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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2021, 03:58:25 PM »
Wow, Linda...what a terrific blog. You didn't leave a second out.  :clap:

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #46 on: August 25, 2021, 09:26:15 PM »
Big Brother #23:  Sarah Beth’s Is Awake and Queen

Big Brother finally has Sarah Beth in motion.  After weeks of just sitting around, wrapped in a blanket or hoodie, with sunglasses, we get to see her face.  She takes the time to use make-up.  I’m kidding but the win made her a different person.  It didn’t make her wise up though.  She became Kyland’s stooge and the means to an end.  Kyland has targets and used Sarah to achieve his ends through her nominations and the use of the “High Rollers” room.  So how will the Power of Veto go.  Patience, my friends and watch!

Scheming before the Power of Veto

After the usual recap, we get down to business. Sarah reminds us that the “Chopping Block” power was used.  Xavier is on the block and Alyssa is upset because Xavier looks out for her (little does she know, she’s his pawn).  Xavier was hoping not to be nominated at all this season but now he is due to her closest ally and the “rolling of a ball.”  Sorry for that pun.  No matter what I said, it would come out bad.  Claire is upset that Xavier is up.  Sarah is ectastic because she can get Derek X. out.  Derek X. now wishes he had played but in the “High Roller” game instead of saving his money.  As Alyssa cries, Xavier assures her it wasn’t her fault. Xavier tries to make her feel better by saying he’s against Claire 

Claire meets with Sarah about the situation but she’s nott Sarah’s target.  Unfortunately, Sarah can’t tell her who the real target is (Derek X.).  Claire believes Sarah but isn’t dumb.  Xavier is on the same team as Sarah and Kyland and she are closes, that leaves Derek X.  How many times do I have to say there are no teams anymore.  Get your act together and figure out The Cookout!   So what does Claire do?  She runs and tells Derek X. her theory and he’s upset.  He knows he is the target now.  With Tiffany involved, the discussion turns to other scenarios, Tiffany wants Derek X. off the block as he can do her dirty work for her.  Tiffany needs his protection because she hasn’t been on the block yet due to protection.  Another team player but for Tiffany, which team is she really on?

Claire tells Derek X. her theory and that she thinks they want him up.  Derek X. is upset and between the two, he knows he is the target.  Now Tiffany gets involved.  They discuss the scenario with her.  Tiffany is not happy because if he leaves, he won’t be there to protect her. 

It’s time for more HoH Room meetings.  Alyssa and Sarah talk.  Of course, Sarah mentions Derek X. as the target and Alyssa hopes he does go up.  After all, he took Christian out.  Sarah sees herself as helping Alyssa and knows they need to keep Derek X. from playing in the veto.  Derek X. goes up to meet with Sarah to find out if he’s the target.  He’s playing the pity game and what I can do for you.  Sarah tells him that she has options and must wait to see what happens.  Derek X. doesn’t understand why he is a target and says he hasn’t done anything.  Well, you did win HoH and take Christian out and you have won several competitions.  You have played the“target” game against the Jokers!  I know that’s game but it is something.  Derek X. knows his game is on the line and he must make the draw for the veto.  He then turns to Hannah and talks things through with her.  Their friendship makes it hard for Hannah to stick to the Cookout’s plan and she will do what she can to keep Derek X. off the block.

Power of Veto

It’s time to pick the players for veto.   Sarah, Claire and Xavier draw players.  Those joining in the game are Azah (who wants to take Xavier down), Derek F., Alyssa (Xavier’s pick and the one he wanted).  Derek X. knows he’s in trouble.  Later in the bathroom, Claire and Derek X. are both worried about the veto.  Claire finally breaks down in tears in the Diary Room while he sheds a few in the bathroom. 

The backyard is the domino game set up like a safari.  The house guests must set up the dominos to win prizes or punishments.  The prizes include BB Bucks, $7500 in cash while the punishments include BB Backruptcy, Strategy Shutdown (solitary confinement for 24 hours), two weeks of slop, and nomination for eviction.  The fastest time wins the prizes.  If you go for prizes, you are ineligible for the Power of Veto.  Alyssa is first and takes the punishment route  (she may be on slop).  She’s followed by Derek who wants the money (because he hasn’t won any games yet).  Sarah takes a prize route and a punishment route (it’s been hinted on feeds she won $500 but it wasn’t shown in on the show).  She’s also upset because the High Roller’s game didn’t giver her complete control so she goes for punishments also.  Xavier is going for all punishments including nomination, BB Bankrupt, and Strategy Shutdown.  Claire goes for the punishments also.  She needs to win to take herself off. 

Derek X. is host.  His first announcement is that with the winning time of 15 minutes, 29 seconds, the prizes of $100 BB Bucks, $7500 in cash had been won.  Who won these?  Derek F. of course and while he thinks no one knows, they all do (and upsets Azah and Xavier).  With a time of 3 minutes, 5 seconds, Xavier gets the Golden Power of Veto with the punishments of BB Bankruptcy, Strategy Shutdown, and being the third nominee.  Xavier knows his safety is now secured while Claire cries and is upset.  Claire doesn’t want to be next to Derek X. on Thursday. Sarah meanwhile is happy.  She can put Derek X up and send him to jury.

After Veto Strategy

After the veto, Claire cries in the shower with Derek X. listening and trying to calm her down.  Claire is upset not only about being up but that Derek X. will probably be going up beside her.  Derek X. is feeling guilty because he didn’t play the High Rollers game.  Tiffany then comes in and starts her games.  .  Tiffany tells us that she is in a tough situation.  Worse case for her is that Derek X. goes up.  She is going to figure out a way to keep him off the block because she can’t lose both Claire and Derek X.  (Hey, Tiff!  Volunteer to go up.  My feelings are that everyone should face jury at sometime in the game.)

American Red Cross Party

This year CBS must not be doing the back yard party.  Of course with all the hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc., I love that they have partnered with the American Red Cross who always shows up in disasters.  The house guests will donate their time to help the Red Cross by assembling emergency packs.  After Sarah gives the information on the work of the Red Cross, they begin.  Each kit will hold items that are needed in emergencies.  All are glad to be helping.  Tiffany is proud of the job they are doing because of her work in real life.  Kyland gets into the word game but does the message that all should prepare because we cannot be prepared to fail.  Azah is glad to get her mind out of the game and help others.  Group hug at the end.

More Strategizing

After the work party, Tiffany and Derek X. talk.  He tells us that this is the worse week of the summer for him.  He tells Tiffany he’s going to make a pitch to Sarah that he can help keep her in the game.  She suggests trying to get Sarah to put up Hannah as she wanted earlier in the game.  Derek X. doesn’t want this but Tiffany says that’s the best way to keep Derek X. in the hosue.  She doesn’t mind losing Claire to keep Derek X. (to take shots for her).  Derek X. tells us that’s it’s a “hail Mary” but he will take the shot. In his meeting, he tells Sarah that she doesn’t need to take the shot at him and promises her two or three weeks safety.  Don’t promise things like that Derek X!  That’s how you go out.  He does suggest Hannah and Derek X. swears that Hannah will go to jury (home).  Sarah listens and he swears he will never come for her (that’s the object of the game Derek X.).  Sarah tells us that she knows that Hannah’s been throwing competitions and is smarter than she is. For Sarah, who is the bigger threat. 

Veto Ceremony

Xavier calls the Veto meeting to order.  He is using the Power of Veto on himself.  He turns the meeting over over to Sarah who must name a new nominee.  Sarah nominates Derek X. She thinks if she doesn’t take the shot it would show a lack of confidence on her part.  Let’s clap for Kyland.  He did his job! 

In the Diary Room, Sarah says that Derek X. was an obstacle for her to reach finale.  Claire says it sucks and she can’t go against him because she trusts him the most.  It’s her worse case scenario.  Hannah is in a hard place but Derek X. would make the game hard for her and she can’t play it on a personal level.  (Did she just imply she had feelings for the guy?) Derek X. wipes his eyes.  He knows he has let America down.  If he stays, hell will break lose in the house.  Maybe he shouldn’t go.  We’ve had an interesting season so far.

