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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #120 on: April 03, 2017, 06:28:35 PM »
6.15 A Wondrous Place
DEATHS - Jafar kills random Prince Stickface and he is in return killed by Jasmine in the same manner.

Season Six Death Count
(after 15 episodes)
Regina 6
Hook 4
Charming 1
Jafar 2
Jasmine 1 (Jafar)
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #121 on: April 04, 2017, 02:42:27 PM »
2.19 Lacey
We open with Henry's birthday party where his grandpa Gold offers him anything in the shop, he chooses a wand and grandpa turns him into porcelain and shatters him... then he wakes up because it was just Gold's nightmare.

In the past - Belle's crying is interfering with Rumple's spinning so he gives her a pillow.
Rumplestiltskin: When you so eagerly agreed to come and work for me, I assumed you wouldn't miss your family quite so much.
Belle: I made my sacrifice for them. Of-of course I miss them, you beast!
Rumplestiltskin: Yes, yes, of course. But the crying must stop. Night after night! It's making it very difficult for me to spin. You know, I do my best thinking then. (creates a pillow) Perhaps this'll help?
Belle: For me?
Rumplestiltskin: Not quite so beastly now, am I?
Belle: Thank you. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep.
Rumplestiltskin: No, no, no. It's not to help you sleep, dearie. It's to muffle the cries so I can get back to work!

Old Robin Hood breaks in (glamoured to have a different face thanks to the Oz necklace retcon from season 4) and gets captured by Rumple.
SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Castle. Belle is sweeping the floor while the Thief is heard screaming in the background.
Rumplestiltskin: I'm gonna need another apron.
Belle: Uh, they're uh... They're on the line drying. It'll be some time.
Rumplestiltskin: Fine, fine. Get to cleaning this one as well. (removes bloody apron.) I'll be back later.
Belle: All this because he tried to steal a magic wand?
Rumplestiltskin: No, because he tried to steal from me. The Dark One. You try that, you get skinned alive. Everyone knows that.
Belle: Actually, no, They don't.
Rumplestiltskin: Well they will after they discover the body. (giggles and walks away.)
Anyway... Belle let's Robin go and when Rumple finds out he brings Belle with him as he hunts Robin Hood down.
SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Castle. Rumplestiltskin sharpens the tools that he plans to kill the thief with.
Rumplestiltskin: I'll try not to be too loud. Can't promise the same courtesy from our prisoner. (He leaves the room.) Belle! (Enters the room again.) Where is he?
Belle: Gone. I let him go.
Rumplestiltskin: What? He was a thief.
Belle: Which doesn't give you the right to kill him.
Rumplestiltskin: It gives me every right. Oh, let me guess. You think he's a hero? Stealing from me for some noble cause? You read too many books, dearie! There. (He makes Belle's book disappear) Maybe that'll stop filling your head with poisonous thoughts!
Belle: I didn't free him because of what I read in my books. I saw good in him. That man only wanted to escape with his life.
Rumplestiltskin: Oh, is that what you thought? Our thief escaped with more than his life. (The place where the wand had been no longer holds it.) You were tricked, you foolish, gullible girl!
Belle: There must be an explanation. We don't know why he needed that wand.
Rumplestiltskin: He took the wand because he wanted magic! People who steal magic never have good intentions!
Belle: No! No! You can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly know them.
Rumplestiltskin: Oh, we'll see what's in his heart, all right. When I shoot an arrow straight through it. And because I am a showman, it'll be with his bow. And because this is your fault, you get to come with me and watch, and know, as the blood drips from his carcass, it will be you and your rags to wipe it up.

Along the way they run into The Sherriff of Nottingham who tries to bargain for a few minutes alone with Belle... so Rumple rips out his tongue and only gives it back when Nottingham is scared enough that he'll talk. He tells them where they can find Robin. But when they find Robin, Rumple sees that his wife is ill and pregnant (that was why he stole the wand) and he purposefully misses his shot and lets them go. Belle starts to fall in love with him a little. He gives her a new room to clean...A LIBRARY!!!!!!

