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Recap for Week Four
« on: August 03, 2022, 09:05:30 PM »
Big Brother Week 4

Eviction Day

No address this week for my Big Brother  letter/recap.  I really don’t know who to address the issue to because bullying has been an ongoing theme.  I’ve mentioned the issue before but the nasty fight that was aired on Thursday, July 28, was over the top.  Nicole and Daniel want to belittle and make Taylor feel bad at all costs.  I hate to write this, but to me, it’s almost like they want to cause Taylor to have a mental breakdown.  I fear for Taylor’s safety around those two.  The good news is she has allies now in the form of the Leftovers.

Let’s look at what caused the problem.  Nicole was acting depressed.  Little did the houseguests know it was because she was going to lose a competition because she wanted Taylor to go home.  For Taylor to leave, both Nicole and Taylor would have to go on the block.  To Nicole (and Daniel) this ment that it would be Taylor.  The whole house was worried about Nicole.  What they thought was her mother was worse.  Instead, her hatred for Taylor caused her behavior over being chosen for PoV.  When Taylor, trying to be a friend, approached Nicole, things got ugly.  Taylor told her to take care of herself and no one would blame her.  Nicole heard quit already.  Need I say more.  First Nicole attacked her in front of others in the bathroom.  Then Daniel verbally attacked her in the living room.  Taylor can’t win.

The person who was out last Thursday was a charter member of the “Mean Girls” club, Ameerah.  Ameerah in all her interviews said that they didn’t think they were bullying Taylor but she did admit that Nicole and Daniel had taken it to a new, higher level.  Ameerah tried to be nice to Taylor (yeah, right) and even talked to Nicole and Daniel about the situation.  And this was the first time that the vote wasn’t unanimous.  That’s because “The Leftovers” alliance haven’t been discovered yet.  Oh, and poor Terrance with no partner, joined Kyle and Monte’s pair (which was a good choice).

The HoH Ceremony was based on the new movie, “The Invitation.”  The basic premise was that the houseguests, like the movie, is invited to a country home for a dinner party.  Envelopes reined down and they had to find a red invitation to go to said party.  As Julie said good-bye, the houseguests were looking for their invitation with Jasmine, of course, the first to find one.

Sunday Night – Reveal of HoH and Nominees

On Sunday night, the HoH was revealed.  The players advancing were: Jasmine, Terrance, Brittany, Monte, Daniel (who is mad), Joseph, Nicole.  Isly and Alyssa found one at the same time and Alyssa got to the spot first.  The second part is set up as a classic 1890s dinner party.  Here there are three tables with numbers on them representing points.   When they hear a scream, they must slide a goblet down each table scoring points.  They get three tries, one per table in 40 seconds.  The one with the highest score wins.  No skill really required.  Nicole has an excellent score of nine but loses to Monte who scores an eleven.  And the new HoH is Monte.  The “Have Nots” are Turner and Jasmine.

As they reenter the house after the competitions, Amerrah’s allies are upset.  Nicole is upset because she didn’t get to say good-bye to her best friend in the house.  Alyssa is in tears because she’s lost her best friend.  Isly looks to be mad at the world.  All look to have anger issues.  None of the girls liked the blindside that just happened to them.  They’re upset because none of the guys had told them how they would vote.  They also didn’t like that Taylor sided with the winning side of the house.  Nicole has trust issues now with her alliance as does Daniel (her chief ally).  The Leftovers are playing it cool but Nicole already is scheming about finding out why and who voted Ameerah out.

Daniel and Nicole talk.  They pin Michael with a vote as well as Monte.  They’re trying to figure out how to manipulate Monte (as if they can).  Alyssa and Isly join the Nicole pity party to complain.  Alyssa could be pinned as being dumb.  In the Storage Room, Monte, Terrance and Joseph celebrate being safe.  Terrance is a wild card and Terrance has been a friend of Nicole.  The Girly Girls are meeting (without Taylor) and Jasmine continues to trash her (oh and still playing her energy).  Production, please have her lose that fake accent.  Jordan’s was real but Jasmine’s comes and goes.

Kyle talks about Alyssa.  She’s a friend and Kyle decides to support her in the loss of her best friend.  Alyssa wants Kyle for a showmance so Joseph and Turner fill him in that Alyssa wants a romantic relationship.  Kyle doesn’t want that at all.  Kyle feels this “romance” is needed by Alyssa because she is  missing her boyfriend.  (I think she’s boy crazy.)  She plays up to him (almost stalker level) and you can tell Kyle is nervous.  Kyle just wants to be friends.   

The HoH reveal happens and all go upstairs to find the traditional items (pictures, letter, etc.)  Michael feels closer to Monte as the letter is read.  He is seeing Monte as a real person not an athlete.  Monte actually gets emotional.  Monte explains it is because he is grateful for all he has.   All are sitting there and the Leftovers need ther own time in HoH room to celebrate.  Finally, the non-alliance members leave and the Leftovers cheer and talk strategy.  Nominee are the big issue and Taylor  doesn’t trust any of the girls (except Brittany). 

