode off ok if I saw things correctly.
Maleficent roasts Stephen, but his shield protects him and it sounds like he wasn't killed either....so I guess no deaths.

Regina: I said we needed to meet covertly...now I see you brought the entire Charming softball team AND their pirate mascot! ...LOL at least I got one laugh out of this episode. Though I did enjoy the enchanted forest scenes of Rumple tutoring Regina again.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #106 on: February 15, 2017, 09:25:32 PM »
4.15 Poor Unfortunate Souls
In Neverland past... Ursula hijacks Ariel's story as a Little Mermaid who longs to be human and who's father Poseidon hates humans.

Later Ursula sings to Hook in a tavern and he tells her his life goal is 'making an evil man pay for what he did to the woman I loved' ...am I wrong in thinking this statement inaccurate and I believe at some point Hook even admits that HE was actually the one in the wrong regarding pre-Dark One Rumplestiltskin?

Poseidon offers Hook magic to steal Ursula's singing voice which would make her hate humans just like her dad. Hook does this. 

In Storybrooke Regina and the QoDs threaten August with knives and fire and then Regina possesses Snow to tattle on Gold. Emma immediately goes to Belle as 'the one person who can help us drive him back out.' ...Least surprising comment ever coming here... I still hate season four. I do not understand the character pivots they went for here. They act like Gold is irredeemably evil, yet we know from the first three seasons that that isn't true and they should know it too. The only people I can remember Gold trying to kill in Storybrooke are Regina (who he just found out had kept Belle locked up for 30 years), Hook (who tried to kill Belle what twice? Three times?) and Zelena (who basically murdered his son). Yup real super duper evil of him to go after those three. I may have a bit of rose-colored glass vision about him because he's my favorite character, but I really do think the heroes are full of crap to act like Gold is the worst guy ever while Regina and Hook are lovable heroes in training.

Anyway... Hook gets Ursula to help him raise the Jolly Roger which is now an itty bitty ship in a bottle. Amusing. Wil Scarlett gives him some Wonderland liquid to make the ship big again. Ursula tries to drown Hook in the harbor, but stupid Ariel saves him. Oh she also saved Blackbeard back in the Enchanted Forest.

Gold uses fairy magic to make August woody again and reactivates his lie detecting nose. They talk about the Author subplot for a while. Gold and Regina talk about getting their happy endings.

Emma and Snow rescue August only to get strangled by Ursula's tentacles, but Ariel brings Poseidon back to reunite Ursula and her voice (her happy ending) and she leaves... ONE QoD down ...TWO to go.

So again no deaths. Who's idea was this thread again? lol

4.16 Best Laid Plans
In Enchanted Forest past Snow and Charming continue to fret over the possibility that their child might not be a guaranteed hero and while the touch of a unicorn horn gives Charming a vision of a beautiful happy baby, Snow's vision is of a pissed teenager who rips out her heart. Sounds normal enough to me. lol

On the road they meet a 'peddler' who tells them that Maleficent just laid an egg and sends them towards the infinite forest to meet the Sorcerer's Apprentice who tells them their child's future is still up in the air (as is everyone elses!) and then he tells them about how they can channel their child's potential darkness into another child... gosh this storyline is stupid and wrong. Anyway they knock out Ursula and Cruella and steal the egg even though Maleficent begs them for mercy for her child.  But they don't listen and The Apprentice casts the spell and sends the egg through a portal. Cruella and Ursy fall in after it, which is how they ended up in our world. Again this is really truly completely stupid.

In Storybrooke present  Emma makes a fake page while August seems sick from too many magical transformations and Hook tells Emma that the villains want to darken her heart. Emma rightly points out that no one including the author gets to tell her who she is. But The Charmings are still worried so they spend the episode emoting and trying to cover up their past sins.

Regina tries to fool Gold with a photo of Emma's fake page, but the glare gives away the secret that the page is the magic door and not just an illustration of one. Whoops.

Maleficent puts the town to sleep, except for The Charmings who have both been under a sleeping curse already and thus are immune, as is Henry... who has run off with the page.  His grandparents (the ones he cares about anyway) follow him and get the page, which Henry now has the key for. They want to burn it, but at the last moment they decide to do the 'heroic' thing and confess to Emma who is royally pissed (as she should be!!!)

Gold has a touching heart to heart with (sleeping lol) Belle. Where he tells her his magic comes at a cost and he's accrued so much debt he has to find a way to clear it (before his dark heart pops).

Gold shows Maleificient her child getting adopted 30 years ago and named Lilith. How charming.

August wakes up and tells them there have been many Authors and the one in the book is just the last one and that he decided to manipulate rather than record and how the Apprentice showed up and punished him for 'making' him do that to that child (eggo Lily). They open the door in the page and let out the bad Author who turns out to be (gasp) the peddler they met back in the enchanted forest. dun dun dumb.

Deaths none.

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (16 episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 3
Maleficent 3
Regina (possible) +100

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #107 on: February 24, 2017, 12:12:40 AM »
4.17 Heart of Gold
In fairytale past... we see Robin Hood manning the bar having gone straight after marrying Marion. Rumple shows up and asks him to steal the elixir of the broken heart from Oz. He does. He also explains why his face will be different when Rumple captures him in season two ...handy thing that clover necklace (which he also steals from OZ). But all magic comes with a price and I think we all know what that cost will be.

9 weeks ago... Robin Hood, 'Marion' and Roland Hood move to New York where Regina has given them the keys to Baelfire's apartment, to which she has no right btw, as Gold tells them when he arrives before promptly collapsing while clutching his chest. In the hospital Gold tells Robin that his black heart is killing him and he asks him to get him some elixir of the broken heart for him. He does, but when Rumple drinks it it doesn't help him because 'Marion' switched the vials and then she reveals that she is Zelena and she's been masquerading as Marion using the 6 leaf clover thing from OZ. Oh and she killed Marion. Then she tortures and taunts him until he's at death's door and she makes a deal with him to use the Author to write Zelena a happy ending too and a promise that he'll stop trying to kill her. He blinks his reluctant agreement. Later Robin tries to give Gold the few things left in the apartment of Neil's and Rumple basically tries to talk him into going back to Regina.

In Storybrooke present... The Author joins team Gold and Gold has Regina call Robin and find out the truth about Zelena ...and the unfortunate meatloaf in her oven.
(cue puking sounds from all around OUAT fandom)

Robin Hood: When you steal for yourself that makes you a thief. But when you steal for someone else...that makes you a hero (STRONGLY DISAGREE!!!)

Robin Hood squashes a guard when he arrives in OZ.
Zelena kills Marion Hood

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (17 episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Robin Hood 1
Zelena 1
Regina (possible) +100

4.18 Sympathy for the De Vil
In the past we meet poor little Cruella whose mommy is horrid and ...oh wait! Strike that reverse it... it was Cruella who was the horrid one all along and she murders her mother via dogs. Cruella makes a coat out of her mother's dogs.

 Isaac the Author writes a twist into her story after she spurns him ...Cruella cannot kill anyone from now on.

