Big Brother 23 > Big Brother 23

Did You Like the first Week and Elimination


I am glad to see our show back on the air but still with out BBAD not on, I find I am not getting to know the hgs as well as I would like.
We are only seeing what CBS edits for us. This I'm not happy about.

Also, I'd rather they didn't have teams. I think this influences the game too much as when Azah said she wanted to go after, I forget whether it was DerekF or Frenchie but, she wound up being on the same team as they were so , of course wasn't going against them.
And, the evcition vote, too, is influenced by who is on your team and who is safe and not able to be put up for eviction.

I did hear Julie say that next week the teams will be switched around. Okkkk, but, all this just confuses me.
Can't they ever go back to just playing a normal Big Brother?

I don't like teams either but I think the thinking behind them was that it would prevent any large alliances from forming that take over the game. I don't think it is working because I read something about two teams getting together. 
I didn't like the 8 to 2 votes.  I thought it would be less one-sided.  At least it wasn't 10-0.

I haven't gotten to watch much yet as I am out of town helping my daughter with my grandchildren as they pack to move next week. I hope to get caught up this next week. 


--- Quote from: trouble405 on July 17, 2021, 10:55:18 PM ---I haven't gotten to watch much yet as I am out of town helping my daughter with my grandchildren as they pack to move next week. I hope to get caught up this next week.

--- End quote ---

Have a great time spoiling those grandchildren and Happy Birthday!!
Trouble, where are they moving....closer to you I hope.


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