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Author Topic: The Queen's Justice  (Read 2017 times)

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Offline Merry Prankster

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The Queen's Justice
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:10:56 PM »
MP has some random thoughts and speculation.  He will save his reaction to his two favorite scenes for the end.

The Bran/Sansa reunion was weird indeed.  Bran appears to be drawn more and more into the world of visions, losing touch with present reality and people, including family.  Recalling Sansa’s wedding day?  WTF?  Maybe Bran will take root.  Was he trying to tell something to Sansa?  If he was, MP missed it.

Middlefinger’s advice to Sansa was a little too zen for MP’s taste.  She appears committed to the war in the North but MP still believes MF will try to turn Sansa’s attention and the army of the North towards Cersei.

Melisandre foreshadowed her death and the death of Varys.  Knowing Varys, he will dig to discover what her terrible mistakes were.  The Spider is a black hole for information, sucking it all in and doling out very little.

 MP was a bit disappointed in the initial encounter between Dany and nephew Jon.  But he watched the scene again and it made sense.  Two young rulers, strangers, unseasoned in the ways of the dance of diplomacy, totally committed to their respective causes and unwilling to bend, to look past their respective needs to find common ground.  Jon and Dany spent the entire scene talking past each other.  Leave it to Tyrion to find the middle ground.  In the second encounter Dany yielded a bit but asked for nothing in return, at least for the time being.  Perhaps she now sees value for herself in Jon’s war or value in creating a favor bank with Jon.  MP thinks she will be asking a favor of Jon very soon (see below).  Dany also picked up on Davos' "knife to the heart" comment.  MP wonders what will happen, if anything, once she learns the truth.

Militarily, the wily Cersei, with the help of Jaime and Euron, has turned the tables on Dani.  The abandonment of Casterly Rock, the enlistment of Tarly, the conquest of House Tyrell and the destruction of the remainder of Dany’s fleet (she can’t have MORE ships, can she?) has put Dany on her heels.  Cersei now controls the seas, controls the gold and food of The Reach, and has augmented her army through the alliance with the nobles of The Reach.  Dany’s infantry is useless, landlocked several hundred miles from Dragonstone, House Tyrell is gone, Dorne is out of the game (at least for a while), her fleet is gone and she is stuck on Dragonstone.  If it was a game of chess, MP would put black (Cersei) up a bishop and a couple of pawns and threatening the Queen.  But white (Dany) has some pieces she has yet to bring into play.  Cersei reads the mind of her little brother (sorry for the bad pun).

 So, Sam did cure Jorah.  Once Jorah makes his way back to Dany Tyrion might become the next Reince Priebus.

This brings MP to his favorite scenes.   First Cersei, the delightfully evil Iron Ruler who sits on the Iron Throne.  From the celebration of Euron’s victory to the taking of Jaime to the sparring with the Braavos banker in which she more than held her own, to the scene in which she meted out a Queen’s/mother’s justice to Ellaria Sand and her sandsnake daughter, Headey gave a master class in acting.  The scene with Sand/daughter was fantastic.  Her demeanor and voice calm and controlled, at one point almost cracking with barely suppressed emotion over the murder of her daughter, throwing a verbal dagger into Ellaria’s heart and slowly twisting it until the climactic kiss of death, leaving mother and daughter in ferocious but futile agony.  Headey says more with her eyes and facial expressions in one scene than most actors can say in a lifetime of dialogue.  An absolutely riveting scene.  Hell hath no fury like a woman whose child is murdered.

This brings MP to the last scene in the episode, his favorite.   Even on the verge of death, Olenna manages to snatch victory away from Jaime and Cersei.  MP will miss Olenna, played by the marvelous Diana Rigg.

Speculation:   Unless Dany is hiding ships under her dress, she now needs Jon’s fleet.  Look for Dany to sail north with Jon.   Dragons will fly shotgun to protect from Euron.  Assuming Dany encounters White Walkers and the army of the dead, it might just change everything.  Besides, MP needs some way to get those dragons north.

