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I've see very little of GoT but Jon has already died twice.  Wouldn't his death be redundant?   -SPLAT-

Merry Prankster:

--- Quote from: LindaM on August 16, 2017, 02:48:07 PM ---I've see very little of GoT but Jon has already died twice.  Wouldn't his death be redundant?   -SPLAT-

--- End quote ---

MP believes Jon has died only once.  But there is always hope.  GoT specializes in resurrections, zombieish and otherwise.

Merry Prankster:
Ponytail, a few thoughts on your post.  MP really doesn’t have much to add to what’s already been said---it’s mostly because he is an unrepentant blabbermouth.

Sam:  MP is not sure where Sam is headed, but he believes that Sam seeks to reunite with Jon.  Not to worry.  MP is sure Sam will turn up at the time and place needed to serve the plot.  GoT writers seem mostly unconcerned with the mundane logistics of transportation.  One moment Jorah is in his cell in the Citadel and the next he is in Dragonstone.  How the he** did he get there?  Who cares?  MP thinks he knows the answer---Westeros is riddled with wormholes.  Either that or Scotty is beaming people around.  Plus, Westeros has an amazing communications network.  Everyone seems to know everything almost as soon as it occurs.  Those ravens must be the new supersonic models.  Listen for small sonic booms during the next episode.  GoT definitely has its own unique take on time/space.  If Einstein lived in Westeros he would have to go back to the drawing board.

Speaking of sonic booms, MP just had a thought.  Picture this:  The Army of the Dead arrives at the Wall.   All of the White Walkers gather in front of a section of the wall in some sort of formation, like a perverse Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Night King makes some sort of gesture and the wind dies, snow stops, everything becomes still.  On signal, the WWs emit in unison a powerful, high-pitched sound.  Rumbling/shaking sounds build, then cracking sounds.  Ice and then rocks begin to shear from the wall, and so on and so forth until the entire section of wall has collapsed.  MP knows he is wrong but it might make for a pretty cool scene.  BTW, are there any female WWs?

MP believes Sam knew which materials to take because he had been doing some off-the-books sleuthing (sorry for the bad pun).  For example, in the episode where Sam was reading about dragon glass Gilly had a book titled “Legends of the Long Night.”  It was about a previous long Winter.

Dany/Jon—MP forgot to mention that Dany asked Jon about whether he was stabbed in the heart.  Jon deflected the question but he did not deny it happened, then they were interrupted by Jorah.  MP is sure Dany took note.

Suicide Squad—MP believes they are going after a wight, not a White Walker.  It probably is impossible to capture a WW.  The only options seem to be run, kill, or be killed.  That being said, capturing a wight will be no picnic.   Wights seem to like to hang out in groups, large groups.  MP agrees some Suicide Squaders will die but he hopes at least the following survive:  Jon, Jorah, Tormund, the Hound, Gendry.

MP reviewed the Prophecy.  Three kids only, no more.  The TV series leaves out a part of the prophecy in which the Witch tells Cersei that she will die from strangulation by a Valonqar, high Valyrian for “little brother.”  That seems to indicate Jaime or Tyrion will do the deed.  Also, the prophecy seems to predict that Cersei will be supplanted by Dany on the Iron Throne, i.e., a Queen younger and more beautiful.  MP is not sure he agrees with the “more beautiful” part.

Yep, wights would be more feasible. And I love your sonic boom ravens, what a sight that would be! Sam and the books--I can't reconcile the fact that he asked the maesters to put all their resources into looking for clues as to defeating the white walkers at the council meeting. Maybe the books he has will be enough.
Should be a good episode finding out how/if they capture a wight, and watching Beric wield that flaming sword!

Merry Prankster:
Ponytail, a MAJOR BOMBSHELL might be in the offing for "Beyond the Wall,"  the next GoT epsiode.  Apparently, HBO accidentally aired it in Spain four days early.  MP read an article about it and wishes he hadn't.  Please refrain if you can.    All MP will say is the reveal will be  a WOW moment and a total game changer.


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