In Storybrooke Gold gets the pleasure of telling Regina that they're family now.
SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. A park. Neal and Henry are sword fighting while Mr. Gold watches on. Regina Mills approaches Mr. Gold.
Regina: Seems like we both have been pushed to the side lines.
Mr. Gold: What are you doing here?
Regina: The real question is what's your son doing with mine?
Mr. Gold: Oh that... (turns towards Regina.) That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement, did you? That's Henry's father.
Regina: What?
Mr.Gold: Do I have to spell it out for you? Miss Swan and my son-
Regina: (Interrupting.) You're Henry's grandfather?
Mr. Gold: Guess that makes us family! He's got my eyes, don't you think? (walks away from Regina)
Regina: You did this!
Mr. Gold: Trust me, dearie, it was as much a shock to me as it is to you.
Regina: No! You must have known! When I adopted him, it was you who procured him for me. You expect me to believe that that was a coincidence?
Mr. Gold: No, not coincidence. Fate. And apparently, fate has a sense of humor.

Moving on to the meat of the episode - Gold goes to visit Belle in the hospital and he agrees to help her get her memory back.  Later Regina comes in and 'thoughtfully' gives Belle back her memories. Her cursed memories that is. Now she knows herself as Lacey the barfly. Gold comes back to collect her and finds her gone. He uses the match book Regina gave her to track her to The Rabbit Hole; a 'vile joint'. Where Belle, now 'Lacey' is playing pool and guzzling beer in slutty clothes. Gold is appalled and he leaves to confront Regina who basically crows over it and threatens to tell Baelfire if he tries to hurt her.

He goes to Charming for love advice;
Mr. Gold: Is this seat taken? You might want to run along. I need to chat to the Prince.
David: It's all right, Leroy. I got this. (Leroy leaves.) What do you want to chat about, Gold?
Mr. Gold: Regina. She helped jog Belle's memory.
David: That's good, then.
Mr. Gold: No, no. Wrong memories. She now thinks she's a scantily-clad barfly named Lacey. She has a false life. As you did, under the curse with Kathryn. Only hers apparently involves a lot more alcohol.
David: What do you want with me?
Mr. Gold: I want to know how you did it. Even when both your heads were filled with false memories, David Nolan still won Mary Margaret's heart.
David: You want me to help you?
Mr. Gold: Well, I'm certainly not here for the over-praised lasagna. (Granny turns around and looks to Mr. Gold.)
David: You got my wife to murder someone.
Mr. Gold: Someone who would have killed all of you. Look, if you don't want to help, that's fine. But if you do, for the first time ever, I'm gonna owe you a favour.

Gold and Charming head for the Rabbit Hole and Charming helps Gold try to charm Lacey... who agrees to go on a date with him.
David: Not bad, Don Juan.
Mr. Gold: Don Juan was nothing before he made his deal with me.
On their date Lacey is utterly bored and leaves Gold sitting while she slips out the back. Later he finds her making out (to put it mildly) with Nottingham so Gold rips them apart and Nottingham runs off in terror. Belle tells Gold he's too nice for her.
He tracks down a sniveling, pleading Nottingham and takes his tongue again so that no one can hear him scream. Lacey sees him beating the snot out of Nottingham and perversely loves him for it.

In other storylines - Emma and Neal re-bond as he spends time with Henry. Greg and Tamara have Hook locked up in the back of their van. The Charmings lead Emma through an invisibility field to see the magic bean plants growing and she realizes that they want to go home to The Enchanted Forest.
Regina follows them to the field and razes the entire crop.

DEATHS - Well Nottingham takes quite the beating from Gold, but it seems he survives it. So none.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #122 on: April 04, 2017, 02:48:11 PM »
2.20 The Evil Queen
In the past - Regina kills a whole lot of people in her quest to kill Snow White. Then she gets Rumple to glamour her as a peasant so that she can get close to Snow White, but she will have no magic while glamoured and in return he wants her to cut off all trade with King George's realm (to get him to make the deal with Midas which starts the whole ball rolling for Snow and Charming's true love).  Regina doesn't like what she hears when she walks among the people who hate her and love Snow White. She is even captured by her own guards. Ironically Snow rescues her, beating up her guards in the process (no dead ones though I think). Snow and glamoured Regina bond a bit until Snow comes upon a mass grave full of villagers that Regina just had her guards kill. Regina slips and Snow realizes that it's her and she trains an arrow on her but doesn't fire. Glamoured Regina runs off.