Tune in tomorrow to see if Derek X. manages to save himself.  Will Claire leave?  Will the Cookout be outed?  Will Tiffany turn on her initial alliance?  It should be a good eviction show!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2021, 12:22:40 AM »
Biting my fingernails! I know Derek X is toast, but wouldn't it be great if by some miracle he escaped...

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2021, 09:07:15 PM »
can't wait for your next blog Linda!!
Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2021, 09:33:28 PM »
Big Brother #23 – And Chaos Reigns (8/26/21)

Big Brother loves controversy, but chaos is another matter.  How chaotic can a season of Big Brother get?  Well, with the thinkers/strategists in this house, it has been over-the-top.  Add to that the nomination of Derek X. and we see a new level of crazy.  My question is:  Will it be enough to break up the predominate alliance this year, The Cookout?  Well, only time will tell as Tiffany is upset that Derek X. replaced Xavier on the block.  Could Derek X. be sent to jury or can Tiffany save him?  She’s losing her friend (shield), sniff sniff (plus the one she planned to do her dirty work).

After the Power of Veto

Julie Chen Moonves introduces the show with “no risk, no reward” and says this is true tonight.  I think she’s as clueless as us about what will happen.  After the recap, day 51 is underway.  Can the High Roller’s room cause chaos for one of the nominees?  Julie also mentions that while the Cookout has been running the game, the real question is:  who is running the Cookout? In the Diary Room, Xavier thinks he’s got the game under control as Derek X. is going to jury.  Claire feels it is her best chance of staying and Sarah is ecstatic.  Tiffany, on the other hand, wants to keep Derek X. as Claire has been her patsy.  Hey, don’t blame me.  That’s what Tiffany called her!  There are definitely splits in the Cookout.

Tiffany goes to work on the Cookout girls to get them to keep Derek X.  Tiffany tells them that Derek X. would be a vote for them to stay.  Meanwhile, Hannah goes to tell Xavier what is up and he isn’t happy.  Xavier wants Derek X. to leave and now has questions about Tiffany’s actions.  I figured it would come down to these two!  Later, Xavier talks strategy with Azah to convince her to get rid of Derek X. playing with her feelings for him.  Xavier knows that Tiffany will be the hardest to persuade.  Later it comes to a head with Tiffany, Xavier and Kyland in the kitchen.  After Kyland leaves, Tiffany says that they want Derek X. in jury because he has strong connections to her.  Tiffany won’t let them “guilt trip” her so she’ll go back to her usual mode (guilty tripping them).  I used to like Tifny but the last two weeks she has been getting on my last nerve.  What has she really done in the game to this point?  She tells us in Diary Room that she’s going to convince people to vote to keep Derek X. so she’ll win the game.  My thoughts:  instead of using him for protection, Derek X. should have been a member of the Cookout!

Xavier’s Punishment

Sarah Beth comes out with the Xavier’s punishment.  Xavier will be locked in the “Have Not” room until Julie calls him to vote.  This means Tiffany has a good chance to ruin Xavier’s plan.  Poor Xavier!  His toilet is a tent.  He has water (and I understand PBJ and apples).  As all this unfolds, Tiffany is scheming with Derek X. and telling him to how to play the other house guests.  Tiffany tells him (basically) to play Azah for sympathy points and he uses the chess board.  Derek X. admits that he is counting on Azah, Hannah or Tiffany for a vote to keep him safe.   

Derek X. uses the chess board with Azah and he plays the martyr.  She promises to think about it.  My question is does Tiffany and Derek X. not consider that other houses guests will compare notes?  Oh, there comes Derek X.’s tears.  Azah says he needs to go but is it best.

The Eviction Ceremony

The house guests are dressed up and waiting in the living room where there is a slight sound problem.  Julie asks if she can call Derek X. by his nickname, “Baby D.”  She gives each nominee a chance to sway the vote.  Claire does the call outs and asks the house guests to keep her if she can help their individual game.  Oh, again the teams mention.  I’m so over that!  Baby D. thanks his supporters and tells the house guests this will be a chance to change the game.  He can take out the biggest problem in the house while keeping his allies safe.  (Wait, Derek X.  That’s everyone except Xavier.)

The voting starts with Alyssa first.  Xavier, the last to vote, comes out looking like a 1970s disco king.  With a vote of five to two, Derek X. is headed to jury.  Tiffany did change Hannah’s vote (not really). When Julie makes the announcement, Derek X. doesn’t look surprised.  He hugs Claire first and the rest as he leaves.  Tiffany must be steaming but she gives Derek X. something and tells him he had the best personality in the house.  (I agree with that!)  His last goodbye is for Hannah and is sweet. 

Julie offers Derek X. a chair and asks if it was a bad week.  He tells her yes.  When asked why he chose not to play in the High Roller’s Room, Derek X. admits he was thinking “long term” and not concerned with this week.  Not being chosen for the Power of Veto didn’t help.  He has no remorse and offers America his love.  He’s also sorry that he let us down, but he tried his best.  When asked about a possible dating situation with Hannah, Derek tells us that both were focused on the game.  He does tell Julie when she asks him to “expect the unexpected.”  Goodbye messages will be online tomorrow.

HoH Competitions

Before we get to the HoH, Julie says that the Big Brother program is so proud of the house guests work.  The show will give $10,000 to the American Red Cross in addition to the bags that the house guests put together.  In addition, CBS asked American to get involved by becoming a “Nation of Doers.”  Go to CBS/American Red Cross to see how to help.

Julie tells us that the house guests had to study the memory wall last night looking for clues to help them win tonight’s HoH.  I believe she called it the BB NFG Coming Soon and featured pictures from this year’s show (so far). 

Outside, Julie starts the competition. The game is called “BB NFG”.  All have studied the Memory Wall.  It’s a true or false and (according to live feeds) Tiff and Hannah have a cheating method set up (although I couldn’t tell if they used it).  Extra BB bucks will also be given.  At the end of the game, each will pick an envelope which contains additional BB Bucks of $50 or $100.  They have to wait until the High Rollers room to open them. 

The True/False questions are asked.  Xavier, Claire and Azah go out on question one.  Derek F. and Kyland leave on the second question.  Tiffany finally wins her first HoH (and we can expect another chaotic week). 

Julie tells us that it’s time for the High Roller’s vote.  Text your vote to award extra amounts to the house guest of your choice.  It looks like maybe Black Jack this week? The top three from the Coin Flip will play.  Text your favorite to 97979.  Vote up to 10 times and must be done tonight.

Back inside Tiffany is asked how it feels to have won.  She’s very proud and happy and looking forward to pictures and letter.  Tiffany says that Sarah Beth started the women winning.  Claire is asked how she feels.  She is happy but sad that Baby D. left.  Julie tells them no “have nots” this week (which usually means endurance competition next week).  Tiffany’s reign though may not be what she wants as it can be upended by the Coin of Destiny.  (I hope she doesn’t become another Chima (from Big Brother 11) who threw a fit (and destroyed a mike) when she lost her HoH power to Jeff.

So, what do you expect this week?  Will Tiffany destroy the Cookout to get to the finals.  Who will she put up and what will her reasoning be?  Who will win the power (Derek F. and Hannah already have the money to play)?  Will it be used to replace noms?  This will be another interesting week.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2021, 09:29:41 PM »
Big Brother #23:  Will Tiffany Reign Supreme (8/29/21)

The Big Brother house guests have kept us entertained this year.  Whether the crew is out playing each other, trying to schmooze each other, or just seeking to control the game, we have had more entertainment than we have had in many years from this Big Brother crew.  Tiffany claim to fame is founding the Cookout (or so she says) and she hasn’t been happy she hasn’t won.  Well, she remedied that on Thursday night but will it last?  We still have the Coin of Destiny standing in her way.  And for some reason, I don’t think production thought this season would play out this way.

Will HoHitis Show Up?

The one thing you can say about Tiffany is that she likes to manipulate a game.  For the past weeks, she’s been manipulating the person who had the power.  The only HoH she didn’t succeed with is Frenchie and we all know she was instrumental in his departure.  So, with total power will we get major HoHitis.