In Storybrooke Maleficent demands answers from Cruella about Lily, but after she turns herself into a dragon Cruella is able to put her to sleep with her special animal magnetism powers.

Regina rips out Belle's heart and uses her magical heart animated body to hurt Rumple as deeply as she can. In so doing she learns from Rumple (who thinks he's talking to Belle) about his heart blackening problem and how this could affect everyone when the darkness gets released on the town without the human Rumple underneath to shall we say soften the darkness... knowledge which Regina for reasons I still don't understand chooses NOT to share this vitally important information with anyone! Anyway... Regina walks out of the woods holding Belle's heart and threatens to squeeze it if Rumple doesn't do what she wants. Nice heroism there (eye roll).

Once again it's time for me to state how much I dislike this season of Once.

Cruella kidnaps Henry and Emma force pushes her off a cliff.

Cruella kills her mother... and her father... and her moms other two husbands.
Emma kills Cruella

4.19 Lily
In fairytale past The Apprentice calls up the Sorcerer on his cauldron and complains about The Author.

In Emma's past we see more of her bad relationship with Lily where Lily gets her kicked out of her nice foster home. Lily meets The Apprentice on a bus and he tells her what The Charmings did to her.

In Storybrooke Maleficent asks Emma to help her find her daughter Lilith. Emma realizes she already knows Lily. Emma and Regina travel into our world to find Lily. They do. I don't really care about this storyline.
We get more of Belle's disgusting relationship with Will Scarlett. At least her heart is missing when she kisses the little twerp. Anyway Gold tells Will he has to steal back Belle's heart from Regina, which he does and Gold gives it back to Belle.

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (19 episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Cruella 4
Maleficent 3
Emma 1
Robin Hood 1
Zelena 1
Regina (possible) +100

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #108 on: February 25, 2017, 04:31:37 PM »
4.20 Mother
In fairytale past...Regina interrupts a wedding feast to kill the groom cause you know it's Daniel's death day and all and it's what he'd have wanted.
Cora shows up at Daniel's grave and offers to help her find her soulmate (Robin Hood), but instead she brings her someone else in a fake tattoo. When he's found out her tells her Cora put him up to it so he could be king and Regina could have a child. Regina puts him the dungeon over a fire, but Cora later waves her hand and says he's home. Regina takes a potion to make her barren. Cora tells her 'the only one standing in the way of your (Regina's) happiness...is you (Regina)'.
In Storybrooke... Regina is complaining to Robin Hood about how unfair it is that life always kicks her in the teeth... cause you know Robin just found out that his wife is dead and her murderer is carrying his child, but you know it's all about Regina.

Hook confronts Gold in Granny's to gloat about how he (Gold) will never have his happy ending. After Hook leaves Gold experiences chest pain and he and The Author leave.

Emma brings Lily back to town and Maleficent cries.

Regina escorts Zelena into the coo coo nest cell.

Gold's heart problem gets worse and Regina asks him what's wrong (apparently she's forgotten THIS VITALLY INFORMATION WHICH SHE ALREADY KNEW!). He reminds her about his heart and she says the Dark One can't die to which he replies ominously 'But Rumplestiltskin can', then Rumple warns her that she doesn't want to face the Dark One when there's no one else at home and suggests she doesn't antagonize him. Again Regina does not care what happens to him or the darkness because she'll have her happy ending (via The Author) and she won't care. Regina takes the pen from Rumple who is now too weak to resist and he collapses.

Lily tells her mom she wants to kill the Charmings and she is upset that her mom won't help. Later Regina tries to talk to her, but decides it's too much work and she cuts her with a knife to get some of her blood for ink, which really pisses off Lily who turns into a dragon and her mother has to sooth her.

Regina plans to write Zelena and the baby out of existence, but Robin shows up and she changes her mind.

The Author is annoyed and he writes himself back to Mr. Gold and writes up a new story for us in a book entitled 'Heroes and Villains"...

Regina kills the groom.

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (19 episodes in)
Regina +101
Cruella 4
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Emma 1
Robin Hood 1
Zelena 1

4.21 & 22 Operation Mongoose Parts 1 & 2
In 1966 we see our Author Isaac before he got the job. Then we see him get the job (from The Apprentice).

In Storybrook the 'Heroes' gather to try and find a way to stop Gold from being happy. Emma calls in August who tells them they need to find The Apprentice, Hook tells them where he is and Blue frees him from the hat.

In Gold's shop Gold asks The Author why he's helping him since he has the quill and the ink and he doesn't need him (Gold) anymore. The Author says they're a lot alike and he asks about Baelfire and Gold says 'Don't toy with me scribe' he knows even The Author can't bring back the dead, but he can give Rumple good memories of a good life for his son. As The Author writes THE END the town is bathed in light and Henry awakes... alone. ...ok so why did the storybook take everyone including baby Neil and leave Henry behind alone? The only reason that comes to mind is that while the baby was born in Storybrooke, it was conceived in The Enchanted Forest ...hear that kids life begins at conception, not at birth... ONCE is proLife! ...well that or it was for plot convenience. ...Anyway Henry steals a car and drives into another town to find help. At a dinner he sees a book by Isaac Heller titled 'Heroes and Villains' Hmmm. He goes to find Isaac and he ends up inside the new story with Isaac and the book. Isaac ties him up for the ogres to eat.

In the Heroes and Villains story... we see hero Rumple 'The Light One' riding in to save Henry from the ogre. Next Henry runs into bandit Regina and tells her he's her son and that they're trapped in a book, but she doesn't remember so she threatens him with a dagger and asks who sent him. She throws the book copy Henry brought into the fire and all Henry could save was a map from the middle.

Meanwhile The Author gets captured by the dwarves and we get to see Evil Queen Snow and wicked heart controlled henchman Charming. Isaac helps Snow capture Regina, but Robin Hood saves her, then he tells her he's getting married today (to Zelena) and he offers her a job leading the Merry Men. 

Henry appears again and he talks Regina into finding his mom Emma who has been locked up for years in an impenetrable prison, which Henry promptly penetrates with ease using the Wookie prisoner trick and a cowardly deck swabbing milk drinking Hook.

Meanwhile The Light One rides home amidst the cheers of the populace to see his wife Belle and their son baby Neil? ...but look who's waiting for him...Isaac! Isaac tells him he has to kill Regina or his happiness will be over. Light Rumple doesn't believe him and thinks Isaac is a demon sent to corrupt him. Then Isaac tells him who he really is, but Rumple still doesn't seem to believe it.

Snow White kills Doc, 'cause she's evil.

Emma tries to teach Hook to sword fight. In related news Charming kills Hook in a sword fight.

Rumple talks to Belle about his worries and he accidentally chips a teacup! Awwwwww!!

The plan to stop the wedding fails, but Henry becomes the new Author and saves them that way. Later in Storybrooke he wants to use the pen again to bring back his father, but The Apprentice tells him it's not possible and he must write the truth. So Henry snaps the pen. Ok then.

