Big Brother 23 > Big Brother 23

Do You Have a Favorite Team?


I find it hard to decide what team I like the most because I have a player, in our game, on all four teams.
I know that I do like the way Xavier is playing the game. He is smart and he is funny in the DR room.
I have always like Sara and I do like Tiffany.

What I don't like is that the houseguests have divided themselves with the CookOut alliance by race.
I know they never had this many People Of Color in the house, but, I would have liked not to have this brought into the BB house when we see enough in our everyday lives on tv in the news. Just my opinion.

This is going to be the last week for the Wildcard comp, I hope that maybe it may be the last week of teams, too.

I like the Jokers because of Azah and Derek F.  They are two of my favorite players. 
I like most every one of the players this season except am not too fond of Tiffany. 

Yes, they have good players, and I am finding it hard to pick a person to root for until the end. I am sure this will change soon.
For the first time tonite I watched the HOH endurance without knowing who would win. It was kind of nice to be surprised!


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