In Storybrooke - Tamara and Greg let a gloating Hook know that Gold isn't dead after all. Hook is pissed and he accepts a deal from them to go after Regina (Greg is still looking for his father).

Regina overhears The Charmings talking about giving her (Regina) a choice - go back to The Enchanted Forest with them and live out her days in Rumple's cell or stay behind (and never see Henry again).

Regina goes to Henry and again blames everyone but herself for her hard luck (they made me this way ect.). She tells Henry about a failsafe option that will kill everyone but him (and her) and bring them back together. Henry is rightfully horrified and she takes his memory away.

Hook tells Regina everything and let me tell you... those two had chemistry! Oh how different the series would be if I was writing it. Anyway Hook betrays Regina by tricking her into putting on a magic canceling cuff (first cuff appearance?), betraying Hook in return (before she even knows she has been betrayed) Regina pushes him over a cliff to take a newly reborn Malelificent zombie thing? Hook survives and He Tamara and Greg confront Regina who now realizes that the cuff she got from Hook keeps her from using magic. Opps!

Tamara runs into Emma and Emma's intermittent lie detector goes off. She tells her mom but Snow White thinks it's just the jealousy talking. Emma and Henry start a new operation to catch Tamara. They search Neal's place, but get easily caught by Neal. Who is really quite understanding given the circumstances.

The Charmings and Grumpy find the remains of the bean field that Regina razed.

- Regina has her guards kill a whole village. We see at least 40+ people that presumably were killed, it's hard to count the dead in this case so I guess we'll just count this as another village so 100 points to Regina.

Season Two DEATH COUNT (20 episodes in)
Cora  -- 102 (+100 Village +2 Johanna, Princess Eva)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina 102 (heart that died in zombie Daniel/Kurt Flynn/+100 for  a village of at least 40 people)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Snow White -- 1 (Cora)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #123 on: April 04, 2017, 04:29:46 PM »
2.21 Second Star to the Right
Alrighty let's finish this monster!

In the past... we see Baelfire arrive in our world now without his papa. He lands in Kensington Gardens in London where (six months later) he meets The Darling family who more or less take him in. I do wonder how he would have fared if Rumple had been there, possibly no better since Rumple was lame and had only the one (known) skill in spinning, but it would've been happier at least. The Darlings tell him about The Shadow, Bae tells them not to let it in again because magic always comes with a price.
But Wendy doesn't listen and when The Shadow comes back she leaves with it. She comes back scared of Neverland and when the Shadow returns again Bae volunteers to go in their place.
Once in Neverland Bae hears the crying children and he lights a match so The Shadow will drop him. Hook fishes him out of the sea. (So this means that in the seven months or so Bae has been gone Rumple killed Melah, took Killian Jones' hand and Hook made his way to Neverland and is already well acquainted with Peter Pan... now that is a tight timeline!).

In Storybrooke - Neal catches Gold making Doctor Whale kiss his shoe to impress Lacey and he loses it. They exchange words. Neal is very hurtful.

The Charming clan go after Regina and find a small, but barren, bean-plant in her office. Snow thinks Gold took Regina, Emma says no it's Tamara.

At the cannery Tamara shows Greg the two beans she found in Regina's office, Greg shows her the failsafe crystal. Greg and Tamara begin to torture Regina. 

Charmings go to Gold for help and he gives them a tear of Regina's and mixes it with one from Snow which will allow Snow to see and feel whatever Regina sees and feels. Lacey is loving the magic stuff. She wants Gold to keep her young so they can be together forever.

Tamara tells Regina about the unholyness of magic and that she has an organization that wants to destroy magic... basically none of this matters as we know because Pan is behind everything, but I do wonder if (as I've heard) a change in the storyline was made when Once got the rights to Peter Pan and they decided to scrap whatever Greg and Tamara were up too in favor of the Neverland arc.

