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Offline Snowbird

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Where are we headed?
« on: July 22, 2022, 09:30:41 AM »
A quote from Nikita Khruschev "Your children's children will live under Communism.  No, you will not accept Communism outright, but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you have Communism...."

Many young Americans feel socialism is the ideal way.  They think everyone will be equal.  The problem is they are not taught true history.  Some people want to past erased but we don't know where we need to go unless we understand where we have been. 

How does socialism come about?  Here are some of the ways.
1.  Control healthcare and you control people.
2.  Increase the poverty level as poor people are easier to control.  Let them pour into the country.  The more the merrier.  Provide everything for them and they won't fight back.
3.  Increase the debt so you can increase taxes and produce more poverty. 
4.  Gun control.  Remove the ability for people to defend themselves. 
5.  Welfare.  Take control of income, housing, and food and they are completely dependent on government.
6.  Take control of what people read and control what children learn in school.  I see this happening more and more as teachers are fired for not going along with the rules of what they are supposed to teach.  Christianity is taught to be a violent religion while others are told to be peaceful.  Books are banned that tell of what things were like in the past.  Recently I saw where a Bible verse was removed from Facebook as it didn't go along with their purpose.  I could go on and on with examples,
7.  Remove God from Government and schools.
8. Create class warfare by dividing the people into wealthy and poor with no middle class.  Cause unrest between the races.  Do we make heroes out of people who don't really deserve it that lead to riots and burning down towns, hatred for police because of a few bad apples? 

America is changing and we have ourselves to blame.  Why do some politicians want poor people to pour into our country?  Do they truly care about their welfare?  Do they care about the welfare of the poor Americans already here?  Do they care about how they are going to vote?  Do they want people to vote without showing an ID?  Why?  My vote was not counted in the last Presidential election and I know of several Georgians whose votes were not counted either.  But we are told that there was no fraud in the Georgia election. 

These are a few things to think about.  You may agree or you might just think I am a crazy old conservative woman.  But I believe in speaking up about things you believe in and I believe that the United States was the best place to grow up and raise a family but I worry about what my grandchildren's lives will be like. 

Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline trouble405

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2022, 03:01:18 PM »
Just curious but how do you know your vote was not counted? Do you still believe the election was stolen? Have you watched any of the January 6 hearings?
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Offline LindaM

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2022, 08:50:15 PM »
I can't even deal with this.  I'm tired of having schools attacked, police violating civil rights, losing my right as a woman to choose.  But you don't care I guess that women are walking into their doctor's offices at 23 weeks pregnancy and asking if they doctor would save them or the child if there is a problem.  I guess you feel that teens should have guns and use them whenever they want.  What happened to my freedom?  I feel like there are some in government who could care less what I feel.

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2022, 01:03:44 AM »
Where did the above say anything about abortions?   I think you have attacked me unfairly.  I was talking about how Communism happens to people who let it happen for not fighting against it.  It talked about the government interfering with our lives and censorship, etc. It talked about creating learned helplessness because of the government handout.  Yes, some police violate rights but I believe there are many out there that are trying to do their job under difficult circumstances.  How about the police that are killed for no reason but people hate them? Yes, I do care about the woman who really needs to have her pregnancy terminated but my daughter worked in the Health Department and had girls in their early 20's come in who had had as many as 5 or 6 abortions because that was their way of birth control.  I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control when there are over 20 ways to prevent pregnancy.  Have you ever watched a film of an abortion and seen the limbs ripped off a baby that has a beating heart and nerves that can feel? Do you not care about them?

And for Trouble I went to vote and was told I could not because someone had sent me a mail-in form which I did not ask for and did not want.  I was told that I needed to bring it in so they could see that I still had it.  I had thrown it away.  So they let me sign something and gave me a paper ballot.  Then it was put in the box with the ballots of people who voted on the machines.  Evidently, they did not count the copies as I got a letter asking if I planned to vote and stating I did not vote in that election but had other years listed that said I had voted in them.  A man behind me in line also had the same problem so I was not the only one.  A friend of mind did a mail in vote and there was a way to track you vote.  She found out hers had not been received or counted and was told that there were many others like hers that were not counted.  This was in the Atlanta area that ended up Democrat.  I have seen very little of the hearing as I am dealing with my daughter's hospitalization due to acute leukemia. 

