Open Floor > Weekly Contest

Winter 2019 Paragraph Fun

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"I certainly do, but after snacking on your house and path I could really do with a cup of tea." she said, mustering up a smile that she hoped didn't invite cannibalism.

The Witch smiled showing a row of sharp pointy teeth. "Tea it is then!" she said grabbing her by the arm and dragging her inside. Twenty minutes and two cups of tea later and she was having a grand old time. It turns out she the witch had a common love of gardening. Granted she grew flowers and herbs and the witch grew cupcakes and cookies, but the principles were remarkably similar.

Finally she worked up the nerve to ask the witch THE question. "Is it ok if I ask... why didn't you eat me?"

"Eat you?!" the witch actually looked offended at the notion. "My dear you have me all wrong!" she exclaimed setting down her teacup with a crash.

"But...I know a witch in a ....gingerbread house... you...don't you eat people?" she stammered.

"Well I certainly wouldn't put it liked that." the witch sniffed derisively. "Since you're so nosy I'll tell you strait out. I do NOT eat people as you so dreadfully put it. I only eat children. Small children at that. You can't possibly expect me to be interested in someone your age, why I... my dear how could anyone enjoy mutton once they've had veal?" the witch smiled again showing her pointy teeth.

She smiled back, more out of pure fear than any genuine warmth of feeling. Once she could finally speak again, she politely refused a third cup of tea and took her leave of the witch, backtracking down the gumdrop path to the fork in the road and this time she took the right path. Mutton indeed.

"Well here we go then." she said, hoping for a better companion on her next adventure. Dark, steep and narrow was looking far better than gumdrops at the moment.


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