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Author Topic: Beyond the Wall  (Read 1422 times)

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Offline ponytail

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Beyond the Wall
« on: August 23, 2017, 09:16:19 PM »
WOW What an episode! You have the subtle intrigue at Winterfell and the slap it in your face action beyond the wall.

I've only watched it once, so I'm sure I missed out on a lot, but here's a few questions:

Why don't they wear hats? They wear those huge furry coats, clunky boots, but no hats?

How in the heck did Gendry see the blue eyes of that bear, in the frosty, snowy distance so far away? How did he get to the wall so fast? Did anyone else think 'Run, Forrest, Run'? And how the heck did those ravens get to Dani so fast? And Dani get back to save them so quickly?

RIP Viserion. :'( Well not really! No peaceful rest for him, will he breathe fire? I don't think so. I think he will breathe extreme cold, and freeze everyone instead of burn them to ash.

So now Beric is on his last life. Did Thoros have a fire sword? Did they get it? Anyone else think he died a ho hum death? I expected him to go out in a literal blaze of glory instead of freezing to death?

And Benjen? Do you think he will be able to set himself on fire so he can't be zombified? I would hate to see that fate befall him.

Looks like there may be a Jon/Dani romance after all. Booo! Ponytail is not a romantic where Jon is concerned.

Where did the Night King get those chains? Did anyone else hear a heave ho chant in their minds while they were dragging Viserion out of the briny deep?

At Winterfill, do you think Sansa and Arya are really at such odds? Who were the masks in Arya's satchel? I recognized Walder, but that was it. Does anyone else think that she is being much too obvious? Do you think Jaquen might show up again? Is Sansa at a point where she is going to fall under Littlefinger's spell once more or is she still hating him? Why did she send Brienne away? Do you think she will turn up at King's Landing for the grand finale next week?

I'm sure I will think of some more questions, but that's it for now.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 06:54:32 PM »
A GREAT EPISODE!  MP"S FAVORITE!  It brought out MP's twelve year-old boy.  Male bonding, zombie polar bear, flaming swords, supersonic ravens and dragons, fire and ice, wights and more wights, the Night King, an ice dragon....just jam-packed with action, except for those horrid scenes between the sisters Sansa.  MP will provide more extensive comments tomorrow but he thought he would take a stab at some of your questions.

Hats--MP believes the jackets the Suicide Squad was wearing had hoods.

The other face---MP believes it was one of Waldor's sons, the ones she killed and baked into the meat pie.  Arya was a very scary homey, wasn't she?

The chains---by now, MP has given up trying to figure out some plot points.  The writers have already violated all of the known laws of space/time, so how hard can it be to go "poof" and make a few big honking chains appear?  If the writers needed more power, they probably would have conjured  up a dozen tow trucks.

Thoros had a fire sword in the zombie polar bear scene.  Do not recall anyone taking it after he died.

Gendry clearly has super powers.  X-ray vision, superhuman sprinter speed and endurance.

Benjen--who knows?

Arya/Sansa--MP will have plenty to say about the Stark sisters' war tomorrow.  Bottom line--he did  not find this sudden and dramatic escalation credible.

Jon/Dani--get these two a room so Dani can check other areas for scars.  MP hopes there are some fire extinguishers on board because Jon and Dany are about to make some of their own dragonfire.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2017, 04:47:33 PM »
Fantastic episode!  Not complex or nuanced (with the exception of the Stark sisters’ war—more on that later) but hugely entertaining

Male Bonding:  MP loved the male bonding conversations between SS members on the way to Zombie Lake.   The Hound and Tormund were great, at times hilarious, e.g., “ (H) This one’s been killed six times and you don’t hear him bitching about it.”, “ (H) She wants to carve you up and eat your liver…….(T) You DO know her.”  “ (H)  How did a mad fu**er like you live this long? (T) I’m good at killing people.”  GoT needs to keep these two around until the end.   Jorah and Jon need to loosen up a bit.  Overall, MP thought the convos. served to create a decent level of comradery in preparation for the trials ahead.

