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Big Brother 22? Rumors fly

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Rumors surfaced on Twitter yesterday after an announcement with Julie Chen was posted saying that CBS is contacting old BB "stars" to return to play an All-Star edition of BB.  The link is from US magazine which I sometimes believe but often don't.  THe linke is here:

Evel got on the discussion and said that they shouldn't include any that made racist comments and said that knocked both "Jack's" from last year out.  He also said that got rid of a whole season a few years ago.  IT was noted that Frankie wanted to play.  Players would have to undergo 14 day quarantine to play.  I doubt that some will return as they have children.  Caleb was noted as maybe returning but Evel questioned whether that was wise. 

If it is true, I hope we get good returnees, and not people we didn’t like.

Amen to that Court!

...unfortunately I feel like most of the people I and I assume most people want back all have lives, jobs and families by now. I feel like we'll probably get mostly recent people. I even heard some people saying the 'P' word. Please BB don't being back the 'P' word.  :(

Aw, c'mon! You don't want to see more of 'your boy'? LOL!

I've heard the following:
Dan and Derrick already in an alliance
Swaggy and Bayley
Josh and Paul
Jess Mr. Pectaular.

Evel won't reveal all of what he's learned but the list that I have seen is mostly men.   Oh, and Boogie got arrested for threatening Will's family and on a podcast put Tyler and Angela up against Bayley and Swaggie.


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