Show Games > Survivor

Scores for Edge of Extinction

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March 7th show

First to vote - Victoria
Gets votes but not out - Rick, David, and Kelly
Wins individual immunity - Julie
Voted out - Joe
Returns to the game from the island - Rick
Raises the flag _left island (-2) Keith and Wendy
Finds HII - Rick

Snowbird - 9
Outlast - 11
Court - 8
Bacali - 9
Ponytail - 6
Trouble405 - 6

First to vote - Kelly
Got votes but not out - Kelly and Lauren
Individual  immunity - Aurora
Voted out - Eric

Snow - 11
Outlast - 13
Court - 13
Bacali - 11
Ponytail - 9
Trouble405 - 8


First to vote - Aurora
Gets votes but not out - Kelly, David
Wins Individual immunity - Gavin
Voted out - Julia
Plays HII - Rick

Snow - 14
Outlast - 18
Court - 15
Bacali - 13
Ponytail - 12
Trouble 405 - 11


Frist to vote -Lauren and Kelly
Gets votes but not out - Wardog and Aurora
Wins immunity - Aurora and Rick
Voted Out - David and Kelly

Bacali -15
Ponytail - 14
Trouble - 14
snow - 16
Outlast - 22
Court - 19


First to vote - Victoria
Gets votes but not out- Aurora
Wins reward - Rick, Wardog, Julie, and Lauren
Wins immunity - Rick
Voted out - Wardog

Snowbird - 23
Outlast - 25
Court - 21
Bacali - 18
Ponytail - 15
Trouble405 - 16


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