The Amazing Race > New Board



Well, tonight the black married couple was eliminated.  I was glad it was not because of something she had done but the husband was responsible for coming in last. After he fussed at her so much about being slow he finally found out how it felt to do a difficult task that required a lot of climbing and walking over tough terrain.  I was proud of the way she completed the walk in the mountains as I was expecting her to give up but she kept at it.  Then he fused at her about the stairs they had to walk upright after she had done that other difficult one all by herself.  Tonight he should have gotten down on his knees and apologized to her for how he acted.
The two men did a good job of making up the time and the father and daughter were not last again.  Of course, they didn't have to drive and navigate themselves so were not in danger of getting lost.


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