As the HoH begins Tiffany already has her sights set on the evictee being Sarah Beth.  Sarah Beth did get rid of her pawn, Derek X. on Thursday.  Of course, we get the usual celebration because “I (Tiffany) finally won something in this house.”  In the Storage Room, all the girls celebrate that a woman has won HoH.  Claire thinks she’s totally safe since her ally is HoH.  Kyland is looking for comfort from Derek F. (and I’ll be dropping the F now) and Azah.  Azah thinks Kyland’s behavior is crazy.  In Diary Room he says that Baby D. was his biggest threat.  Be aware, this is long!

So what is happening with the next victim, Sarah Beth.  She is upset over Baby D.’s speech.  In taking to Xavier, she is trying to figure out how to stay off the block.  She thinks she’s in an alliance with Xavier and Alyssa.  Xavier tells us that he doesn’t have power this week and laughs.  The only safe people are the Cookout.  Of course, the Coin of Destiny is mentioned with Sarah Beth hoping for the money to play for it. 

Later, Tiffany and Kyland are talking about who to put up.  Tiffany admits to us that she wants Sarah out.  Kyland doesn’t want Alyssa put up next to Sarah Beth.  Kyland says he can’t protect Sarah any longer and feels he can go up safely (or something like that) against her.  By the way, I’m finding myself tuning out when Kyland talks.

Hannah and Tiffany talk.  Both are sad that Baby D. is gone.  Tiffany feels that the Cookout has played for each other.  Hannah, in Diary Room, tells herself to get it together because she feels awful that Baby D. left.  If it wasn’t for the Cookout, Hannah and Baby D. would be a team.  Tiffany tells her it had to be and they hug.  Next is Derek who congratulates her.  She’s talking to him about the anonymous HoH.  Tiffany tells us they might fight like siblings, but they are working together.  Derek tells us he doesn’t trust Tiffany and she would be gone except for the Cookout. 

After a short meeting with Tiffany, Sarah tells us that the only way she’d stay is with Coin of Destiny so she’s using that to stay off the block.  Sarah B. there is no way you have the BB Bucks to play.  Baby D. sunk that ship!  Tiffany does tell her that she jeopardized Tiff’s game.  Sarah seems to plan to do anything she can to stay.  Wait until she finds out what America thinks about her.  Later, she throws Alyssa under the bus to Tiffany and loses any respect that Tiffany, Hannah and Claire had for her.

We’re back to the HoH reveal.  I’m not going to worry about details because it is the typical photos and letters.  We haven’t gotten many of these this year. 


Well, there will be three nominations this week.  Xavier is up due to last week’s Veto competition.  Tiffany nominates Kyland and Sarah.  The reasoning is that the two make a powerful dual and Tiffany made this move for her game.  Tiffany tells us that Sarah Beth is the target and Alyssa will be Tiffany’s next target.  If someone saves Sarah Beth, they become Tiffany’s next target.  Kyland says it makes sense that he’s up but it’s painful to be on the block.  Sarah Beth says she won’t sit next to Kyland. 

Sarah Beth does show up to talk to Tiffany after the nomination ceremony.  Tiff blames Kyland as reason she went up and the target.  Sarah Beth was the way Tiff had to get Kyland out.  Tiffany is doing jury management and trying not “to hurt” Sarah Beth.  Sarah Beth is not as dumb as she plays and is worried that Tiffany is lying but she’s hoping that the Coin of Destiny will save her.

High Roller’s Room and the Coin of Destiny

THe High Roller’s room is open.  This week you must have $250 to play the Coin of Destiny.  The winner will force HoH into a coin toss and take over the HoH if they win.  The nominees will change (or not) and the person will not be allowed to win HoH on Thursday.  Everything will be done in secret.  Xavier will remain on the block as it was a punishment.  Tiffany will be safe.  Tiffany tells us that Sarah Beth has to go!  To win, you must get the most coins through a slot in 2 minutes.  The one with the most coins through the slot wins!

Before we go to the money aspect, let’s look at what Tiffany wants to happen.  The only ones who can play seem to be Derek, Hannah, and Claire.  Hannah will not play for the coin and Derek tells Tiffany (basically) that he plans to lose.  I honestly think that if he hadn’t played, Big Brother would have been mad!

Money –
Azah gets $50 from us, $50 envelop so is not eligible.
Xavier get $75 from us, $50 in envelope so is not eligible to play.
Alyssa gets 75 from us, $100 in envelope so in not eligible to play.
Hannah gets 100 from us, $50 in her envelope and choses not to play.
Kyland gets $50 from us, $100 in his envelope so is not eligible to play.
Tiffany gets $100 from us, $50 in envelop so is not eligible to play
Sarah Beth gets $50 from us, $100 in envelope so is not eligible to play
Derek gets $75 from us, $100.  He has $425 (won in PoV) and will play Coin of Destiny.  He throws to lose and tells us: “I tried my best.  It’s all I can do.”  Well, he won’t upset Tiffany.
Claire gets $100 from us and $50 giving her enough to play.  She has trouble getting the coins through the slot but does get three coins in and wins!  She becomes the secret HoH.

Tiffany calls everyone to the dining room.  The results are that someone played and won and so the coin toss must happen.  Tiffany has brought in the coin toss machine.  Tiffany will operate the toss machine to see if she is dethroned.  The crown or BB letters will decide which nominees will go up on the board.  She places the coin in the machine and flips the coin and she is dethroned (by Claire) and the secret HoH is activated.  Tiffany can compete in the next HoH (but Claire can’t).  The new nominees are Kyland and Sarah Beth.  You can see Sarah Beth is upset and the High Roller’s room is closed.

In Diary Room, Sarah Beth tells us that she’s sad and she doesn’t understand why she’s targeted.  Tiffany celebrates being dethroned and is only worried that Sarah Beth will win the PoV.  Claire celebrates that she won.  She takes it for now has a HoH to her credit. 

Who will win the veto?  Will it be used?  Can Sarah Beth figure out a way to save herself?  With the house wanting Sarah gone, I don’t think so.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2021, 12:28:13 PM »
Big Brother History:  Alliances through the Years

When I thought of this piece, I had decided to lay out all the Big Brother alliances since season one.  When I started my research, I found a site called Big Brother Wiki (https://bigbrother.fandom.com/wiki/) that had done a very thorough job of chronicling this history.  I want to thank them and made me limit this piece to famous alliances.  Season one did not have any alliances as the show was so new.  I will not do All-Star years unless something significant is noted. 

Let’s begin with the most famous alliance which has been on multiple seasons -- Chill Town.  Chill Town was created by Mike “Boogie” Malin and Dr. Will Kirby.  They were the only two members who clearly knew the game play.  In season two, Boogie and Will used Shannon Dragoo with Krista Stegall, and Justin Sebik (who was expelled for threatening to kill Krista).  Chill Town would show up again during the first Big Brother All-Star season (Season 7) with Will and Boogie working with Jase Wirey, Janelle Pierzina, and Erika Landin.  Season two saw Will win while Mike “Boogie” won season 7.  Today, their friendship is no more as Will has a restraining order (and other court cases) against Boogie.  Chill Town resurfaced when Coach Boogie recruited Frank Eudy in Season 14.  Boogie was a coach and with Frank started a new version with Britney Haynes, Dan Ghressling, Danielle Murphee, and Shane Meaney.  Ian spoiled the season for Dan.  So no Chill Town member won season 14

Season Five saw two big alliances that featured biological siblings of Mike Ellis and Nakomis Dedmon.  The Four Horsemen, consisted of Drew Danie, Jase Wirey, Michael Ellis and Scott Long and had the eventual winner, Drew.  The Pinky Swear Alliance  worked against the Four Horsemen with some success.  It consisted of Nakamis Dedmon, Adria Klein, Diane Henry, Karen Ganci, Natalie Carroll and Will Wikle.  While the Horsemen thought they ran the game, The Pinky Swear started the infamous backdoor. 

We’ve heard of several people during several years using the term “friendship.” Big Brother had its first Friendship in Season 6.  Consisting of Maggie Ausburn, Ivette Corredero, April Lewis, Beau Beasley, Eric Littmann, and Jennifer Vasquez, they were a powerful force in the house.  The counter group, The Sovereign Six, consisted of Janelle Pierzina, Howie Gordon, Rachel Plencner, Kaysar Ridha, James Rhine and Sarah Hreisa.  Many of Sovereign Six would play as S6 in All-Stars.  Maggie Ausburn of Friendship was the eventual winner of the season.

