Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21

Showmance Tracking


This is another showmance driven season. With all of these showmance I thought we could use a place to keep track and discuss...

So far

Jack and Analyse
Jackson and Kat
Jackson and Holly
Bella and Nick

And plus there are reports that Jack and Christie slept together before the live feeds were on.

Thanks, Court....this is all news to me.  :c029:

Apparently some of the house guests didn’t know that if they did the deed that it could be watched by the live feeders.... did these people not know what they signed up for?

Some, like Jack, hadn't watched the show or even bothered to do so in sequester.

They sure didn't waste much time.  I don't think there have been so many couples so quickly. 

The only one that surprises me is is Christie and Jack.  She has talked about her girlfriend she was involved with and she said that she also dated a girl in Tommy's family.  That is the way things are these days.  People have no respect for themselves.  They don't have to have feelings for a person to sleep with them. 


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