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Is anyone else watching LaBrea?
The finale was last night and I thought things would be wrapped up, but, evidently there is going to be 
a Season 2! Surprised.

I didn't get further than the 1st episode. Is it worth it?

Well, ponytail.. I can say I did enjoy it and was not happy to see a Season 2 planned.
Why? I wanted it finished. It's like a "Lost"
But that is not to say I didn't like it. ... I just want to know more.
To answer you, I see what you enjoy and most times I don't know these shows that your have posted about.
So,I don't honesty know how to answer your question , "Was it worth it"?
I can just say.. I'm planning on following it.

Next week is the winter finale. I enjoy the show, husband always is lost! hahaha

I guess I was just wondering if it was like Under the Dome! That show was so good to start out with, but then dragged and got crazy stupid before it ground to a halt after 3 seasons.


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