Belle runs into Gold's shop and hurls accusations at him as he dies. Then she has one of her patented change of hearts and says she won't let him die alone. He tells her to leave before the man is gone and only the monster remains. Then Belle runs into the heroes victory party and tells them Gold is dying and the darkness will be released (Seriously Regina should know this already!!!) so they race to Gold and The Apprentice pulls out his dark heart and sends the darkness into the hat which causes his name to disappear from the dagger. Then The Apprentice places a protective spell over Rumple's body. The darkness escapes from the hat which cannot apparently contain so much darkness and it attacks The Apprentice who collapses and tells them to find Merlin.

On the street the darkness is untethered and looking for the darkest heart it can find... it goes for Regina, but Emma uses the dagger and stabs the darkness... and she disappears, leaving the dagger behind now inscribed with the name 'Emma Swan'. ...which is actually a pretty good ending for the season. I just don't think the follow through in season five really fullfilled the promise of those last five minutes in (the otherwise crappy) season four.

Light One Rumple kills on ogre which doesn't count 'cause it's an ogre.
Snow White kills, Charming kills Hook... neither of which count cause this all never happened ok.

Regina +101
Cruella 4
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Emma 1
Robin Hood 1
Zelena 1

And with that season four of Once Upon a Time is finally mercifully OVER!!!!!

Cue happy dancing from Outtie!!!!!!!!!!!!
 -Dancekick- -Dancekick- -Dancekick- -Dancekick- -Dancekick-

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #109 on: February 26, 2017, 07:19:20 AM »
One of the many things that has annoyed me about Once in the last 3 seasons is that they seem to forget about Henry being Gold's grandson and they often have Henry acting like Gold is his enemy or just not caring about him or Belle at all. But it turns out there is one good scene from episode 4.2 'White Out' that was deleted in which Henry goes to his grandfather for advice which will lead to the scene at the end of the episode where Henry goes to find Regina and make up with her. It's a real shame that this scene was cut!

btw The Gold/Henry scene is the second deleted scene from White Out so there is a Snow/Regina scene shown first in this clip.

This mini-rant isn't necessarily connected to the clip above, but after struggling through my season 4 re-watch I'm fairly convinced at this point that Regina is the biggest problem in Once. Her redemption arc is laughable in so many ways because the heroes constantly praise her and tell her how much she's changed, while her actual behavior generally remains just as selfish and self-centered as it ever was! She rarely takes any kind of responsibility over her own actions and she constantly blames others for her own actions and choices. Anything bad that happens is all about Regina, even if that bad happens to effect someone else far more than her, it's still all about Regina. I just think the Regina story we see doesn't match the story Emma, Snow, Charming (sometimes Henry and Hook) try to push on us about Regina and how much she's supposedly changed. End rant.

Woo hoo season four re-watch is over!  -Dancekick-

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #110 on: March 15, 2017, 03:47:36 PM »
Whoops got to remember to keep this updated.

6.11 Tougher Than the Rest
OK I don't believe there were any actual deaths here, but I'm still a bit unsure about whether to count the deaths of the wish Charmings. Regina certainly acts like they weren't real, but then Henry wasn't real either and she couldn't hurt him. Plus Robin Hood came back in whatever the heck form this is so I'm kind of leaning towards giving Regina a big fat plus two here.

6.12 Murder Most Foul
Three more notches on Hook's sword hilt for King George's two henchmen and for Papa Charming.

Season Six Death Count (after 12 episodes)
Regina 5
Hook 4
Charming 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #111 on: March 15, 2017, 04:02:19 PM »
Back to the oldschool OUAT! btw the only old episodes left to count are now 2.13 Tiny - 2.22 And Straight on 'Til Morning.

2.12 In the Name of The Brother
In a black and white land... we see a very colorful Rumple making a deal with a familiar looking Doctor Frankenstein; gold in exchange for learning how to bring back the dead. So Frankie goes digging for a fresh body and gets his brother shot in the process. Gerhardt dies and when Frank fails to bring him back to life his father walks in on him and disowns him.

Later he does bring his brother back with the help of Rumple and a magical heart from the enchanted forest, but Gerhardt is kind of a monster now so his father gets angry at Frank and then Gerhardt kills their father.  I don't really know if I can award any points for all of this. The deaths of his father and brother are basically Frankenstein's fault, but he doesn't kill them and he didn't want them killed, so I guess no points for Dr. Whale?

In Storybrooke Hook has just frickin' shot Belle in the back and gotten run over by a car for his efforts. Team Charming stops Gold from killing Hook, the heels. Guess its ok for Charming to kill Percival for attacking Regina, but can Gold kill the man who just shot his girlfriend in the back oh, no that would be wrong. I do enjoy that Emma tells the paramedics to tend to the guy in the car first and not Hook. I'm not sure who is taking care of Belle, my best guess is they've already forgotten her. She's walking anyway when they drag her into the hospital later so I have no idea where that bullet hit.

When Gold gets to the hospital Charming won't let him past. Later he comes back while Belle is sleeping and tries to kiss her awake and well...that doesn't turn out well. Stranger danger and all that.

In his hospital room Emma asks a handcuffed Hook where Cora is. I miss this Emma. Hook revels in the knowledge that he hurt Belle and that makes him happy because that hurts Rumple.

They learn the stranger from the car is Greg Mendel and they think he's just a norm. Dr. Whale comes in and tells them the stranger is bleeding internally and he begs Gold to help them. Gold advises they let him die and leaves. Dr. Whale seems hesitant to operate and he is according to Snow White 'drunk off his ass'. He runs off for internal emotional reasons and later Ruby talks Whale into going back to the hospital to operate and the two of them totally have a moment. Whale operates on Greg and saves his life. Greg calls his friend and says 'you won't believe what I saw'. rut roh.

Cora shows up at Gold's shop and is met with hostility, which she counters with the most uncomfortable kiss we'll see on Once until at least season six and also the gift of a magic globe that can help him find his son.

Cora glamours herself as Henry to get Regina out of hiding and they team up.

Gold tries again to help Belle by showing her their chipped cup, which Belle breaks. :( Then Gold uses the globe from Cora to track down Bae who is in New York. He goes to Emma to cash in that favor and the two of them head for New York.  Gold Tells Charmings that if any harm comes to Belle while he's gone (meaning Hook) he'll kill them all.

Deaths - Two, but no points I guess?

Hook: I've no idea where Cora is. She has her own agenda. Let's talk about something I am interested in, my hook. May I have it back? Or is there another...attachment you'd prefer.
Emma: You're awfully chipper for a guy who just failed to kill his enemy, then got hit by a car.
Hook: Well, my ribs may be broken, but everything else is still intact, which is more than can be said for all the other bad days I've had. Plus I did some quality damage to my foe.
Emma: You hurt Belle.
Hook: I hurt his heart. Belle is just where he keeps it. He killed my love. I know the feeling.
Emma: Keep smiling, buddy. He's on his feet, immortal, has magic, and you hurt his girl. If I had to pick dead guy of the year, I'd pick you.