Regina admits to murdering Greg's father and burying him in the woods. Greg turns the power up. Charmings rescue her. Greg gets away. Tamara knocks Emma out and shoots Neal, sending him through a beanhole for good measure when Emma can't hold him and Bae let's go of her hand. Emma tells him she loves him BECAUSE SHE DOES! Are you listening Once writers?!

DEATHS - NONE that stick other than Kurt Flynn and I already counted that one.

2.22 And Straight on 'Til Morning

In Neverland past - Hook and Smee think the boy (Bae) belongs to Pan and they plan to use him get in good with Pan. Hook tries to befriend the boy, the better to use him. When he learns his name is Baelfire he realizes who he is and finds a double use for the boy as both bait for pan and bait for Rumplestiltskin.
The Lost Boys show up looking for the boy, but Hook won't give him up just yet because he is 'the key to his revenge'. Felix was a great character... just saying. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP. They search the ship, but don't find Bae's hiding place.
Bae thinks Hook's a good guy since he hid him, which makes it easier to betray him later when The Lost Boys come back. Bae tells Hook his father is the Dark One and about the dagger. Bae learns to sail. Hook hands him over to The Lost Boys.

In Storybrooke - Gold  has another temptation as Henry swings over ridiculously placed sharp rocks by his playground. The Charmings interrupt his murderous musings to tell him that Bae is dead.  TEARS. Emma tells Henry. MORE TEARS.  The Charmings want Gold's help. He doesn't care about anything anymore. He blames himself for his son's death. He's prepared to pay the price and is basically going to sit in his shop and let the end come.

Hook, Greg and Tamara go down the mines to setup the failsafe. They tell Hook the plan and since it will kill Rumple too... Hook's in. Greg activates the failsafe with a dwarf pickaxe and magic vines start to consume the town. Slowly enough that our heroes can save it of course.

Hook walks in on a Charming family meeting and Charming punches him. LOVE IT! Hook wants to help because he decided he wants to live even more than he wants his revenge. Charming tells Hook if he tries anything he'll shot him in the face. NICE!

The dwarves invade Gold's shop and demand a mug to return Sneezy's (I think it was Sneezy) memories before they all die. Apparently Blue Fairy has been working on it and just happened to finish it today... the day they all die. Grumpy gives Gold a dose for Belle too because Belle once saved him. Gold brings out the broken shards of chip and restores the cup. He gets Belle to drink the magic in the cup and she finally remembers who she is! Belle? Rumple! KISSING!!!! He cries in her arms.

Hook and Charming confront Tamara and Greg and even though they get away, Hook manages to get a magic bean.

Regina goes to destroy the crystal, but tells Emma that she won't survive and to take care of Henry.

Mary Margaret: Look, I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parents, but give us this one. Let us do the right thing. It's not to late.
Emma: (Embracing Henry) I just don't want him to be alone. I don't want him to grow up the way I did. (A loud boom, and then another earthquake occurs, the largest one yet) This plan could fail. If we use that bean now, we can get away for sure. We will survive.
Mary Margaret: But it's wrong. Emma, I killed her mother.
Emma: You did that to Cora because you had to.
Mary Margaret: I did it because it was easy. It was a mistake. There were other paths, harder paths, and I wish I had taken them. So please, Emma, honey, let's take the hard path. Because if we don't we will be building a future on Regina's blood.

Together Regina and Emma destroy the failsafe crystal with their combined magic.

They realize that Hook stole the magic bean.

Henry gets kidnapped by Greg and Tamara.

Hook returns and The Neverland Avengers form to go and save Henry.... Next season.

Gold leaves Belle with a cloaking spell...
Mr. Gold: Well, Greg and Tamara weren't working alone. Others will follow.
David: No. We can't leave people in danger.
Mr. Gold: (Takes out a small sheet of paper, hands it to Belle) After we've gone, follow these instructions. It's a cloaking spell. It'll shield the town, making it impossible for anyone to find.
Belle: Then how will you find your way back to me? (Silence.) You're not coming back, are you?
Mr. Gold: The prophecy. The boy is my undoing, but he's also my grandson. I must save him. I must do this to honor Baelfire. He's gone, and I didn't even get the chance to say good-bye.
Belle: I understand, but I also know that the future isn't always what it seems. I will see you again. (They kiss, then tearfully begin to go their separate ways.) Baelfire would be very proud of you.

