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Linda's Blog
« on: July 18, 2021, 09:30:46 PM »
Here's the link to Sunday's blog or I can post the article here.  Let me know which you prefer.


Offline ponytail

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2021, 12:23:35 AM »
Either is fine! Thank you so much for doing this for us!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2021, 09:01:02 AM »
And here's the latest editorial piece which my editor told me I could do any time.  It's on how not to be Hoh week one.


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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2021, 01:36:16 PM »
Yup! For sure! What a s***show, Frenchie....

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2021, 03:43:26 AM »
Great blog, LindaM  :clap:

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2021, 09:28:07 PM »

Big Brother 23: And a New Head of Household is Crowned (July 21)
July 22, 2021 ~ televisionchangesblog   

Hi all!  And the Big Brother fandom rejoiced on Thursday night when Kyland was crowned the Head of House.  Let’s face it!  Big Brother 23 started off as it was in week five or six with all the wheeling/dealing of Frenchie.  The only person that Frenchie didn’t have an alliance with was Derek X and the only reason was because Frenchie had planned to put him on the block.  And by the Sunday show, Frenchie had got his due with being put on the block with teammate Britini.  Can he talk his way into being saved?  I already know but won’t spoil it.

Post Nominations

So, Frenchie and Britini are up and Frenchie feels betrayed.  Personally, I think that Brent should be next to him in the nom chairs but it seems Kyland felt that the nominees should come from the same team.  Hey, it puts the Jokers down one this week.  But with the Power of Veto competition to be played anything can change.

Well, you can tell that Frenchie doesn’t care who he takes down.  The producers remind us that Frenchie kept throwing the Slaughter House name out.  The nominations Kyland says was that Frenchie was basically a distraction and Britini only has loyalty to her team.  Brent tells us that Frenchie’s nomination was karma due to Frenchie being sketchy.  (But Brent!  You were in Frenchie’s ear.  What does that make you?)  With Britini in tears, the Jokers are in disarray.  Azah even calls Britini a scapegoat.  She sees that Kyland should have put someone from another team up.  Derek F. is upset because Kyland hit to close to home and didn’t give Derek F. a head’s up.  Frenchie does tell Britini to let him go home and he tells us that he will put the veto around her neck.  He still thinks he’s a mastermind and could figure out a way to stay.

Kyland talks game with his team.  Alyssa is glad that the kings are safe because of Frenchie’s power trip.  Meanwhile Tiffany and Kyland talk about the nominations and feel good about it.  Tiffany tells us that Frenchie must go (I so agree).

Brent talks to Derek X and Whitney about the nominations.  She’s glad that Frenchie’s up.  Brett is taking no responsibility.  When Frenchie meets with Kyland, Kyland is not buying his comments about saving Britini.  Kyland promises in Diary Room to make sure Frenchie doesn’t win.  Kyland, with Britini, is a different matter.  He tells her that he felt she was the one person who wouldn’t go home next to Frenchie.  Kyland makes it plain that he does not want the POV used on Britini.

Brent looks to be hunting for a showmance.  He’s flirting with Hannah and she’s playing with him.  She doesn’t believe his sweet talk and gives him nothing.  Brent thinks she is interested.  Boy, talk about a swelled head.

Frenchie meets with the Slaughter House to decide what to do.  Frenchie sees that they have turned on him and thrown his name out so why help them (you couldn’t see that happening Frenchie).  Derek F. pretends to sleep and hopes that Frenchie will not mention him (Frenchie didn’t).  After this meeting, Frenchie blows up the group to all the rest of the house.  Frenchie’s reasoning is that too many alliance members called his name and he’s going to make them regret it.  Word gets back to Kyland who is a member of Slaughter House and he knows Frenchie must go.

The house guests plans to celebrate Alyssa’s birthday so they wrap her in toilet paper (don’t ask me why).  This is where Kyland finds them and let’s all the rest of the Slaughter House know what Frenchie has done.  This will cost him with any who might have helped him.

It’s Time for the Power of Veto Competition

It’s time to draw people for the veto competition.  Kyland draws first and gets Alyssa.  Frenchie wants Derek F. but gets C.laire.  Britini wants a teammate but gets Derek X.  That won’t help her chances.  Derek X. is determined that Frenchie won’t get off the block and Frenchie knows it.

POV is being played in a beach setting.  Call “Untan Lotion,” they must get a float out of a tube after filling it with suntan oil.  Britini is first and figures out that the ones that are farther away gives the most lotion.  The ground is slick.  Wait!  Don’t they play something similar like this for HoH later in the season?