« Last Edit: July 23, 2022, 01:17:13 AM by Snowbird »
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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2022, 01:46:24 AM »
I encourage you all to watch the hearings. All of the witnesses and evidence was first hand from Republicans that were part of or witness to what led up to and happened on Jan. 6. We are much closer to fascism than socialism in this country. The last hearing was terrifying. I am glad they will be having more in September. It sounds like the floodgates are open and many more witnesses will be giving evidence to the committee. Hopefully those responsible will be held accountable for their actions (and by this I especially mean the former president) so nothing like this can ever happen again. Watch them and see for yourself.

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2022, 02:13:08 PM »
I wonder how we could be closer to fascism when 12 to 1 college professors are liberal and 85% from one study and 96% from another study show that the media is owned by liberals.
 Have you seen any examples of liberal beliefs being taken off places like Facebook?  I have had several of mine removed, includimg a Bible verse that did not fit in with their views.  They even removed a silly joke about several liberal politicians of a wide range of ages being born on the same day nine months after the UFO touched down in Roswell by saying their research found it was untrue.  How picky.  It wasn't meant to be taken for the truth as it was a joke and impossible for anyone to believe.  How could someone in their 80's be born the same day as someone 50?
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline ponytail

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2022, 09:06:48 PM »

    Powerful and continuing nationalism
    Disdain for human rights
    Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
    Rampant sexism
    Controlled mass media
    Obsession with national security
    Religion and government intertwined
    Corporate power protected
    Labor power suppressed
    Disdain for intellectual and the arts
    Obsession with crime and punishment
    Rampant cronyism and corruption 
If you watched the hearings and heard the testimony of the people that were right there, this would make a lot of sense. I can see many of these points being pitched today by the justices as well. And then there is the intimidation of elected officials. I don't want to start an argument with you, Snowbird, but I want to put out my point of view, too.


Offline LindaM

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2022, 09:41:00 PM »
Guess you forgot about Communist East Germany which took the children away from parents to train champions.  I've been reading some of the "pro Republican" people.  If you look at what they want, women will lose their right to vote.  Oh, and by the way, Mid-West states are refusing birth control pills and other devices.  WalGreens has the option of not selling birth control or condoms based on the cashier's preferences. So don't come at me about you didn't mention abortion.  In a way you did.

I believe people have "free will" and freedom.  Ted Cruz wants to take away LGBTQIA rights.  So don't get on a rant with me around.  I won't read them.  And the abortion issue was on the news (local) as I typed and there was a certain president who said NO to abortions.

Guess you don't want Social Security or Medicare.  If Lindsay Graham had his way, that would be gone.

Freedom of speech -- no way.

A major Trump paper said that the former president was looking for a way to be King Trump.

National Enquirer said the second Civil War had started.  The picture on the cover I saw today was scary.

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2022, 10:32:40 PM »
National Enquirer?  Really? 
I don't want to argue with either of you but I see flaws in what you both wrote.  And Controlled Mass Media is controlled by your side.  Look it up.  I also see the Democrats more involved in controlling the education of young children.  Who is doing the censoring? 

I guess time will tell what kind of country we become but none of us will probably be around to know what happens. 

I appreciate you discussing this with me respectfully Ponytail but I hope neither of us is right and we remain a free country. 
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2022, 10:52:30 PM »
One question;  Which side put in the new math and requirements.  I honestly think that schools were much better when they didn't have to "count".  Whatever!  I read so much and follow so many, I don't let them control my thoughts.  If someone makes an arguement.  I'll listen.  But I am offended when you start saying this and that is Communism when others want to rule the country.

Offline trouble405

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2022, 03:17:27 AM »
I first want to say I did not know your daughter was ill and I have already added her to my prayer list.  I agree with Ponytail in wishing everyone would watch some of the hearings.  I have one friend particularly that she and her husband continually get put in "Facebook Jail" and when I asked if she had watched she was adamant that it was a "dog and pony show" and put on by the libtards. Those are her words not mine. I have known her since 8th grade. It makes me so sad because it is the GOP that are backing away from DT and testifying. It has been an eye opener. When Steve Bannon makes statements that all hell is going to break out tomorrow which would be January 6th there can be no doubt that it was planned by DT inner circle.

