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Offline bacali

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Presidential Election 2020
« on: August 12, 2020, 01:21:57 AM »
We finally found out who Democratic Joe Biden has chosen for his running mate. ...it's Kamala Harris.  What do you all think of this choice?
And, before anyone answers or gives any opinions, please let us all realize we are friends on our site. Any opinion any one of us gives is our own. We all are entitled to how we feel. and it may not be the same as yours.
We shall all agree to maybe at times...disagree... so let this thread begin!!!

Offline bacali

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Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2020, 01:31:04 AM »
I will start out by saying that I am excited for his nomination. VP Biden did have many wonderful intelligent people to choose from, and my thoughts considered Susan Rice.
I am not disappointed, though, at his choice and can not wait until the debates.

I am disappointed that the two conventions have to be virtual, I'm not sure how they are planning on doing the rest of the election season.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2020, 11:57:56 AM »
I'm excited about Kamala Harris being on the ticket also.  Let me point out to the Bible quote-rs that women led in the Bible.  Starting with Deborah in the Old Testament's book of Judges to Mary Magdalene who was sent by Jesus to tell the disciples that Jesus had arisen, there have always been strong women.  Deborah led men into battle with a general. 

I think a woman as Vice President speaks to how far this country has come (or should I say came).  What I have already seen and heard of her makes me think she will be there for the common man.  She won't take away our Social Security as being rumored for the February of 2021.

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2020, 05:32:49 PM »
I will say she is as good a choice as the Democrats had to run with Biden.  There were some I would have been very disturbed if they had been picked.  All of the choices were liberal females since that is the way the party has evolved and I am by no means a liberal. 
I am fearful that George Soros and some of the others whose names I will not call have bought into most of the news networks and national papers and Soros has also bought many companies that make guns and could decide at any time to stop selling them to people.  I have seen many examples of news on CNN and other stations that was distorted and not reported on correctly. 
I know most of you, maybe all of you, here are Democrats and I will respect what your opinions are.  I hope you  will do the same for this lone, often outspoken, Republican, who will put in her two cents worth no matter what.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline bacali

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2020, 08:34:18 PM »
If you read the first post in this thread , I cautioned about what you said. Everyone is to respect everyone else's opinion.
I think we can all talk about what is going on in the election without any arguments. As the saying  goes " different strokes for different folks". But, this doesn't mean that we all have to always agree.

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2020, 11:17:54 PM »
For the first time in a long time I felt hopeful. She will do a great job, and it will be nice to get a woman in high office. I would love to see a woman president in my life time. Her story is uplifting, and she will be tough where she needs to be and uphold the rule of law and the constitution. She and Joe seem to have a good fit, looks like they will work well together.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2020, 12:17:54 PM »
Snow I am registered a Democrat because when I registered to vote I was in school and working for the state.  That meant long ago that I had to register according to the party in office (Democrat) at the time.  My grandmother hated it because the family had always been a Republican family but she couldn't complain because my dad was the same way as he worked as a forest warden for the area.

Here's the thing.  I split my ticket wide open more times than not.  I support a platform that conforms with my views.  I know that that may seem wrong to some, but that's how I am.  If I see a party that plans to cut Social Security, hurt medical support, take away privileges that all need, they're not going to get my vote.  My objection to Trump is very simple.  He was awful as an arbitrator on Apprentice/Celebrity Apprentice and played favorites.  I'm sorry to say, he's doing it now from the people he appointed to office and some of the actions they have done.  I pulled my money market out because I was warned that it might take a huge hit in December!  I got worried about Trump when he told Steve Bannon that he was king, let's enjoy it.  And that came out in a Steve Bannon/Fox interview.