Season Eight (the season of Evel Dick) saw The Late Night Crew (LNC).  This dominant alliance included Dick Donato, Danielle Donato, Amber Sivavus, Dustin Erikstrup, Eric Stein, Jameka Cameron and Jessica Hughbanks.  Dick, as Danielle estranged father, stated multiple times during the season that he wanted Danielle to win.  LMC would eventually turn on each other leading to accusations and the infamous cigarette/burn fight.  When Evel Dick found himself on the block with Danielle, he won POV and took Danielle off.  Dustin went up, assured he would be safe, only to have Dick sway the votes with America’s Player, Eric, voting to please the audience.  Evel Dick would be the winner of season eight.

I hate to mention the Writer’s Strike Winter season because it was one of the worse every shown on television.  Team Christ was the major alliance and consisted of Natalie Cunial, Sheila Kennedy, Ryan Quicksall and Adam Jasinki.  All members of the group made it to the final five with Adam winning on a six to one vote.

The Renegades was an alliance formed with Dan Gheeling, Memphis Garrett, LIbra Thompson, Renny Martyn, and Keesh Smith during season 10.  Dan served as America’s player for one week and completed his tasks.  He also ended up winning the season and becoming an author and commentator.

Season 11 is the season of the unnamed alliance.  The season started with four groups (Athletes, Populars, Brains and Off-Beats) and the return of Jessie Godderz (Mr. Pectacular).  It was also one of the most controversial as Jessie would form an alliance of Natalie Martinez, Kevin Campbell, Lydia Travera, and Chima Simone.  While never having an official name, the players did control much of the action of the game with their plans to take out the rest.  This lasted until America awarded Jeff Schneider the coup d’etat and he used it during Chima’s HoH.  At that point, the power shifted, and Jessie was put on the block.  With Jessie’s eviction, the drama wasn’t over as his parnters (in crime) held a wake and Chima refused to play the game.  She threw her mike into the pool and was evicted.  America would cast the final vote.  While Natalie was sitting beside Jordan Lloyd in the finals, Jordan won the house vote denying this team a win.

Season Twelve saw The Brigade (Bragade) as the domiant alliance.  Consisting of Enzo Palumbo, Matt Hoffman, Lane Elenburg, and, in her mind, Britney Haynes, the group would turn on member, Matt, who was considered a threat.  Hayden, Lane and Enzo would go to the final three.  The winner of this season was Hayden.  Considered one of the greatest alliance of the show’s history (due to their dominance), the final three also, to me, made it boring for viewers as there was no action in the last week.

Season 11 of Big Brother saw the emergence of The Newbies (those who had never played) which formed when the executive producers introduced former players called the Dynamic Duos (The Vets).  The Newbies up of Cassie Calvin, Porsche Briggs, Lawton Exum, Dominic Briones, Shelly Moore, Keith Henderson, Kalia Booker and Adam Poch.  This group did not last throughout the game with The Regulators forming with Cassie, Dominic Kei,th and Lawton defecting from the original group.  Meanwhile, the Dynamic Duos (Dick Donato, Danielle Donato, Jeff Schneider, Jordan Lloyd, Rachel Riley, and Brendon Villegas) were put at a disadvantage near the start of the competition when Dick had to leave for health reasons.  Rachel from the Dynamic Duos would win but Porsche Briggs also took the second  place prize. 

The most remembered alliance of Big Brother 14 was The Quack Pack.  Known for their signal “quack,” the team was made up of Dan Gheesling, Britney Haynes, Ian Terry, Danielle Murphee, and Shane Meaney.  Dan thought he was in control of the game but came in second to fellow alliance member, Ian.

The alliances of Season 15 are not as memorable to me.  3 A. M. consisted of Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren and McCrae Olson.  Both Aaryn and Amanda had negative press due to racial comments made in the house.  And speaking of the house, Area 51 (or The House Alliance) was formed by almost the entire house.  The season’s winner would be Andy Herron, a member of 3 A. M.

Season 16 of Big Brother saw The Bomb Squad emerge.  The mastermind of this group, Derek Levasseur, would be the winner of the season.  He was joined in the group by Amber Borzotra, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Devin Shepherd, Frankie Grande (brother of singer Arianna), and Zach Rosen.  Marred by Caleb infatuation with Amber and Zach’s strange actions, Derek was kept on his toes.  Frankie, his second in command, would be the eyes for Derek as he could move throughout the house as everyone’s friend.  Due to the Bomb Squad’s success, other groups like the Crazy Eights have dimmed.  This season also saw Team America with Joey Van Pelt (who left early in the game, Frankie Grande, Derrick Levesque, and Donny Thompson.  Donny, who was America’s Favorite Player, was sabotaged by Frankie Grande with Derrick’s help.  Derrick and Frankie were told that as the surviving members of Team America the one who made it to the end would win an additional $50,000.  Derek Levesque would go on to win $550,000. 

Big Brother 17 saw the rise of Sixth Sense which had as it’s members Austin Matelson, Clay Honeycutt, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Shellie Poole, Vanessa Russo (professional poker player), with affiliates of John McCrae and Steve Moses.  While Vanessa did the planning, Austin was supposed to win comps.  Vanessa had to use her poker skills to stay the course of the season but in the end, Steve Moses won the season.

Season 18 saw Nicole Franzel make her mark. Joined by Cory Brooks, Da’Vonne Rogers, Frank Eudy, James Hurling, Michelle Meyer, Tiffany Rousso, Zakiyah Everette, Paul Abrahamian, and Paulie Calafiore, the group was dominant picking off the rest of the house guest.  Paul would try to control the game and would sit next to Nicole who would become the winner of Season 18.

Season 19 was highlighted by Paul Abrahamian and his friendship bracelets return.  A member of The Team (unoffical name given by member Cody Nickson), the group consisted of Cody (and his showmance) Jessica Graf, RavemnWalton (and her showmance), Matt Clines, Mark Jansen (and his showmance), Elena Davies, Christmas Abbott, Dominique Cooper, Alex Ow, Josh Martinez, and Kevin Schlehuber. Paul played the game by trying to build friendship with others but Cody caught on quickly.  This group would splinter.  When it came down to the final two, Paul set next to Josh who he thought had no chance of winning due to his antics.  Paul was handed his second loss when Josh was named the winner.

Season 20 saw Level Six in control.  The alliance members were Angela Rummans, Tyler Crispin, Winston Hines, Kaycee Clark, Rachel Swindler, Kaycee Clark, Brett Robnson, J. C. Moundeux, Kaitlyn Herman, Sam Bledsoe.  While Kaitlyn went out due to an inability of put a easy puzzle together, it would be lifeguard Tyler who would read the house accurately.  Unfortunately, his reading wasn’t very accurate as he came in second to fellow alliance member Kaycee Clark. 

Season 21 had Unde9able as the dominant and most controversial team in Big Brother history.  It’s members included Analyse Talquera, Christine Murphy, Holly Allen, Isabella Wang, Jack Matthews, Jackson Michie, Nick Maccarone, Sam Smith, Monny Braco, and Kathryn Dunn.  This alliance was dominant but also controversial.   Two members, Jack and Jackson (Michie) were told to watch their speech as both made racial comments.  When Jack left the game, he was called out on stage by Julie Chen Moonves and he apologized saying he wasn’t that type of person.  Jackson, after being warned, seemed to pull away from the group with his showmance, Holly.  The eventual winner, Jack was faced with questions about his statements on the final show before winning the prize.  His stunned look on the stage wasn’t about winning but having his statements brought home to him.

Season 22 seemed to be the season of “friendship” since it was an all-stars season.  I am not going to mention any alliances here because according to Twitterverse, the game was decided prior to contestants entering the house.

