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The Great American Read on PBS

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I love so many of those books on the top 40! Many of them I have read several times over the years. Just can't beat them. I saw some on the list that surprised me, but glad to know others loved them just as much as me!

Rebecca is one of them! I not only loved the book, but also the old black and white movie. I am a sucker for 30's and 40's films! And Anne of Green Gables. I also never get tired of watching the PBS mini series--one of my all time favorites.

Here are my top 10 from the list, with an extra thrown in because I couldn't cut it down any further:
Anne of Green Gables
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Count of Monte Christo
The Handmaid's Tale
Harry Potter series
The Hunger Games series
Lord of the Rings
Pillars of the Earth
Pride and Prejudice
The Stand

One of my top ten that didn't make the list is Of Mice and Men. 
My top ten would include that plus these"

Where The Red Fern Grows
To Kill a Mockingbird
Wuthering Heights
The Outsiders
Little Women
Gone With the Wind
The Grapes of Wrath
The Color Purple
Great Expectations

The Catcher in the Rye and Tom Sawyer are also books I enjoyed. 
My all time favorite book would be Julamay Loves Chancey but it's a book of short stories.  Wonder why I like it so much?

LOL Bonnie, I'm gonna have to buy that book!

Merry Prankster:
Thanks Outtie, for keeping us abreast of developments in The Great American Read project.  MP has seen worse top 40 lists.
MP was surprised at the number of Sci-Fi/Fantasy offerings among the top 40.

MP’s personal favorites among the top 40:  1984, Dune, The Catcher in the Rye, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Lord of the Rings, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Books in the top 100 that MP would have included in the top 40:  A Confederacy of Dunces, Catch-22, Don Quixote, Foundation, Frankenstein, Invisible Man, Moby Dick.  MP will not list the books he would have thrown out to make room for these out of respect for the fact that each reader’s list of beloved books is a matter of highly personal taste.


Ten - I went over.  Here's the ones I chose in no particular order.
The Little Prince
Eye of the World
And Then There were None
Chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the Rings
Count of Monte Cristo (but should have been 3 Musketeers)
DaVinci Code
Harry Potter
Pillars of Earth
Sun Also Rises
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.


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