My problem is that neither party will work with each other.  The House sends bills to the Senate and Mitch sits on them because either (a) he thinks the are pro Democrat or (b) Trump told him to do that.  That's not upholding the principles of the democracy on which we were built.  Nor does it help the "common man" who works for a living and has a hard time getting by.  Here is North Carolina, our governor is charged with doing the best for ALL citizens, not just those with money.  He's really caught flack because he's looking at medical data and calling the reopening at that.  He didn't make Trump happy nor the Republicans of the State.  His Lt. Governor, a Republican, even brought a lawsuit against him because he's running for Governor and one of his supporters has a big bar business.  Bars cannot open but for 50% business and 6 feet apart.  They've closed streets to accommodate this but that didn't make them happy due to the college crew.  He's now dropped the suit but he came out looking like looking like a kid who got caught stealing from a candy store.

Now that I'm on Social Security and MediCare, I will vote for whichever party looks to maintain it.  If I even see a hint that someone is going to do away with it, my vote is gone.  The bad news -- Trump's advisors Miller and Mnuchin, both want to do it.  If the candidate cannot support that all people have the right to live in areas they can afford to live in, they will not get my vote.  And even a hint of taking  us back to the 1950s will raise my ire.

Offline bacali

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2020, 02:46:19 PM »
For the first time in a long time I felt hopeful. She will do a great job, and it will be nice to get a woman in high office. I would love to see a woman president in my life time. Her story is uplifting, and she will be tough where she needs to be and uphold the rule of law and the constitution. She and Joe seem to have a good fit, looks like they will work well together.

I feel the same way. I feel hope. The next 89 days are going to be very interesting to watch.

Offline Snowbird

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2020, 03:05:25 PM »
Speaking of the parties not cooperating with each other to benefit the country let's take a look at Nancy Pelosi.
Every thing the President does she objects to.  Each stimulus bill he proposes she objects to.  She does her own which consist of other things she wants to include which have nothing to do with the stimulus for the virus. 

Another objection I have with the democrat party.  They made statements about impeaching Trump before he even went into office.  They tried in every way possible to ruin him.  I know he has his faults but I didn't vote for him to be my minister.  I think he cares for this country and wants to keep it a capitalist country.  I know some people think socialism seems ideal.  Young people think it will make everyone equal.  But it makes a ruling rich class and everyone else is poor.  I believe if you take away the incentive to make a better live for yourself, you don't want to do anything.  I believe in welfare for those who need it but it has become a way of life for some.  Mama drew it and that's what I will do.  I heard many young high school girls say I'm going to have me a baby so I can get some of that free money.

Trump is not racist.  If you look closely at what he has done you can see that.  I have read of many things he did for individual people he heard were having a problem before he ever thought of running for President.  On the Apprentice (which I thought he was far with others on) he usually added money to the charities they gave money too.

I would ask any voter this.  What kind of country do you want your children to grow up in?  A place where they can strive to be what they want to be or a place where there is no real incentive to better yourself.  In a country where the Bible is honored, or a place where it is probably banned.  If you think I am talking nonsense I will try to enlighten you.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline LindaM

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2020, 10:00:53 PM »
Snow -- I won't go this route with you.  I was trying to give you my background and why I feel the way I do.  Since you said what you did about Nancy Pelosi, I'm going to say this about Mitch McConnell.  He's hurt the American people so much by not letting bills go the floor because:
(a) it came from a Democratic House (his words not mine) or
(b) he knew/thought Trump wouldn't pass them.
It's his fault there is no insurance plan. 

Welfare has become a way of life for some but others need it.  I hated to put my sister on Medicaid.  Why?  I knew she wouldn't receive the care she deserved and got while we were paying her bills but we had to.  Once the big bucks dried up, the nursing home appeared not to care.  To them Medicaid was welfare.  It was just we had used up her money and mom and I couldn't do anything else.  ANd we paid for 14 months and paid big bucks.

Celebrity Apprentice was rigged from the get-go.  That's why Pierce Morgan and Joan Rivers won.  I saw an interview that alluded to it.  I won't go any further with what I know on this.

And I hate the allusion that Democrats don't believe in the Bible.  I am a Christian and know the Bible very well.  I had Bible classes in schools.  If you want to start up on religion, maybe you should face the facts that young people really don't care.  They may attend mega churches but that's because they blend in.  I'm getting ready to start a Bible study series for children because they're not getting what they need from prents.  Who suggested it?  Parents!  So don't go quoting that conservative churches' idea of Democrats not being Christians.