Britini figures the pattern out but so does Derek X (who figures out that the SPF 30 gives the most lotion).  All three times are good.  The winner is Derek X in 4:41.  Kyland’s time was 4:54.  Frenchie finished at 5:06 and Britini was 5:08.  (Britini don’t be ashamed.  You did great).  Alyssa (at 6:57) and Claire (at 5:33) didn’t want to win and could have cared less.  The winner is Derek X.  All hoped Frenchie wouldn’t win because of last week and he didn’t.  Derek X sees it as his chance to eliminate a big threat in the house.  Britini is upset because she knows she is not coming off the block.  Frenchie is in tears but he will hold his head high as he leaves.

After the Competition

Frenchie admits his last hope is gone. (So was Travis’ but you had no remorse.)  He talks to Azah and admits he probably cause this himself.  Azah is understanding.  She says she knows that the game brings out every emotion in you.  Derek F. does tell Frenchie he was taught by his mom never to give up and Frenchie shouldn’t either.  Great advise Derek F. but did you have to do this in front of Britini.  Frenchie now swears that he’s coming for everyone.

Frenchie does make one last pitch to Kyland and Derek X to keep him..  Frenchie only wants a chance.  Frenchie uses the old reason we always hear that if he’s up against anyone else, he will go home.  Yeah but Frenchie, I don’t think the house or us could take another HoH with you at its head.  Even with the promise of keeping them safe, can Derek X. be swayed?  Derek X. admits in Diary Room that he is thinking of the house versus Frenchie’s word.  Which is the best choice?  (Well, I wouldn’t believe Frenchie after last week.)

Power of Veto Ceremony

Derek X. has made his decision and calls the rest in.  Usually we hear pleas to the POV winner to keep each safe.  What gives?  We don’t hear any speeches?  Derek X. adjourns the meeting without using the veto.

Derek X. feels that he made the best decision while Kyland is glad that the noms remain the same.  Britini is going to campaign to stay in the house.  Frenchie is going to fight but how?  He tells us not to count him out yet.  Derek F. is upset about losing a teammate.

Turn in tomorrow for live eviction when we learn:

Did Frenchie find a way to stay?

Does he blow up everyone’s game on the way out?

Does the door hit him as he exits the house?

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2021, 03:49:04 AM »
Great blog, Linda....You called it exactly as it happened.  :clap:
Looking forward to tomorrow night.!

Offline ponytail

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2021, 12:12:52 PM »
Yup! Wow, Frenchie is such a roller coaster of emotions--give up, fight, hug it out, throw grenades, determination, resignation...hard to keep up!

Offline LindaM

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2021, 07:40:52 PM »
Frenchie has made it interesting but the first week was ridiculous.  It seems last night, alliances was made with everything but the kitchen sink.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2021, 09:28:00 PM »
I ended up putting the post here instead of the link.  Sorry for the confusion.

Big Brother #23 (July 22) – And Another One Bites the Dust (and All Hope It’s Frenchie)

So Big Brother fans are almost all aligned on who should leave tonight.  After a messy week one where Frenchie only missed Derek X. in an alliance, it looks like he is on the way back to the farm by the end of week two.  Can he pull a switch of targets?  Will he have pity votes that will keep him safe?  Will the door hit him on the way out?  And who will be the next one to go?  Two Slaughter House members have a target on their back but Brent wants a girl out?  I believe it will all come down to the next HoH and which of the many alliances they are in.

Eviction Night and the Recap

Okay, I’m not going into the reminders.  They just seem to kill time.  I will say that Big Brother reminds us of Frenchie’s fall from power, alliances discovered, and tears shed.  We’re reminded of the Slaughter House and Cookout and Frenchie’s paranoia blowing up his alliance.  Kyland put Frenchie and Britini up. Derek X. did not use the Power of Veto.  Big Brother’s announcement was:  “Is Frenchie fried?”  Did they have to go there?

Julie welcomes us to day 16 and says that Frenchie had the wildest HoH in the history of Big Brother.  (Julie you need to be on Twitter more!)  Then she tells us that Frenchie is working to stay in house (of course everyone on the block does that).  Derek X. wants Frenchie gone and feels bad about not taking Britini off but didn’t want Kyland to have to make another nominee.  Even Frenchie knows “no one in their right mind” would vote against her.  Luckily, Britini sees that too and tries for the low profile.

Frenchie starts his “redemption/stay safe tour” with Derek F. and Tiffany.  TIffany deserves the eye-roll award.  He eventually makes his way around the house only hearing what they want him to hear.  In the Diary Room he enacts dying only to come back to his life.  If Dan G. did it, so can he.

