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Offline Merry Prankster

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The Wolf and the Dragon
« on: August 29, 2017, 06:13:44 PM »
The Wolf and the Dragon
The Wall Comes A Tumblin’ Down
Fire Melts Ice

The three ruler pow-wow:   The scene had some good moments but overall MP was disappointed.  Cersei confirmed her status as the most arrogant, cynical, spiteful, hateful beeotch in Westeros.  She had no intention of honoring any promise she made, big surprise.  Any expectations for a great confrontation between Dany and Cersei were dashed.    Dany made a tactical error by showing up with two Dragons.  Cersei was certain to notice that one was missing.  And Jon the fool refused to lie and bend a knee.  Does he have arthritis?  But Dany seemed to like it---MP thought she treated it as Jon’s clinching act of foreplay.  Good convos. between Jaime/Bronn (hilarious),  the Hound/Brienne, Tyrion/Bronn and Brienne/Jaime (too brief).  The Hound did a great job taunting his zombie brother but it turned out to be just a pre-fight promo.  But the Cleganebowl now looks inevitable.  Overall, MP had the feeling the scene was rushed, it could have been much more with so many reunions between characters.  It easily could have consumed a whole episode by itself.  Too bad the Hound did not put the crate three feet closer to Cersei.  Damn!  Varys uttered nary a word in the entire scene.  Is it true that only a dragon glass or Valyrian steel weapon can kill a wight?  MP was under the impression that wights were vulnerable to ordinary weapons.

The scene between Tyrion/Cersei was MP’s second favorite.  So much pent-up emotion released in the span of a few minutes.  Cersei plays Tyrion like Itzhak Perlman plays the violin.  Is he going to fall for another one of Cersei’s snow jobs?

In hindsight, the Jaime/Cersei split was inevitable.  Jaime has actually developed a conscience and some semblance of honor while Cersei cannot see past her own reflection and that little bulge in her belly, assuming something is in there other than a too-large meal.  MP thought the way in which the episode introduced the arrival of winter in King’s Landing was cool (a single snowflake on Jaime’s glove).  Is a Jaime/Brienne hookup in their future?  What will Tormund have to say about that?

Jon/Theon:  Good convo.  How can Jon be so wise some times and so stupid other times?  Theon found some……oops, never mind.  Apparently, being a eunuch comes in handy once-in-a while.  Will Theon find a sort of redemption in killing the vile Euron and rescuing his sister?

The execution of MF:  MP’s favorite scene.  Sansa’s surprise move in calling him out, throwing MF’s words and deeds back at him, MF groveling and begging for his life, wonderful!  Then the pint-sized assassin does the deed with MF’s own dagger, poetic justice.  May he never rest in peace.  It appears the sisters Sansa are well on their way to reconciliation.  BTW, was MF behind the assassination attempt on Bran during season 1?

Jany:  Apparently, Jany got a stateroom on the love boat.    MP thought Jany making love while Bran narrated the story of Jon’s lineage was a bit on the creepy-crawly side.  When Jany finds out the truth, the fallout may make the falling of the wall look like a 3.0 tremor by comparison, especially if Dany is pregnant.  Tyrion looked none-too-happy about the Jany hookup.  What’s up with that?  If he’s in love with Dany he will have to get in line behind Jon, Jorah, Daario and the 10,000 other guys who are in love with Dany.

The Wall:  Viserion blowing a fiery hole in the wall with the Night King aboard was a spectacular, well-done scene but it left MP flat, perhaps because it was sooo predictable.  So sad to see the once-majestic Viserion with some of the flesh rotted from his wings.  A blue flame burns hotter than orange/yellow, which is somewhat ironic.  Also, grabbing Bran must have enabled the Night King to pass through the wall imbued with magic, dragon fire alone should not be enough.  It is clear to MP that the only way to stop the NK and his minions is by killing  Night King.  MP believes Sam and Bran will collaborate to find the answer and Jon will execute and die in the process.
Something MP was wondering about---the confluence of the rise of the Night King/White Walkers/Army of the Dead, the creation of a new three-eyed raven and the re-emergence of dragons has to be far more than coincidental.  It must have to do with the Night King’s history/powers and MP hopes some sort of explanation will be forthcoming in season 8.  Are there any Children of the Forest left?  How the heck are the GoT writers going to wrap up this complex series in six episodes? 