Mr. Gold: Yes. I owe you nothing, Whale. I owe none of you anything. And some of you owe me. So yeah, just "No." Oh, and point of interest? The driver? He saw me throwing some magic. So instead of trying to get him outta here, you better be hoping he dies, because if he doesn't, he's gonna be driving tour buses up and down Main Street. So glad I don't give a damn. (turns around and leaves the group)

Rumplestiltskin: Good evening, Doctor.
Victor: How did you get in here? Who are you?
Rumplestiltskin: (chuckles) Stiltskin. Rumple von Stiltskin.
Victor: (wary) A foreigner?
Rumplestiltskin: What tipped you off? My rosy complexion? Yes, I've seen nothing of your drab little land yet, but I am interested in your work.
Victor: Well, you're a little late. I've been shut down. And I can't bring back dead loved ones anyway, if that's what you're after.
Rumplestiltskin: (laughs, making a dismissive gesture) I think my deceased are best kept where they are, dearie. Thank you very much. No, no, no. My interest is in how you do what you do. You see, where I come from we do things differently. Your land has witchcraft. But it's feeble, neglected stuff. Where I live it's strong and hearty .But—it cannot restore life. If you can do this, I wanna know more and I'm willing to pay. (He opens a sachet. Gold coins fall to the floor, a lot more than would fit into it)
Victor: How did you do that?
Rumplestiltskin: (points at Victor) You're missing the point. (points at the pile of coins on the floor) Money, yours.
Victor: Are you a philanthropist?
Rumplestiltskin: Well, I've been called worse. There's a cost to you. Knowledge. You teach me to wield whatever it is you wield. That is the deal.

Cora: Hello, Rumple. (Mr. Gold turns, startled to see Cora standing by the shop's door)
Mr. Gold: I expected this was just a matter of time. Had hoped you were dead, but hey... disappointment's just part of life. I'm sure we can agree on that.
Cora: (slightly shaking her head) Aw, the crocodile snaps at the little bird. And after I brought you a gift.
Mr. Gold: Yeah, did you bring the antidote, too?
Cora: Oh, Rumple. It's a peace offering.
Mr. Gold: And what do you want for this uh— (looking back at the box) this peace offering?
Cora: My daughter. You were so clever to get her lay the curse so you could come here. You don't need her anymore. Let me try to get her back. And- let us live.
Mr. Gold: And what do I get for my troubles?
Cora: Your son. (Mr. Gold turns to face the box from Cora, and opens it. It resembles a globe, but it is completely blank.) You know what that is, of course.
Mr. Gold: It'll find him... If this one truly is it.
Cora: Darling, I have no reason to cheat you.
Mr. Gold: Anymore.
Cora: I want you to find the one person in this universe who might still love you. After all, I'm doing the same thing.

Dr. Whale: I wanted my name to stand for life. But everybody just thinks it's the name of a monster. (laughs) I guess they're right about that. Rumplestiltskin says that magic has a price, but from where I'm sitting, seems that science does, too. Every time I try to save a life, someone else dies.
Ruby: Hey, yeah. Look, you're Frankenstein. And I'm the werewolf. I ate my boyfriend. Regina thought she was punishing us by erasing who we were, but I think she underestimated how much crap we wanted to forget.

Emma: Wait. Find someone? Who?
Mr. Gold: My son. It has to be today, because every minute I’m here, is a minute closer to me killing Hook. So it’s really best for all concerned if I leave, and you’re going to come with me. Oh, and, um, we have a long history. So know this, and know it to be true. If any harm comes to Belle while I’m gone, I’m killing all of you. I’ll see you at noon.

Season Two DEATH COUNT (12 episodes in)
Cora  -- 101 (+100 Village +1 for Lancelot...but is he dead?)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
King George/George -- 2
Regina 1 (heart that died in zombie Daniel)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Rumple:  1 (Milah)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #112 on: March 15, 2017, 04:04:29 PM »
oh and I don't remember where the heart for Gerhardt comes from exactly. I know it's from the episode where they bring Daniel back, but I don't want to look for the info right now so note to self - find out if that heart needs to be a point to somebody.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #113 on: March 15, 2017, 06:50:10 PM »
Now you know why I hate season 2B so much. 

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #114 on: March 16, 2017, 04:00:26 PM »
2.13 Tiny
In the past we see Tiny and his five giant brothers who get slaughtered by Prince James and Jack the giant whore.

In Storybrooke we open with Gold knocking on Emma's (or should that be Snow's?) door to pick her up for their trip out of town. Turns out Emma had decided to take Henry (and without telling Regina either). Gold is annoyed, but tells her he'll cover all expenses even the new ones. Charming asks Gold to take care of his family (Emma & Henry)...
David: All right, Gold. You're going out there with my family. Just know if anything happens to them—
Mr. Gold: Then you'll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?
David: I'll be devastated. This isn't a threat. It's a request. Take care of them.
Mr. Gold: I promise no harm will come to your family. After all...we have a deal.

Next Charming goes to Hook to ask about his ship and Cora. Hook uncovers a part of Cora's plan... Tiny; a now shrunken giant.  Tiny attacks Charming thinking he's James and then Tiny escapes.

Ruby chats with Belle. Later Greg comes in and tells her that he saw the magic too.

Emma helps Gold through airport security. Which is actually quite a nice scene for both.

Regina gives Tiny some mushroom to make his bigger and encourages him to kill Charming.

While running through town pursued by a now giant Anton (aka Tiny) Charming and Grumpy have this amusing exchange...
Leroy: So let me get this straight. You got a twin brother?
David: Yeah.
Leroy: His name is James?
David: Right.
Leroy: Well, your name is James.
David: No, actually, it's not.
Leroy: It's "Charming," then?
Mary Margaret: No, that's the nickname I gave him!
Leroy: Hey, hold on. What the hell is your name?
David: David.
Leroy: Your curse name?
David: My real name.
Leroy: What, you're David, James, and Charming? Is David like a middle name?
David: No! It's my name name!
Leroy: You know what? Whatever, I'm gonna call you whatever I damn well please! Is that okay?

Tiny shrinks and crashes into a hole from which Charming improbably rescues him which proves to Tiny that he's a good guy after all.

Later at Granny's he shows them his bean sprout and then he and the dwarves become bean farmers. Which is cute. They even give Anton a pick-ax which gives him the ax-name TINY.

We end on the plane to New York where Gold is looking pretty wigged out about being on a plane/having no magic/worrying about seeing Baelfire again and Emma comforts him.

Five points to Prince James for the dead giants even though it's hard to tell which ones he killed and which Jack killed. James also leaves Jack to die, but I guess that doesn't quite count since I'm sure she was dead anyway.