Julie’s Announcement on Alliances (House of Cards)

Last night the alliances started reforming. Sarah Beth and Kyland share personal history and seem to have gotten close.  (He doesn’t make her feel awkward.  Kyland meets with the Slaughter House with Derek X.  It seems like all but Brent thinks the alliance is dead.  Brent starts trying to charm people to stay safe while Whitney keeps her distance.  When the Slaughterhouse met, the remaining members didn’t offer Kyland safety but that’s not stopping Christian and others from doing it.  Kyland does acknowledge to Christian and others he has two people he thinks should go and the rest agree that those two are Brent and Whitney.  The Kings and Queens feel safe going into next week.  Meanwhile Christian talks Alyssa about how Brent is conspiring only to have him arrive to talk to them.  Brent is still saying a girl needs to go.  In his mind, there is still a Slaughterhouse.  Christian will say what he thinks Brent wants to heard but it doesn’t mean Christian will do what Brent wants.

Nominees and the Votet

Julie gives each a chance to sway the vote.  Britini is first and uses a rap to thank people for leting her be  and experience Big Brother.  Frenchie tells the house guests that he knew he would have crazy experiences and play the “country” card.  He has a friendship with all (yeah, right).  He wants to keep the friendships going.  The voting begins.  Claire is first.  By the time the cycle plays out, the votes are Frenchie 11, Britini 1 (made by Derek F.).  Frenchie has lost the vote and will be going home.  Will Frenchie leave with class.  Frenchie knows he is gone and hugs Britini.  No one else waits for a hug but they do a “friendship circle” and he expects them to do amazing things and be amazing people.  Is Derek F. crying? 

Frenchie and Julie

Out the door he goes and to the Julie questions.  She thanks him for keeping it classy as he exited the house and Frenchie tells her he is worried about her questions.  Julie wants him to tell us how he did as HoH.  Frenchie tells us his wife told him to come to Big Brother and change the game.  He made it his point to keep “people of color” in the house and he hopes future house guests follow his lead.  (Wait!  Is that why he wanted Kyland and Derek X. out.)  Julie asks about outing the Slaughter House.  Frenchie tells us that he formed it with the group of people he selected to keep them close.  They made him nervous and he felt he did the right thing as he proved with some of them that they were what he had expected. Julie asks about the “double of nothing.”  Frenchie is not sorry he didn’t take the two weeks safety.  He wanted to see his kids photo because he’s a dad first. 

Julie plays the messages.  Tiffany wants him to know that she respected him but if he continued, no one else could have won.  Brent didn’t think Frenchie had a shot at winning and Frenchie betrayed Brent first.  (My question to Brent is when?)  Britini apologizes that he had to leave while Derek F. called him his best friend and promises to play for both of them.  Frenchie is shedding tears over Derek’s F.’s comments and tells Julie that Derek F. will be his friend for life.  They may come from different walks of life but they are connected now. 

Head of Household 3

Outside, the house guests are told that the HoH is consists of two videos that Tom Green of Celebrity Big Brother has made in Ottawa, Canada.  He will be doing two “man on the streets” question/answer game called “Tom Talks Big Brother.”  They will answer questions based on the videos.  If they answer correctly, they are safe.  If the answer is wrong, they are out.   

After the first video, the questions start.  The first question sees Derek F., Britini, Brent, Christian and Tiffany leave.  Second question is missed by Azah.  All get question three correct.  On to video two and a few people who know the game.  Question four sees Whitney and Claire leave the game.  The next question gives us a winner.  It is Xavier crowned the new Head of House.

Now, where what will Xavier do?  New alliances were formed last night but, after Kyland, Brent was there first trying to make an impression.  Xavier is a member of the Cookout but will he keep them safe.  As we watch the celebration, the manipulation starts (especially with Brent).

As the show concludes, Julie talks to the house guests are.  After congratulations are given to Xavier, she reminds his team, the Kings, that all are safe.  He tells us that he’s looking forward to the HoH rewards, especially the bedroom and private bath.  Britini is asked if aher rap helped convince others to let her stay.  She tells Julie that it only took 10 minutes to prepare but she’s been practicing since Sunday.

So... will the Wild Card be used?  Will it throw a wrench into Xavier’s nominations as its ripples go through the house?  I really want to see where Xavier’s head is at in regard to nominations.  I think he, as a lawyer, will play a game that Brent doesn’t understand.  Will he keep his Cook Out crew safe or did he buy into any of the alliances last night?  We’ll start getting answers Sunday night (if you don’t have live feeds)!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2021, 01:04:50 AM »
Yay! Frenchie bought the farm! I was udderly excited to see him leave. Aw shucks, he was on my team, though.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2021, 01:22:47 AM »
Great blog again, Linda and ponytail you are so "udderly" funny.  :)

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2021, 09:32:47 PM »

Offline bacali

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2021, 03:12:21 PM »
Another great blog, Linda. SO much to comprehend....... #4846

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2021, 12:33:05 AM »
Absolutely, bacali! We appreciate it, Linda!


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