Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21

Who are you rooting for be the ultimate BB winner

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I don't know. Jackson can't vote tonight so it's up to Cliff and Nicole and I think they'd like to  break up this showmance. However, Tommy coming into the finale is a stronger player than Holly. ???
Poor Tommy certainly has been crying a lot recently, now that Christie is gone. He seems like a really nice person.
In fact, this is the most friendly group of houseguests I ever remember in the house. And, for a BB really very calm language.
I like all of the hgs but still hope Cliff wins. And, again, I wish they'd have at least a half hour reunion show at the end so we can talk to the winner and runner up .

I think this group has cared more for each other than any group before.  Many of them felt guilty about having to vote others out. 
Some of them struggle with lying to each other.  But that is the way the BB game goes. 

I would love to see either Cliff or Nicole win.  I think  Nicole has really started playing a good game and she could say she was laying low until she had to. 
I am not sure that either of them would automatically lose to Jackson.  Some people always vote with their heart instead of who won more challenges, were more social, etc.

I've flipped flopped again.
Ultimate winner, I want to be Nicole.
She has seemed to doubt herself so much and pulled off some pretty great wins now , if I were on Jury, I'd vote for Nicole to be BB winner.

As far as the AFP goes, I'd vote for Tommy. He sure can use this money with his profession and wants to start a school and left the house with grace. This money would go a long way for a young man with his type of career.

I'm with you bacali on both of those.  Two weeks ago I would have never said Tommy but seeing him up against that snake Jackson changed my mind.  I don't think Cliff has a chance now and he made a big mistake putting trust in Jackson instead of Tommy.  The way I see it now the final three will be J and H and N.  I hope J doesn't get Nicole to let Holly or him have the first part.   Her only chance is to win so she can go to final two.


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