2.14 Manhattan
In the past we see Rumple and Milah at a time when they were sort of ...happy. Rumple has just signed up to fight in the ogre war.
On the frontlines Rumple is assigned to watch a crate, which contains The Seer, who tells him...
Rumplestiltskin: (gives the Seer water) Here. Slake your thirst, witch, then speak of what you know of my wife.
Seer: She's already with child.
Rumplestiltskin: I'm to be a father?
Seer: Your wife will bear you a son, but your actions on the battlefield will leave him fatherless.
Rumplestiltskin: I'm gonna die? No, no, no. You—You must tell me how I can stop that happening.
Seer: You can't.
Rumplestiltskin: Then I'm done helping you.
Seer: For now. Someday you'll help me again.
Rumplestiltskin: I'll bet Milah isn't even pregnant. You just said that so I would give you water, and now you're trying to trick me into deserting.
Seer: You shall see. Tomorrow. When you see the army ride cows into battle, you will know I speak the truth.
Rumplestiltskin: Cows? And who's going to man the catapults? Milk maids? I have had enough with your fiendish lies.
Seer: There is no escaping it. You will have a son, and your actions will leave him fatherless. (Rumplestiltskin covers the crate again in anger)

Later when he learns they will in fact be riding cows (that is saddles) into battle he tries to talk to The Seer again, but she is missing. So he smashes his leg with a sledgehammer so that he will be sent home.

Once he limps his way home limps home he finds that Milah has already given birth to a son ...and now she hates him. Fun times. Personally I'd rather have a live husband than a dead hero, but I guess I don't live in a fairytale hovel.
Milah: Rumple?
Rumplestiltskin: What's his name?
Milah: Baelfire.
Rumplestiltskin: A strong name! (Rumplestiltskin collapses in pain)
Milah: Something he'll need if he's to live with the shame of being your son.
Rumplestiltskin: What are you talking about?
Milah: Rumple, is it true?
Rumplestiltskin: Is what true?
Milah: Did you injure yourself... so that you wouldn't have to fight? So that you would be sent home?
Rumplestiltskin: Who told you that?
Milah: Everyone. Rumors travel quickly from the front. Rumple did you do this to yourself? Did you do it to yourself?!
Rumplestiltskin: Yes! A seer told me I was going to die in the battle.
Milah: You did this because a seer told you to do it?
Rumplestiltskin: She was right about everything else. I left the front to be with you... you and... Baelfire.
Milah: You left because you were afraid. You became what everyone thought you were—a coward.
Rumplestiltskin: Stop.
Milah: Just like your father!
Rumplestiltskin: I am nothing like my father. He tried to abandon me. I will never, ever do that to my son. That's why I did this-- (he points at his leg) for him. All for the boy. To save him from the same fate I suffered, growing up without a father.
Milah: You sentence him to a fate much worse—growing up as your son.
Rumplestiltskin: What? What else could I do?
Milah: You could have fought, Rumple. You could have died.
Rumplestiltskin: You don't mean that. You don't mean that. (Milah hands Baelfire to Rumplestiltskin. She then walks out the door, angrily) Oh. Oh, it's all right, Bae. It's all right. Your papa's here. And I promise... I will never... ever leave you.

In New York... Gold and Emma find Baelfire, now calling himself Neal and SURPRISE! He's Henry's father. But of course he doesn't know that and he does not want to talk to his father either.
So Emma calls home to get advice from her mom:
Mary Margaret: Wait. Gold's son is Henry's father?
Emma: I know. I know. And the millions of questions you have, I have, too. The problem is it doesn't matter right now because I don't know what to do.
Mary Margaret: Please tell me you're not calling to ask me to tell you to keep it from him.
Emma: Henry thinks his father is dead. I told him that for a reason. I wanna protect him.
Mary Margaret: No matter what this man did, Henry has a right to know who his father is. The truth about your parents—Emma, you of all people should know how important that is.
Emma: I don't want Henry to get hurt. I just want to protect him.
Mary Margaret: Are you sure this is about protecting Henry and not yourself?

And Gold and Henry have this conversation:
Henry: Why are you so nervous? When I found my mom, I was excited.
Mr. Gold: Because I have the benefit of a little more... life experience. I know that things don't always happen the way we want them to.
Henry: Sure, but in my book, it says that you can see the future. Why can't you just look and see what's gonna happen?
Mr. Gold: Well, that ability is complicated. I didn't always have it. And then when I did... well... it's maybe not the gift one would expect. Seeing the inevitable... can be a terrible price.
Henry: But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff. You'd just know.
Mr. Gold: But that's the great trap. The future... is like a puzzle... with missing pieces—Difficult to read. And never, never what you think. (The door opens. Emma enters.)

And we get this conversation that I love and adore between Snow and Charming:
David: So Rumplestiltskin is Henry's grandfather?
Mary Margaret: Apparently.
David: But I'm his grandfather.
Mary Margaret: You can have more than one.
David: (he sighs) So his... step-grandmother is Regina, the Evil Queen.
Mary Margaret: Actually, his step-great-grandmother. And she's also his adoptive mother.
David: (he sighs again) It's a good thing we don't have Thanksgiving in our land, 'cause that dinner would suck.

Rumple breaks into 'Neal' apartment and finally gets to meet Neal, who yells a lot. Rumple realizes that Emma and Neal know each other. Henry walks in and the whole story eventually comes out.

Meanwhile after finding out from Cora and Regina that Rumple has left town and is now vulnerable without magic. Cora and Regina use the Dark One's absence to look for his dagger.

Regina visits Belle to gloat and to try and find out if she knows where the dagger is. She knocks her out and searches her bag magically (which Greg is filming) and finds a clue. Team evil (Cora, Regina and Hook) head for the library where they find a map to buried treasure. After using him for his map expertise the Mills ladies double-cross Hook and toss him into a bookshelf as they leave to dig up the dagger without him.

And we end with famous Seer scene:
SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Approximately fourteen years after Rumplestiltskin returned home from the battlefront. Rumplestiltskin is walking alone through the forest. The Seer, now older, appears from behind a tree.
Seer: I've been expecting you.
Rumplestiltskin: Then you know exactly why I came here.
Seer: What I foretold during the ogres war has finally come to pass.
Rumplestiltskin: Well, in a manner of speaking. I, uh, hobbled myself on the battlefield, was branded a coward. My wife ran way and left me. Then my son was called to the front. Oh! Then I became the Dark One... Then Bae left me. So, yes, my actions of the battlefield left my son fatherless. But... it would've been nice to know about all that pesky detail.
Seer: Knowing would not have made a difference. You still would have been powerless to escape your fate.
Rumplestiltskin: (he giggles) Just... like... you. (He begins to magically choke the Seer) Now you know exactly why I came here.
Seer: (in a strained voice) You want to find your son.
Rumplestiltskin: Indeed. (He releases the Seer from his magic grip)
Seer: (in a whisper) You will... find him.
Rumplestiltskin: (angrily) How? And this time don't leave out a single detail.
Seer: It will not be an easy path. It will take many years... and require a curse. A curse... powerful enough to rip everyone from this land.
Rumplestiltskin: Yes, yes, there's more. I know it. Tell me.
Seer: You will not cast the curse. Someone else will. And you will not break the curse. Someone else... will.
Rumplestiltskin: Tell me!
Seer: (exhausted) I don't know. Even my powers have limits.
Rumplestiltskin: Ah-ah-ah. Not good enough, dearie. (He begins to magically choke her again)
Seer: (in a strained voice) If you want to see the path you must take, there is only one way. (She extends her hands) Take this burden from me.
Rumplestiltskin: Mm-mm gladly. (He grasps her hands and takes her ability. She screams in pain.)
Rumplestiltskin: I can't... see... anything. It's too much. It's nothing but a jumble.
Seer: The future is a puzzle with many pieces to be sorted. In time, you will learn to separate what can be from what will be. (Rumplestiltskin lets go of the Seer. The Seer falls to the ground) Aah!
Rumplestiltskin: This is why you wanted to give me your power—To free yourself from this torment.
Seer: In time, you will work it all out. (Rumplestiltskin backs away. The Seer raises her hand) Wait. As gratitude, I offer you one piece of the puzzle. You will be reunited with your son, and it will come in a most unexpected way.
Rumplestiltskin: (frustrated) How?
Seer: A boy... a young boy will lead you to him. But beware, Rumplestiltskin, for that boy is more than he appears. He will lead you to what you seek. But there will be a price. The boy... will be your undoing. (She passes out)
Rumplestiltskin: Then I'll just have to kill him.