Season 23, the present season, was hurt from the start by the team concept of Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jokers.  Most house guests thought that those teams would get them to the finale.  While Frenchie started The Slaughterhouse (and its sub-alliance of The Butchers) and Royal Flush developed out of a combination of Kings, Queens, and one Ace member, it has been The Cookout that has run the game.  The first season with a strong POC cast, they quickly formed together with Azah Awasum, Derek Frazier (son of boxer, Joe Frazier), Hannah Chaddha, Kyland Young, Tiffany Mitchell, and Xavier Prather to keep the crew together until the final six.  To do this, they paired up with someone from their “card” team.  At present, this group is running the game as they have slowly but surely picked off everyone else.  Can they keep it together to win?  We have a few weeks before we  know.

So did I leave any big alliances out?  Did I get your favorites?  There are been so many in the history of the show, I’m bound to have missed a few.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2021, 01:00:59 PM »
What a great recap! I really enjoyed visiting and remembering some of these players. BB is truly one of my favorite shows ever!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2021, 09:22:19 PM »
Big Brother #23 – Secret (Really) HoH

Well Big Brother fans!  It’s another Wednesday night and what can we expect.  Tiffany lost her HoH power.  Kyland, Sarah and Xavier are on the block.  Will the Power of Veto be used to save one of them?  Can the Cookout continue their path to final six?  So far, it looks like they may.  But what does the future hold?  And are they ready for what the POV game is tonight?

Pre-Power of Veto

Tonight’s Power of Veto is going to be interesting.  Will they allow seven people to play or will the HoH sit the game out?  Oh, that’s right they have a secret HoH now.  Can Xavier be teamed with someone?  And we are off.

After the recap, we move into the program.  Tiffany is okay she lost the HoH room and she knows Claire had to be the one who won.  She also knows that Claire wants Sarah out as  much as she does.  Claire likes being the secret HoH.  She left nominations as Tiffany had them because it made sense.  Later Tiffany talks to Kyland about the nominations and he tells us that – whatever (sorry, I zone out when Kyland mumbles).  Xavier feels okay with the competition and results.  Sarah meanwhile knows her game is in trouble.  She hates for Kyland to leave but it can’t be Sarah Beth!  (Why not?  The object is to get everyone out.

Tiffany goes up to move her “stuff” with Hannah and Claire comes up.  Tiffany doesn’t want anyone in Claire’s ear so she and Hannah will have to keep Claire close because they figure she has the power.  Claire wants credit and so I have to wonder if she’ll tell the rest of the house. 

Kyland finds Sarah Beth upset in the bedroom.  She thinks him that both of them are unlikeable (oh, really).  Kyland reminds her of all that are already out.  He hates to see Sarah Beth in pain.  Their only hope is to win Power of Veto.  Say what Sarah Beth?  Have you been taking double talk lessons from Kyland.  They discuss “house guest choice” and she doesn’t know who to ask!  She doesn’t trust anyone.

Power of Veto

Since this is an anonymous HoH, Xavier announces veto.  Only six will play, each of the nominees and three additional players.  They draw for the veto players and Xavier picks first as the special nominee.  He picks Alyssa (who he wanted).  Sarah Beth hopes for Derek and gets Claire.  She’s glad since she was secret HoH and now gets to compete to get all the power.  Kyland picks Hannah who is excited to play and win the power for herself.  After the ceremony, Tiffany and Claire talk about what to do if PoV is won.  The only option would be Alyssa. 

The Power of Veto game is going to be based on the new movie musical, “Dear Evan Hansen” and Ben Platt shares a trailer with the house guests.  The PoV winner will get an advanced screening of the movie with three guests.  The backyard is set up like high school and the instructions say BB is like high school.  Not really this year but I digress.  They must line photos of the evicted house guests in chronological order to tell a story.  Britini’s homework gets eaten by the dog and Brent gets hit by a dodgeball are two funny pictures.  The game, “We’re Nuts for Benny,” will be timed.  It seems like all will have trouble but both Hannah and Sarah Beth gets them done quickly and  on the first try.  The times are:  Kyland 5:25; Claire  6:27; Alyssa  8:14; Hannah 4:59; Xavier 8:29; Sarah Beth 5:22.  The winner is Hannah.  She gets to see a movie (which she really wanted).  Claire is upset because she might have changed the nominees.  And Sarah Beth cries again. 

Sarah Beth tells Kyland she was so close but couldn’t win.  He tells her not to worry.  He thinks Hannah will take him off and whichever stays will win the HoH next week.  Kyland would love to be taken down but he’s confident that he will stay (and again I tune out).  Sarah is going to try and get one of the two of them off so they can campaign to get Xavier out. 

Power of Veto Movie and Meeting

Hannah asks Kyland, Sarah and Xavier to see the movie with her.  Derek is upset because he really wanted to see the movie.  The movie will be screened in the HoH room where snacks await.  As they sit on the bed, the movie runs.  I’m not sure Kyland likes it but he does cry by the end.  Xavier feels that Evan’s story hits home.  This is good promotion for the movie (or so the house guests say).

Kyland talks to Claire about her thoughts on who to evict.  Claire won’t tell him she’s got the secret HoH but wonder if he’s trying to save Sarah.  She doesn’t like that at all.  Of courses, Claire tells Tiffany that Kyland is pushing for the PoV to be used on him.  Tiffany’s not happy with Kyland and tells us that the Cookout members agreed to pick a partner and to sit beside them.  I think Kyland’s just been moved up in the eviction order of the Cookout.

Kyland then approaches Hannah to use the veto on him and she can’t figure out why.  She plans to use it on Xavier and tells us that he’s not following the plan.  I’d be running from the yard with all the talk, talk, talk Kyland’s doing.  Kyland isn’t making sense to Hannah and she knows he wants to take himself off so he can save Sarah.  Kyland, you just sealed Sarah’s fate.

The ceremony begins with Hannah using the power of Xavier.  Since he was a special nominee, there will not be a replacement for him.  Kyland looks upset but what can he say.

In the final Diary Rooms, Hannah tells us that she’s upset that Kyland asked her to pull him down and was sketchy.  Kyland feels for Sarah and his plan didn’t work.  It sucks.  Sarah complains.  She came to win and she will definitely try to stay.  I think your fate is sealed, Sarah.  Tiffany says that Kyland is sitting beside Sarah like they all promised.  Basically, Kyland, get over yourself.

Who will leave?  Will the Cookout team stay in power or fall?  It should be endurance tomorrow night.   Be sure and watch at 8:00 P. M. on Thursday.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2021, 09:20:57 PM »
Big Brother #23 – Will Sarah Beth Leave?

Tonight’s Big Brother will cap an interesting week.  Not only has Kyland and Sarah Beth been on the block but Kyland has been determined to “save” Sarah.  In do,ing so, he has alienated many of his alliance members.  Remember the Big Brother Cookout crew agreed to take each other to the final six even if it meant giving up their shield,

After the Veto

Julie mentions that the Cookout has been “kept under wraps” but they will be able to continue.  After the recap, we’re reminded that Sarah or Kyland will leave.  Oh yes!  Jury House and Britini and Baby D. start piecing things together.  It may start getting real folks!

On Day 58, the Cookout is safe so far.  Kyland though is not as popular as he once was with his fellow alliance members.  Julie reminds everyone that it has been a crazy week.  Hannah said she’s chose not to use the veto on Kyland because he would try to save Sarah Beth while Xavier is loyal.  Tiffany does not understand what Kyland is up to.  Claire is glad to see both still on the block.  Kyland is rambling again. Sarah is philosophical.

As Sarah sits alone, Xavier, Claire and Alyssa talk.  What about?  Oh, Alyssa comments about how there will be no white men on the jury.  This upsets Xavier because of what Alyssa said and to whom.  He goes to the bathroom for a talk to himself.  Now, they must look at Alyssa leaving next.  Only problem is she said it to Claire.

Azah and Xavier are making dinner as the rest are in the backyard.  Hannah and Derek are in the hammock with Tiffany nearby.  A bee swoops down and Derek moves quickly off the hammock causing Hannah to fall and hit her head.  Meanwhile, Xavier goes out to check leaving Azah and Claire in charge of dinner.  While Hannah’s head hurts and she goes to Diary Room, there is no harm done.  Dinner isn’t that lucky as the steaks in the oven catch fire.  The BB House is saved by the fire extinguisher but Xavier said what is going on?  Hannah doesn’t hold a grudge against Derek as she laughs at him.  (I think they need to throw in the ghosts right about now.)

