Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21


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This is a place to put spoilers.  If you don't want to know don't read.

The nominees are Cliff and Katheryn with Sam winning the veto.  Plans are to backdoor Kemi who the houseguest have found to be mean and not contributing.

Nick has nominated Cliff and Jessica but now because of lies Bella and Tommy and some of the others are telling the group of 9 (Sam is included now) about Nicole they want Nicole out.  They are being very unfair to Nicole.  Let's hope and pray she wins Veto so she can take one of the others off and be safe herself.

Also Christie has won Golden Power of Veto in the Whackey contest and has four weeks to use it.  It looks like the bullies are having nothing but good luck.

I heard they were ganging up on Nicole, and she was crying her eyes out. Cliff comforted her.

The nine were all up in the HOH room talking about Nicole with Bella being the leader.  Christie and Tommy advised Nicole to have a talk with Bella about the situation which was a bad suggestion.  Bella came to Nicole and had her hateful say and then walked out before Nicole could say anything or defend herself.  They were ugly to Ovi too.  He came up to the HOH and apologized for something he said that he had a right to say.  They acted okay to him until he left and then they made fun of him.  Tommy rolled his eyes and said Ovi was so afraid of them they could use him as their maid now. 

Surprise!  Cliff also won HOH! :clap: :whoo:


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