DEATHS - 1 The Seer

Season Two DEATH COUNT (14 episodes in)
Cora  -- 101 (+100 Village +1 for Lancelot...but is he dead?)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina 1 (heart that died in zombie Daniel)
Regina's Guard --- 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2017, 09:18:49 PM »
6.13 Ill-Boding Patterns
Bae/Rumple killed (a highly nasty) Beowolf
Rumple de-magic'd Blue, but it appears she lives so all points still pending.

I don't think anyone else died in this episode that we can give points for. Beowolf killed those villagers to frame Rumple and I don't need to give point to one episode people. Rumple killed ogres, who don't count and ogres killed a bunch of soldiers and again ogres don't count.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #116 on: March 25, 2017, 03:58:07 PM »
2.15 The Queen is Dead
In fairytale past we see Snow White being a bit of a brat and her mother teaching her a lesson. We meet her servant Johanna. And we watch Snow's mother Eva die slowly from Cora's poison. Oh and Snow goes to Blue Fairy (who is really Cora in disguise) for help and she gives her a certain candle, which I'm sure in no way will turn up in the next episode to awesome effect. Ah, the irony of Cora handing Snow the very candle Snow would later use to kill her. Oops... spoilers.

In Storybrooke... Snow White finds Johanna and they have a tearful reunion and then Cora kills Johanna by tossing her out of the clock tower. But I'm getting ahead of things.

In other storylines... Hook attacks David with a fishing hook in order to get back his own hook. Then he travels to New York by ship and stabs magic-less Rumple in the chest with his poison tipped hook, but again I'm getting ahead of myself.

Snow catches Regina and Cora digging in the woods and overhears Cora promise to use the dagger (when they find it) to order the Dark One to kill anyone she (Regina) likes (which from what I can gather means Snow, David and Emma). Snow finds David lying on the floor in the Sheriff's Office and she wakes him up and tells him about The Mills girls evil plans.

In New York... Neal and Henry bond over pizza. Emma and Rumple bond over their newfound common ground and Rumple totally tries to set up Emma and Neal to get back together.

Hook stabs Rumple in the chest, and Neal, who mysteriously recognizes Hook and knows how to sail a ship, helps them sail back to Storybrook in The Jolly Roger to find some magic to save his father and it is revealed that Neal is now engaged to lovely lady named Tamara who I'm sure is perfectly normal.

Emma gets Rumple to tell her where the dagger is and she foolishly calls the two idiots and tells them. They go and get it hidden on one of the clock tower hands, which makes it a lot easier for Cora and Regina since all they had to do was follow them. The Mills girls poof Johanna up to the clock tower and Regina rips out her heart and says give us the dagger or we kill her. After lots of agonizing looking hearts squeezes for poor innocent Johanna. Snow hands over the dagger and then they kill Johanna anyway. Nice going there team Charming. Snow finally realizes that Cora killed her mother and she vows to killer Cora.


Emma: So do you like New York pizza?
Henry: Yeah. It's delicious, cheesy, and it doesn't lie.   

Mary Margaret: Lucky for you, you've earned enough good will with me to give you one last chance, a chance to choose the right side... the side of good.
Regina: Have you ever considered that maybe, perhaps... I am good? I was always the Queen. It was you who added "Evil" to my name.
Mary Margaret: Good doesn't do what you do. Why? Regina, why go back to being this way after how hard you tried?
Regina: And what did it get me? Dinner with a bunch of hypocrites who pretend they'll forgive me, when... in their hearts, they know... they never will. You're giving me the chance? How about I give you one? Stay out of my way. (She gets up to leave)

Regina to Snow after Cora kills Johanna: Well, there you go. You see where good gets you? (Regina and Cora disappear in a puff of smoke. Mary Margaret dissolves into sobs in David's arms)

Cora: You're worried my interests are no longer aligned with yours.
Regina: My only interest now is Henry.
Cora: And I've told you, you'll have him.
Regina: But how? Now that Mary Margaret and David know we have the dagger, we can't use Gold to kill them without Henry finding out.
Cora: Have patience, my love. By the time Rumplestiltskin returns, Emma Swan and the rest of them will be nothing more than a vaguely unpleasant memory. And Henry will be yours.

Princess Eva is killed by Cora
Johanna is killed by Cora

2.16 The Miller's Daughter
In fairytale past... we meet a young miller's daughter named Cora. Cora hates her life and wants to be royal. She tells the king she can spin straw into gold and he locks her up and tells she has to do it or he'll kill her. Rumple shows up to help her... for her firstborn child. She wants to learn how to do magic and then things gets flirty and Rumple alters the deal to give him his child. They talk about running away together, but Cora double-crosses him and rips out her own heart so that she can marry the king's son (Henry Sr....curiously tall in the past) and become royalty.

In Storybrooke... Regina and Cora have The Charmings phone tapped so they now know that Gold is being rushed back to Storybrooke and when Cora looks at the dagger she sees that Rumple's name is fading away and she says QUOTE...
Cora: He's dying. When his name disappears, all of that power of his will just boil off into the air and then there will be no new Dark One.
So the power will just boil off and not turn into black ribbons and go after a new host? So I guess either Cora or the Once writer's don't know what they're talking about. But I digress.

Cora tells Regina that now she has no choice, she (Cora) must stab Rumple and become The Dark One herself. Regina questions whether this was her plan all along and not as she told her to help Regina get Henry all to herself.

The Jolly Roger arrives home and Henry tells his grandpa (the healthy one) that his dad taught him how to sail. David asks Gold if Cora was controlling him yet to which Gold humorously replies:
Mr. Gold: Well, you'd know if she was, because most of you would be dead by now.
Yup. Then they send Henry away with Ruby for his own safety while they head for Rumple's shop where he has magic that might protect them.