The (unofficial) Cookout has an accidental meeting in the bathroom.  They do have to wake Xavier up.  They confirm the alliance name of Cookout.  (Hey guys!  We’ve been calling you this since week one.) 

While Kyland, Derek, and Xavier confirm their final three in the “have not” room (why there?), Lyland (I mean Kyland) isn’t into that group.  He meets with Tiffany to figure out how to get rid of the guys.  Xavier or Derek (or is it the other way around) must leave before Kyland and the ladies.  Tiffany will sit next to Kyland in the finals (he thinks).  They pinky swear but Tiffany seems more confused and unhappy.  (Kyland will be gone before he knows it!)  Kyland has no loyalty.

Jury House

At Jury House, Britini is seen “fighting a statue” only to be surprised by Derek X.  She had thought that Alyssa, Sarah or Kyland would be next.  Derek hugs her and has a video for them to watch.  He regrets doing certain things to stop what happened.  After the video starts, Britini quickly catches on that Derek X was the backdoor plan for the week.  Derek tells her that America saw it and that’s why they both got what they got in the High Roller’s games. Do we really need this reminder?  As they discuss the week, Derek reveals the pact (left in Kyland’s message).  They decide that Kyland, Claire, Xavier, Hannah, Tiffany, and Derek belong in the group but Britini doesn’t think it is Derek.  Britini and Derek X will figure this out.

Live Vote Eviction

Sarah makes her case first.  She has offers to make.  She warns them they may regret the decision to evict her and must make the choice for their game.  Kyland has started.  He apologizes if the one-on-ones were too long (I’m sure he’s sorry—NO).  The voting starts.  The secret HoH will vote but will only be counted in the case of a tie.  Derek votes first for Sarah Beth.  Tiffany votes to evict Kyland.  By a vote of 5 to 1, Sarah is headed to jury (with Claire’s Sarah vote not counting). 

Sarah joins Julie as her picture turns gray (which causes people to laugh or pretend cry).  Julie wants to know why she got evicted.  Sarah thinks she was a threat and others didn’t know they could trust her.  She thinks they wanted Kyland by himself in the game.  Julie asks if she regretted her HoH and eviction of Derek.  Sarah regrets not playing more loyal to Tiffany and Claire.  Ask about her closeness to Kyland, Sarah said that it was easy to play with Kyland and it wasn’t personal.  She was grateful for his support.  When asked about the secret HoH, Sarah guesses Claire as the secret HoH.  She also knew Tiffany was the single vote for her (thanks again Kyland). 

In the good-bye messages, Claire admits to being the secret HoH and it was nothing personal.  Claire tells her that she was the secret HoH and it wasn’t personal.  Hannah says that she knew Sarah threw her under the bus.  Azah has to vote her out of further a mission she’s on.  Kyland mentions the alliance and BB doesn’t allow it to be played.  He doesn’t want to lose his relationship with her.  Julie asks for final thoughts.  Sarah said it was good game play on their part and knows Azah was a part of it.  She respects them.  Asked if Kyland will be a friends for life, Sarah says she has made many friends for life.

The HoH Competition

The HoH Competition in the backyard is called “The Flying BB-ions”.  Julie says that Claire will compete but must throw the competition before the end.  The game is the “swing game.”  They must stand on a platform, and it will circle the yard.  The elephant statue will release bubbles (and maybe something else).  As they are raised in the air, you see that they are having a real problem with Derek’s place.  The first three off wlil be “Have Nots” for the week.  As the show ends, Derek has fallen off during the commercial and isn’t happy.  As two circus performers appear, Alyssa falls.  The performers have spray bottles and seem to be spraying the house guests.

Next Thursday is a double eviction with another the following week.  (Sorry folks!  No triple eviction this year.)  Stand by.  I somehow think Alyssa is in trouble.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #55 on: September 03, 2021, 12:34:04 AM »
Oooo it's getting good, looking forward to the battle between the members of the Cookout.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #56 on: September 05, 2021, 09:22:25 PM »
Battle may be heating up as Xavier plans to hurt Tiff where it hurts -- she's not as innocent as people think.

Big Brother #23:  Who Did the HoH Swing

Big Brother #23 is counting down to a double elimination this week.  So far the Cookout has survived but can they survive a double elimination?  If they make it through two more pawns going (Claire and Alyssa), which of the Cookout is the most expendable.  With Tiffany, Xavier, Lyland – er Kyland, and Hannah playing hard, can they win or will Azah and Derek make it to the final two?  Note:  from now on I will refer Kyland to Lyland.  He’s very good at lying and being sly.

HoH Competition

After the exit of Sarah Beth, the HoH begins.  Interesting we are reminded of the final three between Kyland, Xavier and Derek.  We’re also reminded that Lyland (Kyland) and Tiffany has a final two alliance.  I am so tired of Lyland.  He’d be my first Cookout member out.

As we rejoin the competition, we are treated to more of the HoH competition.  Kyland is upset losing Sarah but he has another plan and Tiffany is happy that Sarah is gone.  Twitter went crazy Thursday because we didn’t see Derek fall but we get it tonight (he only last 1 minute 42 seconds).  Alyssa takes a hard hit and getting dizzy as the rope spins faster and faster.  Down she goes and she’s sick.  Tiffany is surprised that Alyssa is out as the group gets sprayed by three circus people with water/slime seltzer bottles.  Claire has to throw the game so she drops. 

In a flashback, we’re shown Lyland taking information to Hannah and Tiffany.  In addition, the Cookout had promised to drop if Derek or Azah made it to the finals.  As we return to the game Hannah goes down followed by Xavier.  This leaves Azah, Tiffany and Lyland in the game.  The agreement had been made to let Azah win but neither Lyland or Tiffany will fall.  Azah finally falls and I guess Tiffany and Lyland have shown their true colors.  Lyland wants Tiff on the block with Claire but Tiff isn’t having that and they keep swinging.  Cookout is beginning to turn as Lyland finally falls and Tiffany wins AGAIN.  It’s every man for themselves even if it hasn’t reached just Cookout members yet.  This is Big Brother! 

As this battle of wills has played out, fellow Cookout members are seeing a side of these two and Tiff’s loyalty is being questioned.  Tiff says Lyland wants wins for his resume.  Lyland says she may be in a situation where she has to put up Claire and he’s finally let’s her do it.  Tiffany celebrates again.  She celebrates winning twice in a row (but isn’t it three times since she controlled the noms from Claire’s?).

After HoH

Lyland doesn’t understand why Tiff wouldn’t fall.  Maybe it’s because you (Lyland) planned to put Claire and Tiff up.   TIffany is trying to ‘build her resume’ for the big finale (which you shouldn’t count on because this type of game can backfire!).  Lyland is scared that he is at risk.  He sees Tiff as selfish (but he’s not).  I’m sure Azah sees both as selfish.  Azah is happy she’s safe but is upset at Tiff’s not keeping her word.  TIff throws the blame for her not dropping at Lyland.

Alyssa is upset she’s on slop because she can’t eat it.  She’s scared of losing more weight after being on it for three times.  She is also not Tiff’s ally so she’s scared of going up.  Xavier is upset that the Cookout’s plan is shot.  He’s on the block for a third time but Tiff and Claire celebrate in the bathroom.  Tiffany is getting a little too arrogant to win this!  Claire figures that she and Tiff will make it to the final two. 

Lyland goes to talk to Tiffany again.  They’re arguing over who wanted it more (Azah wanted it more). Lyland tells us that Tiff wanted to win.  Okay, I’ve just zoned out again.  Please someone take Lyland out.  Tiff talks to us and she’s in the “someone had to win” mind. Couldn’t it have been Azah? Tiff says she’s keeping her pawn safe as long as she can.  She’s sure that Claire will be safe until next week and she celebrates her success AGAIN of getting Sarah Beth out.

