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--- Quote from: bacali on February 12, 2022, 02:47:39 AM ---I am so glad that Carson was taken off the block. I actually find him so refreshing and funny I rewind some of his DRs to hear it again and laugh again.
Sad to see Chris Kilpatrick go. He knew the game and it would have been fun to watch him. Instead we are left with the likes of Lamar who hasn't a clue what the show is all  . *Nooooo*

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Last night it was ridiculous when Lamar had to have vetoes explained to him. You'd think by now enough curiosity would have kicked in so that he would have it figured all out.

These celebrities are ad cut-throat as the regular ones.  Todrick has turned Carson and Cynthia against Shanna to where they now want to get rid of her instead of Meisha.  You would think they would be smart enough to figure out his motive in doing that.  She is the only other one who would have been with them.  If they get rid of her it will serve them right if Meisha wins.

Toddrick is the troublemaker as far as I am concerned. I don't get the feeds but, I wish Carson hadn't made the deal with Toddrick and put both he and Meisha on the block together.
I feel sorry for Shauna.
But please don't let Carson go. For me, he is the show.

At this point, I don't want Carson or Cynthia to win.  They were not smart enough to figure out that they were being played so I don't think they deserve to win.  I actually hope Meisha wins the next HOH and puts them both up so they will regret what they did to Shanna.  Carson is fun to watch but he isn't as smart as I thought.

What was with Lamar's voting tonight?  Did he feel guilty voting out Shanna or not remember who he was suppose to vote for.  He is really a nice guy and he is who I am rooting for although he doesn't have any idea what he is doing. #4846

What a reversal! I still have hopes for Carson, Cynthia not so much.


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