Survivor > Survivor 39

Dan Spilo



Dan Spilo

Dan Spilo

Age: 48
Hometown: New York City
Current residence: Los Angeles
Occupation: Talent Manager

Hobbies: Adventure travel, movies, and fitness.

Pet peeves: Trouble dealing with stubborn people but I respect EQ as much as IQ, ignorance, and close-mindedness.

Three words to describe you: Hardworking, articulate, and charming.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Raising two loving, considerate boys, and working hard to keep a marriage fun, loving, and passionate for 20 years.

Who or what is your inspiration in life?
I don't have a hero, per seā€”Jane Goodall and people like her who have a selfless devotion to something in the way she did. The way she illuminated the life of chimpanzees, and never let anything get in her way, is heroic to me.

What's one thing we wouldn't know from seeing a photo of you?
That I am a big softy. As my first client always reminds me, I cried at Finding Nemo.

Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
Crowley and Kwon because of background, Westman and Boston Rob for social gameplay, and Cochran because he's freaking cool and weird.

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
I think I have the basic, if not superior, physicality to be useful to the Tribe. More importantly, I have an incredible ability to know what people need and to make them feel good, and to make myself critical in their success.


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