Now with that said I want to say I am hoping neither Trump or Biden will be on the next ballot. I am worried about women's rights. While I personally could never have an abortion, I don't have the right to tell anyone else what they have to do. I also do not like women that use it as a means for birth control. I live in Oklahoma and we have one of the harshest penalty laws. I have not participated in protests since college days until this year. I am fearful for our country. I do think we are on the verge of another civil war and I think the Christian Right is not very Christian. I pray my grandchildren will still be living in the land of the free when they are adults.

There will always be white supremist groups unfortunately. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers membership is growing.  I will say this (and it will be my most controversial statement) the majority of those groups members are low income blue collar workers with little education. That is MY OPINION  ONLY.
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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2022, 10:22:50 AM »
Thank you for your input trouble.  I just want to say there is the true Christian right and the extreme Christian right and the last one I have many problems with.  I am a Christian right but there are some issues I don't agree with but I AM a Christian and the Christians I know are good loving people.  We seem to be looked down on now which is sad.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2022, 08:03:31 AM »
Some interesting viewpoints, but while I respectfully disagree with some viewpoints, it is always interesting how we believe in free speech but often only when it is the same as ours. I believe our founding fathers had great insight and provided us the documents we base all our freedoms on that are still viable today.

It is hard to believe all the things the government reports directly or through news agencies. The Trump dossier which has now been proven that was financed and supported by Hillary was only important when being used to try and take Trump down.  Hillary never suffered any direct blow back from it.  Hunter Biden still pending. Sadly ALL politicians are master manipulators and the news media goes along with them.  Their main goal is to stay on top of the wave so they can keep getting elected and become millionaires.  Most politicians are self serving as was the case with so many programs such as the ACA which they exempted all of Congress and Senate as well as Staffers from it. 

I like fiscally responsible government, the second amendment and I am against abortion.  I have never considered shooting anyone except if it came to my families safety. 

I am also for term limits for all offices so these men and women do not wield so much power, and flat tax so our government can live within the money they have just like you and I do for our families

With all that said I will not paint anyone with a broad paint brush and say you are wrong how you believe.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 08:06:28 AM by Rowdy »

Offline LindaM

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2022, 09:13:21 PM »
Rowdy, here's my stand.

If doctors who the baby isn't going to be born alive, and tells the mom, should she carry it and get emotionally attached to suffer mental health issues?  Should a teenager who gets rape be forced to have the child?  My answer in that situation is they should be allowed the abortion with counseling.  Birth control is a no.

I believe in the Second Amendment but was taught to bear arms was to protect your country.  Of course, I'm a DAR member whose greats fought in the Revolution.

I believe in free speech but I also believe that ALL have free speech.  Don't tell me my opinion stinks.

I believe in voting rights.  This week, my 88 year old mom received the  scam letter and ballot.  She was to use the ballot that came out of Raleigh for her vote and send it to her election bureau.  I had heard this was happening.  Mom wanted to do it and I explained that the ballot would go to the countu office and thrown away as mom didn't sign the correct form to use it.

Term limits in Congress needs to be established.  Mom also thinks they should be given a psychological evaluation before being allowed to run (example Cawthorn).  I think that the lobbyist who supported them should be identified and what they want for their support.  Duke Power and coal ash is a prime example here.

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Re: Where are we headed?
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2022, 02:24:10 PM »
I think anyone who is raped or the victim of incest should be allowed to have an abortion.  That goes for danger to the mother or child also.  In Georgia those are allowed now that it is up to the state.  Abortion is not a means of birth control. 

I believe in the right to free speech for ALL people too but I have been denied my right at times because it was against the Democrats.  I feel I do not have the right to free speech and many others have been put in Facebook jail because what they said was against Democrats.  Am I not included in the ALL you mentioned.

I believe everyone should be able to protect not only their country but their family as well.  Criminals and those who wish to harm others can find a gun somewhere if they want to.

Linda, if what happened to me the last election is the same as what your mother got in the mail, she should keep it to prove that it wasn't used.  I threw mine away and was told when I went to vote that I had already voted if I could not produce the thing I got in the mail.  They did let me do a write in but it was put in the box with the other ballots that were already counted on the voting machine.   I believe in showing an ID to vote and they can be given to anyone in Georgia that doesn't have  a driver's license. 

Term limits definitely need to be established.  We have career politicians who have done nothing but get elected time after time and have gotten rich.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King


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