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2020, 01:08:18 AM »
I never said Democrats were not Christians.  I certainly know that Barb is a christian and she is a Democrat.  I am speaking of some of the leaders and what has been done.  Bibles out of schools.  Taking the word In God We Trust from things.  Trying to do away with the word God. 
I don't know how you feel about abortion.  In my opinion it is wrong, especially the late term abortions which many of the Democrat leaders endorse.
If you read what I said again you will see that I said I believe some people need welfare and some of the other programs in place but we need to not just make it a blanket cure-all for those who just don't want to work.

As for young people not caring about the Bible probably the majority don't.  However I think that is partly because of the stigma schools attach to religion.  I do know many children who do care deeply and have strong faith in God.

I respect what all you said but I disagree with some.  I have no idea about the Apprentice except I watched it and enjoyed it and always felt Trump was fair.  There were some of his decisions I didn't agree with but I realized where he was coming from. 
I too registered as a Democrat because that is what my parents were.  However they changed years ago as I did.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2020, 02:25:18 AM »
Oh, I honestly though with the start of this thread that we could "DISCUSS" our opinions.

 I have to say that Snowbird, you throwing my name as a Democrat is so totally wrong. Who told you ever what I am?
I certainly am a Christian but never said I was a Democrat!!!!

I vote either way. It depends on whom I like. Please don't categorize me...ever. Thank You!

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2020, 10:05:25 AM »
I am sorry Bacali.  It was something you said in the past that lead me to believe that.  I really meant no harm and didn't realize you would object.  Please accept my apology. 
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline LindaM

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2020, 01:17:37 PM »
Snow -- you may not understand that they way you wrote it, you were perceived as painting all people who are Democrats as anti-religion.  And as to Bible out of school, read your history.  Tha thappened not recently.  It was removed in the 1960s.  I know this because we weren't allowed to have Bible classes after 1970. 

Now on to the welfare issue.  I stewed on this all night.  Welfare sometimes is veyr necessary.  Right now it a good example.  Home schooling is difficult on people.  Some people have no one to leave their children with.  Who watches them if we are in locked down.  I've also heard rumors of companies that had to shut during our Phase One bringing former workers back at lower pay.  I've also heard that workers walked out of one restaurant here because their manager made a African-American family leave.  And the proper term for the "blacks" is African-American as I was taught at my parent's knew.  If they refer to themselves as that, they can't get you for using the term. 

And since you asked, I'll give you my opinion on abortion.  If a woman was raped and violently, she should be allowed to have an abortion as she will be traumatized the whole time she carried the child.  If a woman might die from carrying the child, I think she should be allowed to have an abortion.  I don't see letting old men in Congress who believe they are the abritrator have the final say on what rights a woman has over her body.  IF I had ever gotten pregnant, I don't think I could have an abortion but I have talked to abused dwomen who was traumatized because they had to do so.

My views are different from yours.  As a Christian, I have been told how to vote.  I looked at the people who were  giving the direction and I knew them.  I knew exactly how many of them had gotten girls pregnant in high school and didn't marry them.  I knew how many divorces they had.  I knew that they got drunk but swore at church on that Sunday that they didn't.  If you can't live up to what you purport, they you shouldn't say it. 

I doubt I'll ever venture into this thread again since everything I have said is wrong.  If I can't support what I write or speak, I don't say it.  Enough said.

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Re: Presidential Election 2020
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2020, 01:59:56 PM »
Linda, I agree with you about some abortions being necessary in the cases you mentioned.  What disturbs me are the late term abortions when a fetus could actually be born alive.

I also know when the Bible was removed in schools.  I did not say it was a recent happening.  In my opinion that was the beginning of things that are happening now.

I know there are people who are Christians but don't act like they are.  It is not my place to judge them.  I will let God take care of that. 

I think we are more similar than you realize.  I have complained about things in  a broad sense but I know there are two sides to everything and neither are right or wrong but it depends on the situation.
I am not trying to disagree with you but state my opinion.  I respect yours and I hope you can respect mine.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King


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