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Pete's Dragon


Pete's Dragon
Grandma duty took me to the movies again this weekend and we went to see Pete's Dragon. It is definitely nothing like the original version! But I think it was much better. It looks to be located in the Pacific NW and tells the tale of a small boy that lost his parents in a car accident and finds a home with a green, furry, lovable dragon. Add in a warm hearted forest ranger, a dastardly logger, and a spunky girl and you have a great mix of drama and feel good scenes. Loved it. Rated PG and given an A score.

I took my children to see it when they were young and didn't realize there was a new version.  I love the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" still.  I think I teared up at the end of the movie when Puff had to go away because Pete had outgrown him. 


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