Gold has Emma fetch some invisible chalk and instructs her to chalk around the doorways to protect the shop. Gold asks Snow for a warmer blanket and she sees the candle. Dun dun DUN!
Mary Margaret: You're not getting any better, are you?
Mr. Gold: The candle can save me. There's nothing else.
Mary Margaret: I wouldn't use this to save my own mother. What makes you think I would use it for you?
Mr. Gold: Because you're all grown up now. And for once, our interests are aligned.
Mary Margaret: She dies instead of you.
Mr. Gold: I know you can do this. I know you want to do this.
Mary Margaret: There's no coming back from murder.
Mr. Gold: And there's no coming back from death either. And that's what will happen to your loved ones.
Gold teaches Emma that magic comes from emotion and she raises a protection spell herself.

Regina and Cora approach the shop and easily knock down the barrier with a double fireball. Snow sneaks out the back door and heads for Regina's vault. Inside Regina readies a fireball and magic tosses David out the door, closing it behind him. Emma catches Regina and holds a knife to her throat, while Neal manages to knock the dagger out of Cora's hand. Neal advises Cora to choose wisely (between reaching down to retrieve the dagger and saving Regina) she chooses the dagger and Emma shoves Regina into Cora so that she and Neal can fall back to the backroom where Gold in. Emma raises another magical barrier. Cora senses someone has her heart and she sends Regina to fetch it while she tries to break down the new barrier between her and Gold.

In Regina's vault Snow finds Cora's heart and she gets out the candle and curses the heart. Regina catches Snow in the heart vault and Snow gives her her mother's heart and tells her that Cora can't love Regina without her heart and she convinces Regina to put the heart back inside her mother. That's some seriously heart blackening stuff right there.

Rumple knows he's dying so he calls Belle and I cry. He and Bae make up a little bit and hold hands.

David runs up to a cowering Snow and asks her, 'what did you do?!'

Cora breaks into the backroom and sends Neal and Emma away with a wave of her hand. She walks up to dying Rumple and they chat a bit...
Mr. Gold: A vision told me about you. Told me this day would come. But it didn’t tell me everything. Didn’t tell me what I really wanted to know.
Cora: And what’s that?
Mr. Gold: Did you ever love me?
Cora: Why do you think I had to rip my own heart out? (Cora strokes Mr. Gold's face.) You were my weakness. You were the only man I ever truly loved. (Lifting the dagger, which now only has one letter left on it, she braces herself to stab Mr. Gold with it but instead jolts forward, dropping it. Standing behind her is Regina, who has just inserted her mother's heart. The two smile at each other.)

Cora smiles at her daughter and laughs and then she collapses and dies as Gold rises, fully recovered in an instant. Gold picks up his dagger and watches as mother and daughter share one final moment...
Cora: This would have been enough. You... You would have been enough. (Cora stops talking and her eyes shut.)
Regina: Mother? What’s going on? Mother. Don’t leave me, please. What am I going to do?
Mr. Gold: Your mother did you no favours.
Regina: Shut up! You stole her life! You cast some spell.
Mr. Gold: I did nothing.
Mary Margaret: (A frantic Mary Margaret rushes into the room with David trailing behind her.) Regina! Stop!
Regina: You did this.
Regina stares at Snow White in hatred as we fade to black. ...WOW! What an episode!


Emma: You don't look comfortable.
Mr. Gold: The poison racing towards my heart will have that effect.
Emma: Tell me about this, uh... knife of yours. Cora and Regina, if they do have it, they can make you do anything?
Mr. Gold: Indeed.
Emma: Like, kill us all?
Mr. Gold: Yeah. You're hoping I bleed to death now, aren't you?
Emma: You're Henry's grandfather. We're family now. I'm gonna save you.
Mr. Gold: Oh, I feel so reassured

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Mr. Gold's shop. Emma uses the invisible chalk to draw a line.
Neal: Missed a spot.
Emma: You're hilarious.
Neal: I didn't know you were magical.
Emma: Oh, my. Are you being judgy about this? 'Cause you're not allowed to have opinions about surprises, Mr Son-of-Rumplestiltskin.
Rumplestiltskin: (Giggles) No, I want you to help me. And you will. Because the future is my gift. Well, in a manner of speaking.
Cora: What could you possibly get from me?
Rumplestiltskin: Funny you should ask. (Summons up a contract.) Can you read?
Cora: My firstborn child?
Rumplestiltskin: She is quite important.
Cora: She?
Rumplestiltskin: Yes, I see the future, weren't you listening? Anyway, I only get my payment if you live past tomorrow.
Cora: You can turn all of this straw into gold by morning?
Rumplestiltskin: And you can parade in front of the royals and demand the hand of dimly-lit prince and have them kneel before you. That's what you want, eh? You want them to kneel...
Cora: No!
Rumplestiltskin: I... No. What?
Cora: Teach me. Don't just do it. Teach me. Make it part of our deal.
Rumplestiltskin: (Giggles) You are a spicy one, aren't you? Oh, well. Rumplestiltskin.
Cora: What?
Rumplestiltskin: My name. Do believe you just earned it. (He magically changes the contract.) Now, let's begin.

Cora: Royal brides have to be snow white.
Rumplestiltskin: (giggles) Well, when you see the future, there is irony everywhere.
Cora: You know, I thought I wanted this. White and bright, all the admiration. But then I look at it. Fifth in line to be queen? That won't happen without an awful lot of bloodshed. And what you give me.
Rumplestiltskin: I can give you nothing but darkness and isolation.
Cora: And love.
Rumplestiltskin: Yeah. And love.
Cora: I want that.
Rumplestiltskin: What if I, um... What if I, uh... amended our contract? Instead of you owing me some random firstborn child, you owe me my child?
Cora: I can make that deal.
Rumplestiltskin: As can I.

Neal: It's getting weaker. She's gonna get through.
Mr. Gold: Maybe it's for the best. At least this cursed power will pass from this world.
Neal: No. No, you're not dying.
Mr. Gold: I am dying. That much is certain. I need to talk to Belle. Emma, please.
Neal: Who's Belle?
Emma: Your dad's girlfriend.
Belle: (In the hospital, Belle answers the phone.) Mr. Gold, I... I told you before, I... I don't remember you.
Mr. Gold: I... I... I know, I know. It's just, uh... Sweetheart, I am dying.
Belle: Oh. I'm, uh... I'm... I'm so sorry.
Mr. Gold: I know that you're confused about who you are. So I'm going to tell you. You are a hero who helped your people. You're a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man. Really, really loved me. You find goodness in others, and when it's not there, you create it. You make me wanna go back. Back to the best version of me. That never happened before. So when you look in the mirror and you don't know who you are... That's who you are. (Belle and Mr. Gold both cry.) Thank you, Belle.
Neal: Didn't know you had that in you.
Mr. Gold: Oh, I am full of love. I've spent a lifetime looking for you. For a chance to say I love you. And I'm sorry.
Neal: I didn't think you would go back on our deal.
Mr. Gold: I just made the wrong choice. (Gold reaches his hand out to Neal.) May I?
Neal: I'm still angry.
Mr. Gold: I know. (Neal grabs his dad's hand.)

