Non- Reality > Once Upon a Time

OUAT to end with season 7.

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Original Henry is back for episode 20.  They're promising more familiar faces in the last few shows.  I know original Cindy showed up on set while they were filming episode 19.


--- Quote from: LindaM on February 27, 2018, 03:35:14 PM ---Original Henry is back for episode 20.  They're promising more familiar faces in the last few shows.  I know original Cindy showed up on set while they were filming episode 19.

--- End quote ---
I'd like to see original Henry (and all my favorite Storybrooke residents) for the finale. After all if they can't be bothered to make all this mess make sense (too late anyway) than I hope they'll go for a big emotional wallop in the finale by bringing back as many past characters as they can pack in for the first hour and then tie up the remaining storylines as best as they may in the last hour.

Following Jared on twitter and he wasn't happy yesterday morning.  Evidently, they cut his hair.  He had grown it out long and they wanted him back to the way he as.


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