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Author Topic: Uncharted Territory  (Read 1003 times)

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Offline ponytail

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Uncharted Territory
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:55:32 AM »
No more books to keep us informed on the major plot lines unfolding in Game of Thrones anymore, just lots of questions. Some of the major plot lines have already deviated from the books anyway. All we are left with is unanswered questions--it will be great to see how they are answered!
1. Will the fan theory R+L=J prove true? Bran seems to be the key to finally giving us an answer.
2. Will Bran really be able to influence events in the past? Or will he be able to influence present events with his newfound powers? We had a taste of 'maybe' when Ned Stark seemed to hear him in the Tower of Joy flashback. When will he leave his 'tree' and why?
3. Will Arya become completely lost to who she really is? Will she ever reunite with any of her family? Will her newfound skills ever aid them?
4. Will Jon and Sansa finally get rid of Ramsay? Will Rickon be saved? Will they unite the North to battle the White Walkers? Will Jon be changed by his death and resurrection? Is he the legendary hero we have heard so much about?
5. What will be Melisandre's new role? Or will she have one?
6. Will Sam become a Maester? Will he discover anything new about the white walkers? Will he return to the North to help Jon?
7. Will Jaime and Cersei regain their stranglehold on King's Landing from the High Sparrow? How long will Tommen last as king? How long will the High Sparrow last? And Margaery? Will she get out of the dungeons and resume her role as Tommen's Queen? Will she and Olenna be able to take down Cersei and her mountain of a sidekick?
8. What are Ellaria and the Sand Snakes up to next? (They can cut their story short for all I care....)
9. Will Tyrion and Varys be able to maintain control over Meereen? What role will Tyrion play in the new order with Dani? Will he be one of the other dragon riders? And who will the dragon riders be?
10. Where are the dragons, and what will they do?
11. How long will Jorah last (with his grey scale)? And Daario...is he relevant anymore?
12. Dani...the woman continues to amaze. When will she get to Westeros? Will it be with her forces or on the back of a dragon? Will it be to help against the battle with the white walkers, or to retake the Iron Throne?
13. The Wall--does anyone else think that we may see it coming down? That would be a spectacle.
14. Will we get any more answers as to what the white walkers are? Or what they want? Will we finally be able to see a battle of ice and fire between the dragons and the white walkers? (Keeping my fingers crossed).
15. And I almost forgot Baelish, aka Littlefinger. What are his plans for the North? Will he come to Sansa's aid as it appears he will, or does he have deeper, darker reasons?

Part of this season and one more to go. It is hard to see how all these loose ends will be tied up. The author himself says his ending to the saga is bittersweet. Hmmmm.... His latest book is 'supposed' to be out this year. I'm hoping! He says one more to go, but with years and years between each one, it will be a long time coming, and his ending and the HBO ending may be entirely different.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 08:06:27 PM by ponytail »


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