Offline ponytail

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2017, 08:19:47 PM »
Maybe those dragons can herd the white walkers to King's Landing!

I heard Bran described as a computer now, learning how to deal with all the input from the former 3 eyed raven and trying to figure out how to sort it and deal with it. Not surprised he is what he is.

Speculation as to whether any of that poison lingered on Cersei's lips, since she tackled Jaime shortly afterward, but guess not as he showed up to dole out a dose to Olenna.

Arya looks to be within sight of Winterfell, wonder how she will deal with Littlefinger, or Bran, or Sansa...

Lots of hope for a Jon/Dani romance, that would spoil it for me. I think of them both as doomed heroes.

Wondering about Theon's new role, and when will Gendry show up?

It's hard to believe the season is almost half over...and I read a terrible rumor that season 8 may not appear until 2019. Hope it's untrue! Glad you're watching and commenting with me MP! It's a one of a kind show.

Hope for Jon to claim one of the dragons, and Tyrion the other. Tyrion's parentage is in question on some of the sites I read. But I am betting Cersei will be able to kill one or more of them with her giant crossbow.

Lena Headley is perfect casting! What an actress. Hope to see more of her after GoT.

Off the cuff question--I wonder why senior Tarly didn't come after the sword Sam took from him?

Sad to see the last of Olenna, but the wily old grand dame planted some seeds of doubt and went out with class. I will miss her.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 06:01:00 PM »
Ponytail, a few comments to your comments.

Arya-- What MP really looks forward to is Arya's reunion (assuming it happens) with the Hound.

Jon/Dany romance-most legal definitions of incest include relations between aunt/nephew.  One incestuous relationship is enough.

Theon--MP believes the current shivering, cowardly heap will manage to redeem himself with one heroic act, sacrificing his own life.


Does Tarly even know the sword is missing?  MP supposes he must.  Lord Tarly is a detestable Dad but apparently he is a pretty fair leader/warrior.

MP would love to see HBO tackle WoT, if they can find a quality writer who can sort through all the crap in the books to mine the considerable amount of gold WoT has to offer.  John Logan, perhaps?  He is an award winning writer of stage, screen and TV who wrote every word in every episode of Penny Dreadful.  MP believes that in the right hands, WoT could become an epic fantasy story to rival GoT. 

Offline ponytail

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2017, 12:30:40 AM »
Wow! I would love to see WoT get the GoT treatment! As long as it doesn't turn out like the Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker disaster.

Offline LindaM

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2017, 07:37:31 AM »
At one time, I thought WOT would get it.  That was until Jordan started going off on tangents around book 3.  Never made it past book 5.

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2017, 09:58:44 AM »
Agreed, Linda! Some of his books could just be tossed, and others were one, long, boring read. But the ending was dynamite, and a few of his characters were top notch. Just glad that Sanderson could finish it and that we weren't left hanging.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2017, 12:55:36 PM »
WoT--it was as if Jordan knew well his starting point and finishing point, but he got lost in building the road between them, taking endless dead-end detours and side roads.  Nonetheless, he built one of the most complex, elaborate, captivating and consistent fantasy worlds MP has ever encountered.  And to give Jordan (RIP) his due, even the filler had some gold nuggets, e.g.,when Rand and Nynaeve use Saidir to cleanse Saidin at Shadar Logoth is a wonderful scene.   Complex characters, a compelling basic story, a captivating fantasy world and unparalleled epic battle scenes, e.g., the battle of Almoth Plain.  If the right team with great imagination and skill can carve away the fat and fluff (a non-menial task) to pare the story down to its wonderful core, MP believes they will have a blockbuster on their hands.

Ponytail---MP has a question on GoT.  Assuming the Night King has the power to freeze the sea, why did he not use that power at Hardhome so his army of the dead could pursue and destroy Jon and the wildlings, who would have been sitting, er frozen ducks?

Offline ponytail

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Re: The Queen's Justice
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2017, 02:11:11 PM »
A very good question I have no answer for!


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