Derek and Azah have a talk.  He feels like he’s the weakest person and Azah offers support. She reminds him that he created the alliance and helped pull it off.   He’s been trying but as he tells all, physical feats are not for him.  It happened in high school with physical ed but his dad told him to keep swinging and trying.  Hannah comes in and says that Lyland just wouldn’t quit.  She’s not too happy that the plan has changed but at least no one is looking at her.  When Xavier to talks to Derek and Azah, he’s not happy with Lyland or Tiff.  Azah tells us that she is tired of putting her game for the Cookout while others play for themselves.  She’s frustrated but must trust the process and so is Xavier.  I think he’s favoring an alliance with Derek and Azah (wonder just how much Derek is sleeping and how much he’s listening and strategizing while ‘sleeping’).

Xavier and Tiff meeting and Xavier tells her that Claire needs to go.  Tiff apologizes because she plans for Alyssa to go up which means that Xavier also goes up.  Tiff is HoH and not that sorry.  Can we say arrogant.  I liked her week one but not so much anymore. My opinion: until recently, Tiff’s been relying on Xavier or Lyland to get their hands dirty and throw no suspicion on her.  Xavier tells us he is tired and he’s been playing for the Cookout.  Now Tiff can get blood on her hands and Xavier has the chance to mess with Tiffany’s doom.

It’s HoH Time!

Oh no, another HoH reveal.  Do we have to do that again? Derek says he’s excited but he’s not.  He calls Tiffany selfish.  Derek will play like he cares but he doesn’t.  As everyone enters and does the usual, Derek and Xavier end up sitting on the bed.  They’re the first to leave and go downstairs to talk.  Xavier said it should have been Derek and Azah since they have never won.  Tiffany is selfish and then Lyland comes in.  Upstairs Tiff, Claire and Hannah watches and I’m sure they wanted to know what was said.  Alyssa and Azah is in the bedroom where Alyssa tries on Azah’s dress.  It fits.

Later Claire and Tiff meet to discuss strategy.  Tiff feels she is on Xavier’s and Lyland’s radar (oh really).  Tiff tells Claire that they need to align with Hannah and Azah.  If Claire wins HoH, Tiff plans for her to take out one of the guys.  I knew this!  She’s not as smart as she thinks.  Claire agrees and says that the guys will be on the block because they will stick together. 

Tiffany talks to Alyssa about going on the block.  If I hear “it is what it is” from Tiff again, I swear I’ll never say it.  Alyssa knew that Tiffany would take a shot and Alyssa feels that Tiff has many friends in the jury house (I’m not so sure Alyssa).  Alyssa goes through the votes and how each would stand against her.  Alyssa, don’t do that!  Tiffany thinks that everyone knows she’s not the mastermind.  Tiffany says Alyssa’s math adds up and Tiffany is thinking of sitting next to her in the end.


Tiffany calls everyone to nominations.  The usual spill is made and we see Alyssa and Xavier on the board.  Well, at least they play for PoV.  The reasoning is that it is a game move (and not personal) due to them being strong competitors.

Tiffany say they may have wanted Claire gone but it’s Tiff’s HoH and she’s there for the money.  Alyssa hoped her pitch would work but it didn’t.  She tired of the “fake smiles and laughs”.  Xavier tells us third week of the block because Tiffany decided to win HoH.  He can play friendly but also blow Tiffany’s game.  I think Tiffany better look to self-preservation and not have too big a case of HoHitis.

Wednesday, we get the PoV game.  Will Tiffany’s plan work or will a new strategy be devised.  In other words, will Claire have to go up!  Will Tiffany play true?  Will Xavier use the double eviction Thursday to get Tiffany out.  Stay tune, Big Brother fans!  It’s about to get down and dirty.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2021, 09:38:57 PM »
Big Brother #23:  And Tiffany’s Hits Keep Flying  (9/8/21)

Big Brother fans will remember that on Sunday’s taped show, Tiffany won the HoH.  This set up a wild ride for Xavier who found himself on the block opposite Alyssa, his pawn.  Now the stage is set for a repeat of last week’s show or is it?  While there isn’t a secret HoH to spoil the plans, the Power of Veto is coming in to play along with Zingbot’s return.  Let’s sit back and get ready for the show.  And with it being a double eviction tomorrow night, I hope the house guests know what’s going to hit them!

Post Nominations

Tiffany doesn’t care if she has made the others mad.  It’s her HoH and she’ll do what she wants.  Question for CBS?  Yes, I know Tiffany has come off as rather conceited and doesn’t want to be on the block at all during this game, but are you giving her this edit because you are tired of her or to show what’s she capable of to America?  Xavier is frustrated but Claire is happy.  Later, when Xavier is shooting pool, Alyssa comes up to talk about PoV and the next eviction.  Who would Tiffany put up?  Hannah’s name is mentioned.  Xavier is coming for Tiffany while Tiffany is trying to arrange something so she doesn’t have to nominate a third person this week.  The only one left is Claire and she’d have to choose between her plus one and Cookout members.  Tiffany thinks her mental powers will take care of the PoV situation.  As PoV is nearing, Alyssa talks to Derek about playing for her since she took him off the block.  He agrees but we all know he won’t do it.  He admits he’s scared of what Tiffany could do.  Later in the HoH room, Derek and Xavier talk scenarios.  While it is going to be individual’s game soon, Xavier sees it as Tiffany is already in that mindset and is ticked off by her actions.  The big question is:  will Tiffany honor the Cookout to final six or keep Claire close.  Personally, I think she has set herself up for eviction.  Xavier thinks she’s “ruining her game” which he wants to do anyway.  Derek likes messy play but not this week.  Are the two of them not trusting Lyland (Kyland) now? 

Why is it that Azah and Derek are the only two who seem to do any cleaning?  Azah though seems to like to sing the songs they have made up this summer like “Do What You Want to Do.”  Then we get a Diary Room with Derek trying to sale the BB #23 album featuring songs like “Big Blue Couch,” “I’m on the Block Again,” and many more.  Yes, they had fun with this but did we need this Diary Room.

Power of Veto and Zingbot

Tiffany is happy because it’s time to pick PoV players.  The three players will be:  House guest choice Hannah (Tiffany), Derek (Xavier), and Azah (Alyssa).  None of these will change the nominations if they win so Xavier and Alyssa must win on their own.  Claire, Hannah and Lyland aren’t playing.  Oh, and Derek lets Lyland know that about his crush. 

All go outside and Zingbot is on the balcony.  While they can’t wait, we know what is coming and prepare for the zings that can’t always be understood. Hannah can’t wait to “get her feelings hurt by this robot.”  Zing calls them losers (as usual).

First is Alyssa who Zingbot calls dim even though she lives in Florida.  Xavier is next with a zing about his secret of crushes -- on himself.  Tiffany is called old as in ‘four score and seven ...”  Claire gets referred to as “Big Foot.”  Hannah gets a knock, knock joke about being invisible.  Derek gets a zing about his bathroom use.  Azah is told by the Zingbot that she’ll never get a date with Xavier.  The last, and most accurate, is Lyland.  He gets compared to a babbling brook because he will never shut up.  In Diary Room, all agree with the Zingbot on Lyland’s zing. 

The Power of Veto begins and all 21 small cocktail glasses and twizzers start to go.  Called “Micro Cocktails,” each player must stack rows of small cocktail glasses using tweezers through a window.  The first to stack the five rows will win (total of 21 cocktail glasses).  Oh no, this is the one that Tyler got so frustrated with.  Xavier wants to win so he can see what Tiffany will do.  Alyssa knows it means she has to win to survive.  While it looks like Derek might actually win, he knocks his down and must start over.  As the game continues it looks like Alyssa and Tiffany are neck and neck.  In the end, Alyssa puts her last glass on the top and wins a PoV bracelet.  Tiffany is upset and faced with her worse possible fear, replacing Alyssa with a nomination of Claire.

In Diary Room, Tiffany is upset with herself, but Xavier is laughing at her dilemma.  Karma is what he’s really thinking as he celebrates.  Later Xavier meets Derek and Azah in the bedroom and all worry about whether Tiffany will follow through with the plan or play selfishly and keep Claire off the block.  Derek says that if she does, Tiffany will lose four votes.  In the HoH bath, Tiffany and Hannah talk and Tiffany feels hurt.  Tiffany wants Claire for personal game and friendship but if she goes against Cookout, her chances of winning are gone.  Claire has to be told that she’s going up without ruining their relationship (a a vote for Tiffany in the finals). Hannah goes back to talk to Derek and Xavier who secretly have admitted they will flip the house if Tiffany goes back on her word.  So Hannah is giving info now?  Xavier is worried about how Tiffany will tell Claire and what Alyssa will learn.