In The Enchanted Forest we learn that Bae is still alive and that Aurora and Mulan have already somehow managed to save Phillip.

SCENE: Aboard the Jolly Roger. Present. Hook and Mr. Gold are standing face to face.
Mr. Gold: So, are you done trying to kill me.
Hook: I believe so.
Mr. Gold: Excellent. Then you can live. (Magically summons the Magic Globe, pricks his finger, and a map of a strange island appears)
Regina: Where is that? Where did they take Henry?
Hook: Neverland.
DEATHS - None that stick.

Cora  -- 102 (+100 Village +2 Johanna, Princess Eva)
Regina 102 (heart that died in zombie Daniel/Kurt Flynn/+100 for  a village of at least 40 people)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Snow White -- 1 (Cora)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #124 on: April 04, 2017, 04:48:39 PM »
TOTALS for Season One
Rumple 10
Regina 9
Red - 6
Charming 5
Snow 5
Graham 2
Grumpy 2
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
King George 1
Sydney Glass  1
Cora 1

Cora  -- 102 (+100 Village +2 Johanna, Princess Eva)
Regina 102 (heart that died in zombie Daniel/Kurt Flynn/+100 for  a village of at least 40 people)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
Prince James 5 giants
King George/George -- 2
Rumple:  2 (Milah) (The Seer)
Regina's Guard --- 1
Snow White -- 1 (Cora)

Regina 2
Rumple 2
Peter Pan 2
Snow White 1
Zelena 1!

Regina +101
Cruella 4
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Emma 1
Robin Hood 1
Zelena 1

Regina 102
Liam Jones 14
Hook 4
Zelena 3
Arthur 2
Hades 2
Charming 1
Nimue 1
Rumple 1

Regina 316
Cora  103
Rumple:  15
Liam Jones 14
Charming 11
Snow White 7
Prince James 6
Red 6
Zelena 5
Cruella 4
Hook 4
King George/George 3
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Arthur 2
Hades 2
Graham 2
Grumpy 2
Jiminy Cricket 2
Peter Pan 2
Emma 1
Nimue 1
Robin Hood 1
Sydney Glass 1

 :whoo:   -Dancekick-  -Dancekick-  -Dancekick-  :whoo:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #125 on: April 09, 2017, 04:57:11 PM »
Always think Cora is the worse.   We don't half of her back story.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #126 on: May 02, 2017, 12:42:39 PM »
6.16 Mother's Little Helper
DEATHS - 1 point to Black Fairy for Gideon's friend whom she dusted into a bug and then squashed.

6.17 Awake

6.18 Where Bluebirds Fly

6.19 The Black Fairy

Season Six Death Count (after 19 episodes)

Regina 6
Hook 4
Charming 1
Jafar 2
Jasmine 1 (Jafar)
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)
Black Fairy 1 ...that's right the biggest evil ever has only one death to her credit so far.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #127 on: May 02, 2017, 12:57:29 PM »
I contend we add a second -- her son's "good nature/savior" aspect.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #128 on: May 07, 2017, 08:43:26 PM »
I'd love too, but I just don't think we can count shears work as a death.

6.20 The Song in Our Heart
DEATHS - Regina snaps the necks of two of her guards during her song.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #129 on: May 16, 2017, 04:34:30 PM »
6.21 The Final Battle, Part 1
6.22 The Final Battle, Part 2

DEATHS - Rumple kills The Black Fairy ...I think that was the only one.

Season Six Death Count
Regina 8
Hook 4
Jafar 2
Rumple 2 (Black Fairy)
Charming 1
Jasmine 1 (Jafar)
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)
Black Fairy 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #130 on: May 16, 2017, 04:43:47 PM »
Regina 324
Cora  103
Rumple:  17
Liam Jones 14
Charming 12
Snow White 7
Prince James 6
Red 6
Zelena 5
Cruella 4
Hook 8
King George/George 3
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Arthur 2
Graham 2
Grumpy 2
Hades 2
Jafar 2
Jiminy Cricket 2
Peter Pan 2
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)
Black Fairy 1
Emma 1
Jasmine 1 (Jafar)
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Nimue 1
Robin Hood 1
Sydney Glass 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #131 on: May 16, 2017, 04:46:39 PM »
and a list of everyone each main character killed...

