Non- Reality > Once Upon a Time

Season 6 -- Oh, why not

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Here's the promo thanks to EW.

Spoilerish stuff  -- Regina

Well I'd say that was one of the better looking season posters/DVD covers they've done...but they're all pretty repetitive.

Not thrilled that all we know about six so far seemed Regina centric when Regina is kind of the worst character consistency wise. She was bad, then she was good (but not that good), she uses dark magic all the time and still does really bad things...all of which will be ignored by the heroes. Now she's killed (or tried to) her 'evil' half and I just can't see how that works. I can easily see the evil Regina killing her 'weak' half, but shouldn't a Regina without the evil have been a bit more different? Think of the Star Trek episode 'The Enemy Within'.


The opening seemed a little flat to me.  No real action.  The major thing seemed to deal with Emma's death.  And Hyde even got that wrong.  Examples:

Arthur -- will sleep until Britain needs him.
Aslan -- sacrificed on the altar but returned to life.  When good gives it's life for bad it comes back stronger.

I'm sure I could think of more but right now my brain is on other things.



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