Offline ponytail

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Re: The Wolf and the Dragon
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 08:26:42 PM »
At least the episodes will be movie length. I sure don't want any of the important parts rushed. Such an interesting meeting of our major characters. And don't forget Podrick and Tyrion. I'm hoping to see more of him when the war begins in earnest. The wight was impressive...loved how we finally saw terror on Cersei's face. Wights? Maybe. They can be dismembered and rendered useless, as Jon showed everyone, but dragon glass, Valyrian steel, and fire are the only things that can truly kill them I guess. Just going by what Jon 'demonstrated'. Cleganebowl here we come!  And Qyburn seemed VERY interested in that dead wight.

Tyrion--will he be the 3rd betrayal that was prophesied to Dani? His gloomy look as he watched Jon enter Dani's cabin needs explaining! One theory is that he is back in the family fold, and will eventually turn on Dani and Jon Not a fan of the joining of Jon and Dani, but unlike you, I rather enjoyed the Bran recitation as events were taking place. A blending of the love story of his parents with his own. Shortlived it may be.

Theon is now set up for redemption, again...but this time I think he's finally found his mojo. Who knew a lack of equipment would be a bonus to him... I will enjoy seeing him and Euron get at it.

Your favorite scene was my favorite scene MP. I was unprepared for it even though I had doubts the sisters could turn against each other as it seemed they were. In the end, I think Sansa will remain the Lady of the North, and now she has the Knights of the Vale as well. Arya, well now that Littlefinger is gone, her talents may lie elsewhere. Perhaps the court of Cersei? And will she take Littlefinger's face to use?

Can hardly wait to find out what Sam knows. I'm thinking he will have important info for Jon. I wonder if he will ever find out about his dad and bro and if he will take up the mantle of lordship when all is said and done.

The Wall---inevitable to see it come down. But I find it hard to believe that Tormund and Beric were casualties. Neither of them deserve an off camera death. I think Beric's purpose is yet to be known, maybe he will kill the Night King. I'm looking forward to a dragon battle with either Jon or Dani, or maybe both on the backs of their dragons, dueling it out with the NK. One of them will fall, I'm betting on Jon, and one will be victorious. It's not in the nature of GoT to have any sort of happy ending.

I, like you, am wondering about all the old tales and stories coming to life, and how they will all be explained. I'm sure Sam and maybe Bran will be able to give us some insight on all of that. He and Bran may start to work together figuring it all out as the rest go to battle. And where will Jaime end up? And his sidekick Bronn?
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 08:30:33 PM by ponytail »

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: The Wolf and the Dragon
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2017, 05:04:15 PM »
MP’s favorite quotes from the season finale:

Bronn: You wouldn’t find me fighting in an army if I had no co*k.  What’s left to fight for? 
Jaime:  ….Maybe it really is all co*ks in the end.

Jon:   That’s more people than the entire North, crammed into THAT.  Why would anyone want to live like that?
Tyrion:  There’s more work in the city…… and the brothels are far superior.

Hound:  Seems every bad idea there’s some Lannister c*nt behind it.
Tyrion:  And some Clegane c*nt to help them see it through.

Hound (to Gregor):  …What did they do to you?  It doesn’t matter.  That’s not how it ends for you brother.  You know who’s coming for you.  You’ve always known.

Jon: This isn’t about living in harmony.  It’s just about living.

Jon:  Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city.  They’re about to become a million more soldiers in the army of the dead.
Cersei:  I imagine for most of them it would be an improvement.

Jon:  There is only one war that matters….the Great War.  And it is here.

Tyrion (to Jon) That is indeed a problem.  The more immediate problem is that we’re fu*ked.

Jaime (to Tyrion outside of Cersei’s chambers):  I suppose we should say good-bye…..one idiot to another.

Tyrion (to Cersei):  If it weren’t for me you’d have a mother.  If it weren’t for me you’d have a father.  If it weren’t for me you’d have two beautiful children.  I’ve thought about killing you more times than I can count.  (Turning to Gregor) DO IT! (Back to Cersei)  Say the word.

Sansa (to MF):  When you brought me back to Winterfell you told me there’s no justice in the world, not unless we make it.  Thank you for all you’re many lessons, Lord Baelish.   I will never forget them.

Sansa (quoting Ned Stark):  When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: The Wolf and the Dragon
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2017, 01:01:52 PM »

Offline ponytail

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Re: The Wolf and the Dragon
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2017, 01:38:59 AM »
 -rollinglaugh- those were some good ones MP! I am going to miss hashing this out each week. It's gonna be a long wait. I will be gone for a couple of weeks, so don't do anything rash while I'm away!  :49:


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