The Bachelor/Bachelorette > New Board

Bachelorette 2021

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I , as I think I've said am not watching this season, but, have watched every season from day 1. I think the whole show is choreographed. I honestly do.
I agree with the former posts.
How can someone fall in love with a person who is making out with everyone else in the house?  *Nooooo*
And, I say this from things former "contestants" on the show have said.
I just have so much taped and find the show changing so much and miss Chris Harrison.

They just posted the guys for Michelle Young's season (October). There are 35 of them. Why oh why do they cast so many? Overload. Michelle is a pretty classy young lady, it will be fun to see her pick her man. Hope she can find him, they are certainly giving her plenty to choose from.


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