Tiffany talks to Claire and admits she has an agreement with Lyland, Derek, Azah and Hannah to keep them safe.  She can’t put any of those four up (notice she didn’t add Xavier there).  That means she has to put up Claire which upsets Claire.  And we get a big bleep space and tears from the both of them.  Tiffany tells us that she didn’t want to lie and will be as honest as she can.  She has her own personal feelings about how to play the game.  Now Claire cries.  In Diary Room, Claire says she can’t be mad.  She gets the reasoning.  Claire even knows the reason (PoC) and how they always leave early. 

The Power of Veto Meeting

PoV meeting is held and of course Alyssa uses it on herself.  Tiffany must now put up Claire or a Cookout member.  She tells all it is difficult but Claire is her choice.  As the meeting ends, we get Alyssa telling us that she’s proud of herself.  She’s declared Tiffany as her target.  Tiffany wants to keep Claire safe but doesn’t think there is any way she can save Claire.  Claire is going to go out as a fighter and will do everything she can to stay.

Double eviction tomorrow and it will be good.  Hannah has been working on getting sympathy votes from everyone for Claire.  If she gets enough, Xavier will be gone.  Oh, think of that delicious ending.  So that leaves the following questions.  Will the Cookout be safe?  Will Xavier accidentally leave early?  If Xavier exits, whose game will he take out?  Who will win the HoH and nominate to be the second evictee?  Tune in tomorrow to find out whether the Cookout ends.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2021, 11:58:20 PM »
It's gonna be a good one. And it will be fun to see the next jury clip and see them compare notes.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2021, 09:12:52 PM »
No jury clip -- I'm not mad.

Big Brother #23:  Double Eviction Looms  (9/9/21)

As the double eviction looms, Big Brother fans are left with the possibility of losing Claire tonight.  Not only that, but a Cookout member could leave before the end of the hour.  It seems strange, in the Big Brother universe, that a group of six has made it to eight.  Their dedication to each other is one of the most powerful I’ve ever seen but I digress.  The drama is ramping up and we should all prepare ourselves for a blow-out episode.

Pre-Vote and Eviction One

I’m not sure how much of a recap we’ll get tonight.  They have so much to cover in a double eviction but I’m sure there will be something. Personally, I want Jury House and Sarah Beth’s arrival.

And I was right.  We get a recap (and bad edit for Tiffany).  Oh, they reverse the reveal of the Cookout by Tiffany with the nomination.  Julie Chen Moonves reminds one that a Cookout could go to jury.

Claire is probably the first evictee but plans are being made for the next one.  Alyssa wants to set up a blindside for Tiffany.  Claire tells us that her leaving “sucks” and she has an uphill battle to stay.  While this is a hardship for Tiffany, it had to be done.  Xavier, Derek and Azah talk about the next eviction.  Alyssa realizes that all the people left will be People of Color (she’s half Hispanic as she tells them).  Basically, the four of them all have a reason for Tiffany to leave.  Xavier, Tiff’s closest ally, hasn’t liked her play this week.  Hannah and Azah are conspiring about a sympathy vote.  Hannah is setting it up to blame Lyland for the 4 to 1 vote.  Hannah needs to keep she, Tiffany and Azah safe.  Alyssa seems okay to put up Kyland (Lyland) but will she. 

The First eviction has started.  Julie announces that tonight is a double eviction and Lyland looks slightly worried.  Xavier and Claire can make their speech.  Xavier says that they should think of the benefits for keeping them.  If he does go, Alyssa will have his vote.  Claire makes a case that Xavier will win the game if he stays.  In fact, he’s playing a “damn fine game” and she’ll tell the rest of the jury just that. 

The voting starts.  First up is Alyssa.  She votes to evict Claire.  Hannah will vote to evict Xavier and blame Lyland (if necessary).  With a vote of four to one, Claire is evicted from the Big Brother House.  Julie makes the announcement and she doesn’t wait for goodbyes.  That will happen on finale night. 

Julie welcomes Claire and mentions the exit.  Julie asks about Tiffany’s nomination.  Julie says you said “I get it” and Claire agrees.  People of Color always leave early.  She will never be mad at Tiffany for doing it.  Asked by Julie about calling out/messaging Xavier, Claire says she thinks he’s playing the best game of all that remain.  Claire’s final thoughts are that she has had so many highs and lows and she loves the Big Brother game.  She has no regrets.  And made a classy exit.

Head of Household

Now, for the week in an hour.  Julie joins the house guests and Tiffany looks worried.  This is the BB Comics Week.  All will be themed around BB comics.  This one is “Crash, Boom, Pow” and each will be shown series of images based on comic books with crash, boom, and pow.  They have six tiles.  One point for each correct answer.  The one with the most correct answers win.  While Derek does relatively good, it is Hannah who wins her first Head of Household and must nominate two.

In the house, Hannah holds quick meetings.  I hear Lyland and it looks like he wants Derek gone.  Alyssa congratulates her and Hannah tells her she will be nominated.  It’s not personal but best for her game.

Live Nomination Ceremony

Hannah tells all that this isn’t for anything but to help her game.  Xavier and Alyssa are the noms and we’re heading to live veto competition.

Veto Competition

The Veto Competition will involve all but Lyland (selected to sit out by draw) will play.  This game is called “Logo, Let’s Go”.  They must race to complete a BB Comics puzzle.  They have their first piece locked in and must build off of that.  They must do the puzzle and hit the buzzer.  Did Xavier get a chance to practice?  He finishes the puzzle early and won the Power of Veto.  He’s told to strategize and head inside.

Power of Veto Competition

Tiffany, Hannah and Xavier have a quick meeting.  I’m sure Tiff is laying down the law.  Alyssa is making a plea but would Xavier be stupid enough to use it on Alyssa (of course not).  I couldn’t make out all that was said, but Alyssa spilled some information.  The real question is who will Hannah call to replace Xavier? Probably the choice falls to Derek.

The ceremony begins and Xavier, as expected, removes himself.  Hannah has decided to put up Kyland.  What!  I’m shocked.  Lyland and Tiff has a final two (as he has with everyone else).  Alyssa and Derek off screen together (to talk maybe).  I’m not sure if Xavier was with them but he did a nice speech to her before saving himself.

The Second Eviction

Kyland is called first to make a speech to sway votes.  He tells them he respects their decision.  He’s short!  Alyssa tells all keep her and have a chance to win the game or keep Kyland and do what he tells you to do so he can win the game.

The voting starts with Azah.  Wow!  Xavier wants Lyland out.  The final vote is three to one and Alyssa is evicted from the house.  She does hug all as she leaves.

On stage, Julie welcomes her and they watch an upset Xavier get a hug from Derek then Kyland, Tiffany and Azah.  What no Hannah?  Oh, she’s giving Lyland a hug.

Julie says she didn’t look shocked.  Alyssa feels lucky she didn’t leave last week.  When Julie asks about feeling betrayed, Alyssa feels betrayed by Hannah and Claire.  Both wanted her out and Alyssa just talked too much this week.  Julie asks if she trusted Xavier and anyone else.  Alyssa doesn’t really name any names but those she didn’t trust – Hannah.  Would she have taken Xavier to the final two, Alyssa doesn’t hesitate!  She would have taken him to the final three only because anyone sitting beside him will lose.  Once again, Alyssa talks about being glad that she was on the “Kings” team.  Doesn’t realize that teams are over (and have been for Cookout members for a long time).  No mention of the Cookout is made. 

Julie asks Alyssa to leave because she can’t hear what Julie will tell us.  The Cookout are the final six.  Only one will win.  Next week will feature a special two hour double eviction episode.  As the show ends, the Cookout celebrates with a group hug and cheer.

Oh, and Julie announced on Twitter today that there will be another Celebrity Big Brother this winter.  Who wants the top salary and who will be asked to play?


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