At the Nomination Ceremony, Monte turns the key to reveal Allyson and Isly.  To get Nicole out, he will have to put up Taylor who doesn’t want to go up.  Monte does the meetings and of course Taylor’s name comes out of all the ladies’ mouth.  Alyssa doesn’t want to be on the block.  Monte always points out Nicole and Taylor as a backdoor while pushing to get Alyssa and Isly to agree to go up.  Isly pushes for the guys.  I honestly think Isly thought she’s get through the game without facing the block.  Nicole and Taylor are next with Nicole trying to present herself as being an advantage to Monte’s game.  Taylor, after the meeting, asks if he has a target.  Apparently it is Nicole and Alyssa.  He tells Taylor he wants her trust and will protect her.  While he didn’t want to target Nicole due to Taylor, the renomination might have to happen. 

At the Nomination Ceremony, Monte makes it official.  He nominates Isly and Alyssa.  The Leftovers keep straight face.  Monte tells them they are not his targets. 

POV Contest  -- Wednesday’s Show   

Now for the note to CBS:  Between the drama on Twitter and the reports of one of the houseguests wanting to use her cane on a fellow houseguest, I have to ask: Where is the training for civility.  Even Evel Dick didn’t offer this type of words for Jen.  We won’t talk about season two (it might give the present house guests ideas).  Now, not only Daniel and Nicole have offered threats of violence but Isly and Jasmine have joined the circle.  It’s getting to be a little too much.  Question is:  Will you show it in the recaps tonight?

Tonight’s POV could be interesting.  Remember, the Leftovers want Nicole out but Alyssa and Isly are the only group without a Leftover member in it.  Well, Taylor has a clue that Nicole is the backdoor target and she’s not happy.  Taylor though is in a small group with Michael and Brittany.  So Taylor, Michael and Brittany have made a final three alliance.  Daniel meanwhile goes snooping and talk to Monte.  Monte tells him that he knows people want Taylor out.  That’s right Monte!  Feed Daniel bull.  The one thing I’m thankful for CBS is the casting of this joker.  He thinks he’s so smart but he over analyzes everything.  Nicole gets jealous when she sees anyone talking to Taylor.  Well, the first houseguest who exited really did a number on the poor girl’s reputation, didn’t she.

Also, CBS, can we discuss the use of showmances.  Kyle and Alyssa don’t seem to “fit” yet they are in a showmance together.  Kyle knows it is game (or I think he does) but Alyssa wants marriage.  Alyssa tries to talk game but Kyle is several steps ahead of her.  In Diary Room, he tells us that “She’s so great.” 

Nicole and Daniel must be going to spend the episode strategizing about Taylor.  Why b
oth of them seem to hate her so much.  Why do they always talk about her.  Daniel now wants to win veto and keep Nicole safe.  And with that we go to the information on veto.  So, Monte, Joseph, Terrance, Alyssa, and Isly are in it with the team of Kyle and Daniel playing.  If only one of them wants to use the veto, it’s used.  Guess what Daniel.  You don’t control the game.  By the way CBS, these after interviews are hard to hear especially if there is noise in the background.

‘The PoV is keeping with the festival theme, only 60’s style.  The one (or two in a three pairing) must go on the “slop drug trip) and come back and tell their partner what they sawy to complete the “Trippy Watch Party. “  The contest has the feel of gossip but with a visual angle.  Let’s see who remembers that!  The acting of leaving on the “trip” is really strange (read stupid).  They’re suppose to remember what they see but Joseph and Terrance don’t seem to know what they saw.  You would think two of them would have got it right.  Instead, it’s Kyle and Daniel who win the veto and now one of them can change the nominees. 

Now, we get the “what do we do” stage of this.  Kyle and Daniel are not a team in this.  So one could chose to change the nominees and the other really has no say.  Now wouldn’t it be funny if Daniel uses it and puts his Final Two on the block.  Kyle and Alyssa talk and he acts concerned.  Will Alyssa be safe?  The Leftovers meet.  Michael tries to convince all to leave the nominations the same.  Taylor can see it but Monte says that it might be the best thing to keep Isly and Alyssa on the block.  Kyle is late to the meeting but the plan is explained.  Each explain their view.  Kyle has feelings for Alyssa but doesn’t want to loses his alliance.

In the end, Monte decides to (double) talk Daniel.  His goal is convince Daniel and Nicole not to use the POV.  This is course has the opposite effect.  Monte tells them he doesn’t want to look like a fool with people voting against his wishes.  Nicole knows when someone is lying.  She has the numbers to stay so why not use it.  Daniel says Monte lied to him about Ameerah.  So using reverse psychology, Daniel decides to use the veto.  He tells Kyle that Monte is the reason he’s going to do it.  Kyle at least can act when he has to.  Let’s give himi a round of applause.  Kyle tells us I the Diary Room that Daniel is “going to make one of the dumbest moves in BB history.”

In the veto meeting, Daniel speaks and tells all that Isly and Alyssa are safe.  Does Monte loo worried?  Not really.  Monte stands and nominates Nicole and Taylor as Jasmine grins.  Monte tells them that this is the best decision for his game.

Did Daniel goof?  Is Kyle really in love with Alyssa (by becoming her Savior).  Taylor wants safety and doesn’t know whether to trust the Leftovers but Nicole is celebrating to be on the block because he feels she has the votes to stay.  Tune in Thursday at 9:00.


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