Zombie Polar Bear:  Good scene, especially the bear’s initial strike.  The Hound froze up and needed to be bailed out by Thoros.  Overall, a smart move by the writers to establish the existence of beastie zombies and foreshadow the fate of poor Viserion.

Advance Scout (?) scene:  It raised an interesting possibility---is killing the Night King the only way to defeat the Night King’s army of WWs, wights and zombie beasties once and for all? If so, good luck folks.

Zombie Lake Scene:  Thoros’ death seemed so….mundane and therefore a bit depressing.  The Hound needs to work on his arm.  The SS and then dragon battles with the Night King’s army were fantastic.  GoT absolutely nails it in every battle scene, large or small.  A doff of the cap to every member of the production crew involved in constructing and executing these scenes.  The death of Viserion was truly tragic.  MP has never before felt sad over the loss of a dragon.  And now the Night King has become Viserion’s master.   Oh the horror….  There is one thing about the scene that makes no sense to MP.   The Night King is standing there, spear in hand.  Drogon, the largest and most powerful dragon, is grounded on the island, very close, non-maneuverable, a sitting duck.  So the Night King throws the spear at Viserion?  Huh?  Then he throws the second spear at Drogon after Drogon is airborne and flying away from him?  Double huh?  The ice must have finally gotten to the Night King’s brain.

Jon/Dany---Get a room you two, and get it over with.  MP bets that Jon will be doing a lot more than bending a knee to Dany.  MP expects Captain Stubing, Gopher and some “D” list singer to show up as part of the foreplay.  MP is long past the incest issue.  At least Dany is now committed to using all of her considerable firepower against the Night King.  MP believes Jon will leave a small package with Dany before he dies doing battle with the Night King.  Why not?  GoT writers have broken every other law of physics---making the sun rise in the West and set in the East should be child’s play.  Of note—MP believes the Hound is on the voyage as the caretaker/guard of the wight.  Will the season finale feature the long-awaited Clegane Bowl?

Arya/Sansa---MP cannot buy the sudden escalation of this feud into all-out war.  Perhaps the writers need to compress the story to get everything in in the time allotted but it still does not ring true to MP.  Is it credible to believe that Arya could turn into such a distrusting, vengeful, murder-threatening little bi…er, assassin so quickly, especially considering it’s her sister?  She does not even listen to Sansa’s very plausible explanations and gives her zero credit for her role in the battle of the bastards.  Sorry GoT, MP is not buying it.  Middlefinger has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, perhaps too well.  MP suspects Sansa might strike first, or maybe MF.  That might be part of the reason for which Sansa sent Brienne to King’s Landing.

Offline ponytail

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2017, 08:42:19 PM »
I agree that the Dani/Jon bit may lead to another level. but since Jon is on his second life, can he father children? Or even want to? And what will she make of those awful wounds he has? He's got some 'splaining to do. And hopefully some dragon riding.

I am ready for the Clegane Bowl, hope it happens, we need to lose another villain.

Somehow I don't think that Cersei will be at all helpful, no matter what proof they have, I am wondering what price they will have to pay for the armistice. Will Euron be put into play in this final episode? And the Unsullied? I would love to see Grey Worm get some revenge.

Very curious about Bran's purpose. Surely it's more than just repeating creepy things he has no business knowing about. I guess we will see the Raegar/Lyanna vision enacted out, though.

I don't buy it for a minute that Arya/Sansa will become enemies, I think it's the end of Littlefinger.

A long finale coming up, I expect death, despair, betrayal and some vengeance. And hopefully a victory--even a small one.


Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2017, 09:42:22 PM »
Ponytail, are you implying that Arya/Sansa were play acting for MF's benefit? A brilliant idea.  MP can buy into THAT.  What would be so cool is if Arya impersonates Sansa and does the deed on MF.  Fantastic!

Offline ponytail

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2017, 10:35:01 AM »

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Beyond the Wall
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2017, 12:09:13 PM »
The drink looks delicious!  Count MP in!  A toast to a blockbuster finale!   1001cheers


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