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BB Week 5
« on: August 17, 2022, 09:06:22 PM »
Big Brother Week 5 – August 11 to August

It’s Time for Big Brother!  Not!  It’s time for the marvelous maneuvering of the Leftovers against whatever the others are calling themselves now.  Is it “Fly Swatters.”  I don’t know (and I really don’t care)!  And with the departure of Daniel, Terrance figures to move into the main role of leader.  I thought that was Jasmine.

For those who follow the feeds, you know that Jasmine is still using her injured foot for sympathy but that is wearing thin with her “festie bestie,” Turner.  Last week, she broke a glass in the bathroom and didn’t clean it up.  What gives and why does Big Brother give her a pass?  Well, it’s on to the show.

Thursday’s Eviction

After the long-winded recap, we get into the show.  CBS, please talk to the show producers about being brief with this.  We’re here to see the game, not listen to rhetoric.  When we get past the old, we see:

-   Julie announcing no more “festie besties” and the wall competition.
-   House divided?  Daniel had figured out the alliance and he and Nicole called it the “Sorry Six.”
-   Jasmine’s “wheels are turning” on alliances. 
-   Daniel plans to shake things up.
-   Terrance plan was an epic fail but his new plan has Kyle leaving. 
-   The “Convenience Stores” hopes to keep the “Leftovers” from meeting.
-   Muffingate is still going on.

So basically after trying to win Alyssa to his side, Daniel realizes that he’s not got a chance against Kyle.  He still works the crew for votes and uses with others that Michael is a comp beast, the showmance, While Terrance and Jasmine agree, they don’t know what to do.  Kyle, meanwhile, is playing both sides to keep his love, Alyssa, safe. 

Julie gives Daniel a chance to plead his case.  He’s ready to go and hang out with Nicole.  Daniel’s smart.  He reminds all that Michael has five wins and Monte is strong.  He’ll be there for the rest if he remains for the season.  Oh, and Daniel don’t plea for votes and call people clowns.  Kyle knows he’s staying because the Leftovers don’t know about his new alliance he’s trying to form with Michael, Brittany and Alyssa.  I’ve written a piece about this and won’t go into details here.  Kyle’s speech just doesn’t make sense to me.  With Monte casting the first vote and Terrance staying true to vote for Daniel, Daniel leaves with a vote of eight to one.

On stage, Julie asks Daniel what he told Terrace.  While I didn’t get the gist of what he said, it was basicallyto watch his back.  In Daniel’s opinion, they need to watch Michael or he will win everything.  He blames Nicole’s eviction on the different stories he got prior to using the Veto.  When Julie approaches Daniel about Taylor, he again uses the stories, that he believed Paloma.  Daniel admits his anger was over the top and is shocked to learn the Leftovers formed after his blow up at Taylor.  The good news is that Daniel plans to take responsibility about what he says and plans to rewatch and talk with Taylor after she leaves the house. 

Outside, the Wall Comp is set up as a spaceship and involves “conspiracy theories.”  They are on a ledge with silver aluminum hats on their heads.  Poor intern who had to make them.  When we leave the competition, Jasmine is the first to fall.

Sunday’s HoH

After the recap, we get straight to the HoH.  It all comes down to Kyle and Taylor left on the wall.  Kyle’s having problems and ends up dropping given the win to Taylor.  She’s excited because she finally has won something and an HoH at that.  From the most hated to the one in power – Taylor has to be relieved.

Next up is the jockeying not to go on the block. While the other side suspects that Taylor belongs to an alliance, they make it look real by all going to the HoH room.  The Leftovers come in after all are in bed to discuss noms.  While all want Jasmine out, Taylor doesn’t feel right putting her up.  This has been discussed by the Leftovers before and Monte understands her reasons.  Basically, Taylor said before she entered the house that she wouldn’t put up another woman who was a Person of Color.  While many condemn Taylor for this, is it any different from what Frenchie said last year.  Anyway, they decide to put up Indy and Terrance with no real preference on who goes.  Most want Indy though because she has been playing hall monitor.  The backup plan is to put up Alyssa which is NOT what Kyle wants.  He has to keep his “love” safe.

