Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21


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I was away for the actual show so I just watched it and Survivor back to back.

My first thought?  *vomit* to Jackson winning. Not that Holly would’ve been much better.

A bad part of me was really happy to see Jackson get hammered so hard that he didn’t seem to enjoy winning.  :97:

But why on Earth with all the bad aspects of Jackson from this summer did they pick the one thing that just doesn’t hold up as a negative against him?! Jackson banishing Kemi, David, Jessica and Cliff May have looked bad optically but he had decent enough reasons given he had so little to work with on day one or whatever this was. I don’t think any of the four hold that particular thing against him and neither do I. I don’t even think Jackson is a racist. He’s an aggressive jerk and a bully and by no means was he alone. I notice they left Tommy off the list of people they wanted to shame in the Hateful alliance but he was right in the middle of that mess and it’s him they keep showing crowing over Nicole getting shut out ‘you know exactly what’s happening!’ In that clip they play over and over. Not cool BB.

So happy for Nicole winning AFP. I only wish the had another one for Cliff.

It’s so easy to say looking back that they should’ve taken out Jackson in the double when they had all the power, but how could they know that he would win everything afterwards? BB usually has some brainy challenges near the end, but I guess they’re going to continue on this unfortunate path of making nearly every late comp physical to shut out people like Cliff and Nicole. It sucks and I don’t like it but what can I do.

BB21 is over let’s bury it and move on if we can.

Jackson got his confetti on his shoulders, but also a thorough 'shame on you' as well. Poor baby! What an immature jerk. His bully behavior, entitled attitude, and sulking made me  *vomit* He has a lot of growing up to do. Holly was very gracious and more excited for him than he was for himself. I don't remember if she had any involvement in the bully behavior though.

I haven't been posting much due to work.  It's been a rough start up with all the changes going on here.

Here's my take on this whole Jackson/Holly mess.  The producers from day one had this game rigged for either him or Jack to win.  I don't know why????  I sometimes wonder if there is a casting couch in Robin or Allison's office that is used for the men to audition.  My one take is that from the time Jackson was on the block, production did everything they could to "protect" him.  Maybe his mother threatened a law suit?  Maybe he does have an eating disorder???  Maybe he is just so overprivileged that he thinks he can make up stuff as the game progresses.  What surprised me was that he didn't think he would be called out.  I'll give this to Jack!  He owned it!  Neither Christy or Jackson did.


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