Regina: You have no right to be here. And you have no right to that!
Mary Margaret: I was going to give it to you.
Regina: What?
Mary Margaret: She can't love you, you know. She doesn't have her heart. With it, maybe she can. That's why you've never felt she loved you. She doesn't have her heart. But I do.
Regina: You're doing this for me?
Mary Margaret: Think about it. What would happen if Cora had her heart back? Back inside her?
Regina: She told me she took it out to protect herself.
Mary Margaret: And did it work? The person she was before, do you think that person survived? She can't love, so she can't love you.
Regina: She always wanted the best for me. That's love.
Mary Margaret: Imagine real love. You'd have a mother, and a start on making a family Henry could be a part of. Or you could have her be the Dark One. The choice is yours.

Snow White kills Cora

Season Two DEATH COUNT (15 episodes in)
Cora  -- 102 (+100 Village +2 Johanna, Princess Eva)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina 1 (heart that died in zombie Daniel)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Snow White -- 1 (Cora)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #117 on: March 25, 2017, 04:03:47 PM »
Well at least watching The Miller's Daughter reminded me how great Once can be when it actually tries. Man that is a great episode. Speaking of great episodes... here's a not great one...

6.13 Ill-Boding Patterns

Ok fine. One highly contested point to Baelfire for killing Beowulf.

Season Six Death Count (after 13 episodes)
Regina 5
Hook 4
Charming 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 04:09:20 PM by Outlast »

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #118 on: March 26, 2017, 09:06:25 PM »
6.14 Page 23

Regina kills one of her guards.

Season Six Death Count (after 14 episodes)
Regina 6
Hook 4
Charming 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #119 on: March 29, 2017, 08:51:45 AM »
2.17 Welcome to Storybrooke
In Storybrooke past (now that's a change-up)... Regina enjoys her cursed town at first but she quickly gets bored with the repetitive and somewhat phony nature of everything until two strangers come into town and she falls in mom love with the little boy Owen, who as we know becomes 'Greg' the stranger who drove into town a few episodes ago. But Owen's dad Kurt Flynn isn't too keen on Regina's offer to move to Storybrooke... so she kills him offscreen.

I don't really have a lot to say about this episode. I enjoyed it.

Mr. Gold: Black always was your color.
Regina: I'm here to bury my mother. So if you've come to gloat..
Mr. Gold: I came to pay my respects. We had our differences, but Cora will always have a place in my heart.
Regina: You killed her to save your own life.
Mr. Gold: Sadly, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Regina: Like getting Mary Margaret to trick me into killing my own mother? You may be able to hide behind your dagger, but she can't. She's going to die for what she did.
Mr. Gold: Oh, come on. We both know killing her will cost you the thing you want most - Henry. Why don't you just give up this obsession with vengeance? You know it can never make you happy.
Regina: Yes, it will.
Mr. Gold: You had a whole curse worth of vengeance, and what did it get you? A gaping hole in your heart.
Regina: That was your curse.
Mr. Gold: Which you cast. Still haven't learned your lesson, have you?
Regina: What lesson?
Mr. Gold: The same one your mother learned a long time ago. You can't have everything. She wanted power, ripped out her own heart to get it. You want vengeance? Henry's the price you'll pay. Time to cut your losses.
Regina: Never. I will have my son, and I will have my vengeance. I will find a way to have everything.

Mr. Gold: She's (Emma's) right. Cora was dangerous because she didn't have a heart. Regina is even more dangerous because she does.

Emma: (She walks back over to Neal. Henry is not at the table.) How did it go?
Neal: Went good. He said yes.
Emma: Seriously?
Neal: Yeah, he's in the bathroom right now. I'm just gonna go home and pack. Not bad for day three as a dad if I do say so myself.
Emma: Wait, where's his backpack?
Neal: I don't know, he took it with him.
Emma: To the bathroom? Did you really fall for that? He's YOUR son.
Neal: (with realization) He's running.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Mary Margaret's apartment. Regina walks up the stairs and uses magic to open the door to the apartment. She heads toward Mary Margaret.
Mr. Gold: (Steps in front of Regina) Nice try dearie. Did you really think it was going to be that easy?
Regina: (To Mary Margaret) He can't be your guard dog forever. (Leaves)
Regina: Yes. And once you blacken your heart, it only grows darker. And darker. Trust me. I know.
Mary Margaret: So crush it. Do it. Crush it. Get it over with.
Regina: And put you out of your misery? I don't need to destroy you. You're doing it to yourself. And along the way, you'll bring down that perfect little family you fought so hard to reunite. And then Henry will be mine.
Mary Margaret: Please kill me. Please just kill me.
Regina: You see, I can have everything. (She replace Mary Margaret's heart.) Thanks to you. Now get off my porch. (She goes inside and slams the door.)

Kurt Flynn is killed off-screen by Regina. Although we never see it, it is confirmed by Regina at some point.

2.18 Selfless, Brave and True

Wherein we see just how badly wrong August went in our world and we watch Snow being a total badass with a bow in the forest.

In 2011 August wakes up and he is starting to turn to wood. Doctors can't help him because they don't see anything wrong with his leg. He needs magic so he finds a person named The Dragon where we see dun dun DUN... that Tamara is also there. The Dragon asks him for an item of great value and August gives him his necklace, the string of which animated him as a boy puppet and The Dragon also requires 10,000 dollars in cash, which he steals from Tamara a woman he believes to be suffering from cancer. Later when he goes back to The Dragon with Tamara's cash, he receives a vial of magic, which Tamara tries to take from him since he stole her money. She gets the magic and August cries in the gutter.

Later Tamara comes back and 'kills' The Dragon him with a magic taser.

In Storybrooke August is a woodpile of failure living in a trailer in the woods when a depressed from killing Cora Snow finds him and tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself, a sentiment that could easily apply to Snow as well.

Regina finally connects the dots and realizes that Greg is actually Owen come back to find his father. Regina plays dumb and claims his father left town right after Owen.

Geppetto confesses to Snow about how he sent August to this world in place of her, making the Blue Fairy say that the magic wardrobe could hold only one. Snow slaps him and then apologizes profusely. 

Neal's fiancée Tamara comes to town and awkwardness ensues. Neal/Bae being one of more truthful, non secret keeping people in town tells Tamara the truth about where he comes from and Tamara freaks. But it's all an act as Tamara heads strait to August's trailer where she offers him what's left of The Dragon's magic vial if he leaves right away to retrieve it from New York. August leaves, but as he's driving out of Storybrooke he changes his mind and he tries to call Emma to warn her, but Tamara somehow finds him before he can finish that call and she then 'kills' August with the magic taser. But Blue Fairy is able to make him a little boy again.

A few months/weeks in the past we see August talking to Neal. He's going to storybrooke to help Emma break the curse and he says he'll send Neal a postcard when the curse is broken. We learn the truth of how Tamara met Neal... is was all a setup.

And we end with Tamara showing up at Greg's door for a make-out session while Neal is in the shower. Yuck.

None that we can give a point for. August doesn't really die and neither as we learn in season 5/6 does The Dragon.

Season Two DEATH COUNT (18 episodes in)
Cora  -- 102 (+100 Village +2 Johanna, Princess Eva)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina 2 (heart that died in zombie Daniel/Kurt Flynn)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Snow White -- 1 (Cora)


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