Unnamed guards/soldiers 9
The Woodcutter

Snow's Mother Eva
Daniel (Regina's first boyfriend)
Peasants 100

Her mother 1
Her father 1
Two step-father 2

Robin Hood

His Father
King George's Henchmen 2
Robert (Papa) Charming

Peter Pan KILLED

Snow's Father Leopold
The Blind Witch
Gnomes/Mermaids/Jesters 3
Her Father Henry Senior
Sheriff Graham
Misc. soldiers/guards 8
Peasants 304? (hard to count all those villages)
Kurt Flynn
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Wish Charmings 2

Onora (The Mute Maid)
The Medicine Man (baby contract dude)
The Seer
Cinderella's Fairy Godmother
Peter Pan/Malcolm
Misc. soldiers/badguys 5
Peasants 1
The Black Fairy

Charming (briefly)
Soldiers/guards/bad guys 5

Peasants/guards 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #132 on: July 05, 2018, 03:52:15 PM »
I buzzed through season seven again over the weekend (on heavy FF at times) to fill in the last seasons numbers.

7.1 Hyperion Heights
Rapunzel kills New Cinderella's (Ninderella?) fairy godmother and her 'prince'.
Also it appeared that Henry killed a guard/soldier.

7.2 A Pirate's Life
Hook (not Nook) kills 2 soldiers

7.3 The Garden of Forking Paths
No death for certain

7.4 Beauty
None that count

7.5 Greenbacks

7.6 Wake Up Call

7.7 Eloise Gardener
The perp with the tatoo is killed, but as far as I can tell it was never clear who killed him. Probably either Goethal or Hansel

7.8 Pretty in Blue

7.9 One Little Tear
This is the episode where Rapunzel poisons? her husband's 2nd wife and then she runs away to Wonderland and then later dies there...I don't think I can count this one since it's unclear how she died.

7.10 The Eighth Witch

7.11 Secret Garden
Hansel kills the doctor looking after Lucy
Goethal kills Rapunzel

7.12 A Taste of the Heights

7.13 Knightfall
Hansel kills blind witch 2.0 (Nitch?) and also a policeman

7.14 The Girl in the Tower

7.15 Sisterhood
Drizella kills Gretel 2.0 (Netel?)

7.16 Breadcrumbs

7.17 Chosen
Facilia kills Hansel

7.18 The Guardian

7.19 Flower Child
Well Goethal kills 25ish party goers and supposedly...the world? How on Earth do I count that?

7.20 Is This Henry Mills?
Alice kills Goethal (more or less)
Wumple kills Facila

7.21 Homecoming

7.22 Leaving Storybrooke
Snow kills a guard
Rumple kills himself (again) and also sort of Wumple (so himself again again) somehow.

Season Seven Death Count
Goethal 26ish + infinity
Hansel 2.0 3
Hook 2
Rapunzel 2
Rumple 2 (both of them himself)
Alice 1
Drizella 1
Facilia 1
Henry 1
Snow 1
Wumple 1

Goethal 26ish + infinity
Regina 325
Cora  103
Rumple:  19* (three of these are himself)
Liam Jones 14
Charming 12
Snow White 9
Prince James 6
Red 6
Zelena 5
Cruella 4
Hook 10
King George/George 3
Ingrid (Snow Queen)  3
Maleficent 3
Hansel 2.0 3
Arthur 2
Graham 2
Grumpy 2
Hades 2
Jafar 2
Jiminy Cricket 2
Peter Pan 2
Rapunzel 2
Alice 1
Baelfire 1 (highly contested!)
Black Fairy 1
Drizella 1
Emma 1
Facilia 1
Henry 1
Jasmine 1 (Jafar)
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Nimue 1
Robin Hood 1
Sydney Glass 1
Wumple 1


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