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Author Topic: Grand Finale (and boy, was it grand)!  (Read 988 times)

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Offline ponytail

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Grand Finale (and boy, was it grand)!
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:20:49 AM »
The 6th season of Game of Thrones wound up Sunday night, and boy did it go out with a bang (literally and figuratively)! We had the evil queen Cersei getting rid of all her enemies in King's Landing in one huge blast of magefire, ending the lives of all her enemies in King's Landing. (The High Sparrow, Lancel Lannister, Pycelle, Queen Margaery, her brother Loras and father Mace). No one escaped, although Margaery gave it a good try. King Tommen was an unplanned casualty, throwing himself from the red tower when he realized what his mother had done. It was suspenseful, heartbreaking, and though expected, sad to see some of those characters fall to Cersei's evil plans to hold on to the throne. Her seat on the throne, however, seems shortlived. The few enemies she destroyed are insignificant compared to what she has coming her way.
Jon and Sansa have solidified their hold on the north and rallied all the northern lords behind them--but there is one man that may put a kink in all their plans, and he is right there in their midst, weaving his little webs. Littlefinger will be a powerful enemy or useful tool, we will have to see. (I am betting on enemy).
Bran and Meera are on their own, but it looks like they are near Castle Black. Bran has one final vision, proving true that Jon is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen, like all of us have thought all along. Could be interesting...will he be a dragon rider? The subtitle of these books is 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. Jon is the ice, Daenarys is the fire is what we are all thinking.
Arya is in Westeros, having learned her lessons well in Bravos. The first person on her list is Walder Frey. She serves him his sons in a pie before she reveals herself as Arya Stark, and then slits his throat. The most horrifying part of this scene was the look of evil glee on her face as she did it. She has truly become a vicious assassin.
Dani has set sail for Westeros with a vast army including the Greyjoys, Dothraki, and Unsullied. Tyrion, Varys, Grey Worm,and Missendei are at her side. Varys has laid the foundation for an alliance with Dorne and Highgarden. Watch out Cersei.
Next season will only be 7 episodes, with a season 8 of 7 episodes to finish it all up. It will be hard to wait, even harder to wait for season 8, and harder still to see the end of one of the most captivating shows of all time.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 12:09:24 PM by ponytail »

Offline ponytail

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Re: Grand Finale (and boy, was it grand)!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 10:30:34 AM »
There are just so many great things about this show. The music is original and captivating, always seeming to fit the emotions of the scenes being played. The plot lines are so intense, giving you characters you root for, despise, and grieve for. The story is so dense, involved and well written with many plot lines to follow, yet all woven together to make sense. We know, going forward, that the ending will be bittersweet. We will see some triumph, some get their just desserts, and some fall, both good and bad. Who will they be? Jon? Dani? Tyrion? Sansa? Arya? Sam? Cersei? Bran? Jaime? Brienne? Davos? Of all of these, I am thinking Jon, Cersei, Jaime, Brienne, and maybe Arya will fall, leaving only Dani and Tyrion alive at the end. Waaaaahhhh! We will see.


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