Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21


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Who are your three favorite and three least favorite houseguest?
Mine are Nicole, Cliff, and Kat.
Least favorite are Nick, Sis, and Christie.

So agree with your list but would somehow get Tommy (or Timmy as he is referred to on Twitter) on the most hated list.  I think most hated would be Christie, Tommy, Nick. 

Oh, and did you hear that Sis thought we voted the favorites on the field trip.  Jackson has tried to tell her no, Tommy has told her no but to no avail.

We are on the same page it seems. Don't hit me, but I kind of like Holly, too, in spite of her Michie showmance. And the final 2 with Kat alliance. Nicole is a sweet underdog, but does she have more game than what I see on the shows? She doesn't seem like a very good player, or has she just not had a chance? Again, don't hit me!

My favorites are Cliff, Nicole and ?

My least favorites are Christie, Nick and Jackson

My favorites are: Cliff, Jessica and … don't hit me either... Mickie(Jackson).
I didn't like Jackson with Jack. but, now Jack is out... I do like him( just get rid of Holly) yuck!

Least favorites: Christie, Kathryn and Nick.( sadly, it's hard here to chose only 3)


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