So Kyle gets to work convincing Michael and Brittany to join him in his plan to start taking out the Leftover alliance.  And, it looks like Michael and Brittany are considering it.  With those two, you never know what they will do.  Michael and Brittany already have a final three with Taylor (which they don’t mind breaking).

At the Nomination Ceremony, all are anxious.  The Convenience Store hasn’t been kind, friendly, and insulted Taylor.  Turner understands why Taylor won’t put Jasmine up but tells us that Jasmine doesn’t have the same respect for her.   The plan will be to backdoor Monte who agrees. But wait, Joseph first offers himself as a “pawn.”  Hasn’t he learned anything?  Taylor nominates Indy and Terrance.  The reason Taylor nominated them is because Indy has no relationship \\with Taylor.  Terrance is told she wants him to prove himself by playing and winning veto.


And tonight’s big question is:  How much will they show of Kyle’s maneuvers?   After the recap, we get into the Power of Veto and that ceremony. 

Taylor has a talk with Terrance where she tells him that Monte is her target.  While Terrance doesn’t understand, he does think Taylor and Monte are working together.  Indy and Terrance has no moves to their credit.  Taylor tells Indy that she didn’t know what to do.  She tells Indy she has to win so she can get her plans complete.  Taylor doesn’t want Indy to go during her HoH.  Now Alyssa is another story…

The Five (Fly) Swatters meet (or at least Indy, Joseph, and Jasmine) to discuss what is happening.   Joseph admits in Diary Room that he’s a double agent taking back to the Leftovers.  Jasmine thinks Joseph is stupid bringing information back to them (oh please, giver her a brain).  Joseph talks to Taylor about what he has heard, and he suggests going up.  Taylor really wants Alyssa up there but Kyle will never agree to this.

Let the campaign begins with Terrance making the first move to Joseph (I don’t count the Fly Swatters talk).  Joseph, of course, reports to Taylor and Monte.  When Michael joins Taylor and Joseph and they tell him about Joseph’s plan which is labeled dumb.  Kyle and Monte join to tak Joseph out of his plan to go up.  In the Storage Room, Michael and Brit talk.  They wonder if they should take a chance which would make them a bigger target.  Michael also doesn’t like Joseph playing both sides of the house.  Wait!  What about you and Kyle?

And it’s time to pick for the Veto comp.  Taylor, Terrance and Indy step forward and are joined by houseguest choice (Alyssa by Taylor), Jasmine (Terrance), and Kyle (Indy).  Taylor talks to Alyssa about what she would do if she won.  Monte tells us Taylor wants Terrance out but the rest want Indy gone.  Taylor does admit that she’s fine with Indy leaving. 

The Power of Veto is Punkarella played on a big guitar.  They must bounce a ball to get points from the frets.  Turner is hosting.  When they get out, they smash a guitar for the prize but the next person can take any prize they want.  In order of exits:

First --  Terrance (wins veto but ends up with tattoos).
Second – Indy (wins tattoos but takes PoV).
Third -- Taylor (wins London trip for two but gets a “chained together punishment)
Fourth -- Alyssa (wins punishment and takes Taylor’s trip thus earning a possible renom)
Fifth – Jasmine (wins $5,000 but takes the London trip from Alyssa)
Winner – Kyle (wins punk a tard/drums but takes the PoV from Indy).

In Diary Room, I’ve never heard a worse British accent.  Monti reminds us how Alyssa goofed taking the London trip from Taylor.  She does admit it may have been a mistake, but Kyle has PoV.  Taylor wants Kyle to use it so Alyssa can go up or the plan of Joseph can occur.

Oh, a Kyle and Alyssa edit.  They’re discussing the PoV.  She realizes that she should have taken the Veto (really?).  Four of the Leftovers talk about Alyssa’s dumb move.  The target is now on Alyssa and she won’t have to deal with her.  Michael joins the conversation, listening.  Turner arrives. Michael thinks the reason of the trip is a stupid reason for getting Alyssa out.  Oh wait.  He’s part of Kyle’s brand new no-name alliance.  I thought Michael knew this game.  Evidently not.  This worries Michael about the future of the alliance.  And I thought he was smart. 

We’re told that tomorrow, the new twist will split the house in two. 


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