Non- Reality > Non Reality

Wheel of Time

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The first episode is very rushed, and if you haven't read the books, I'm sure very confusing. Episodes 2 and 3 are more settled, and once the initial concepts of this world are grasped by everyone I think it will fall into place. I watched it twice, and the second time through I picked up on a lot of small moments that I overlooked the first time. I like how he has left the Dragon Reborn a mystery for us all to figure out (as if us book readers didn't know), and I don't mind the inconsistencies--like Mat's character, Perrin's wife, the Whitecloaks (so villianous!), and the Aes Sedai gentling of Logain. A few places are changed up, some characters don't appear when and where they should--stuff like that to cut down the enormity of the story or give background to the development of the characters.

Thanks for doing this, Linda!

Truthfully, haven't had time to watch the other episodes.  Now I know how to send them to the television and plan to do so.  I'm also happy because I just got AMC+ for $1.99 a month for a year.

The end of episode 4 is a treat!

Another fun thing to do is listen for the whistling, and then try to find Padan Fain in the episodes. Like 'Where's Waldo'! I really love the character development, and Loial was a treat!

Enjoyed episode 6 immensely! Lots of growling by the bookies about things left out and changed, but I am enjoying it for what it is. Episode 7 is the Waygates and I hear Min will finally show up!


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