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Week Four
« on: August 10, 2022, 09:04:47 PM »
Big Brother – Week Five –  August 4 through August 7, 2022


On Thursday’s show, it was a little long on the Kyle and Alyssa romance, dear CBS.  They really have no chemistry and are boring.  Kyle is so caught up in the “love affair,” that he could care less for his alliance and thus his hands are getting dirty with his protection of Alyssa.  He would sale out any member of the Leftovers to (a) cover his love, Alyssa, and (b) keep the game safe for his partner, Daniel.  I don’t really want to issue the real problem but will.  He has come out and openly said he didn’t want a “Cook-Out 2.0”  More on this later.

As expected, CBS, Nicole was voted out nine to one.  Daniel was the one vote to save her.  Alyssa, Jasmine, Indy, and Terrace chose to vote with the house.  CBS, I really don’t understand this.  On feeds and in conversations you showed, Indy especially hates Taylor (and I want a reason) while Terrance has called her just about every ugly name in the book.  Their attitude won’t change and that is a shame.  I thought sensitivity training was given to all house guests before they enter the house.  Apparently, it was lost on this crew.

I give Taylor applause.  While her speech to be safe did pinch a few nerves, she didn’t go full out truth on Nicole (and some of the others).  Kudos to her.  The farewell messages finally finished putting the Leftovers together for Nicole and she seems contrite at what she’s been told of her actions toward Taylor.  In exit interviews, she said she went against instinct and listened to others in the house.

Of all the people left in the house, Daniel is probably feeling the most alone.  Not only did he aid in getting his alliance member out but he encouraged it thinking Taylor would go.  He’s an Elvis impersonator.  He should be able to read the house better than this. 

By the say, if you had cut the Kyle/Alyssa romance in half, we could have seen the start of the HoH.


This is my first time watching on CBS as it is broadcasted in the Eastern time zone.  Let’s see what you chose to show.

As the show opens, Taylor is just happy to be in the house but her “besties” may not be happy.  Indy is afraid of Taylor and I’m not sure why.  It seems to be because of Nicole.  Daniel is pouting and he said they both had a lot of support behind them.  Alyssa comes in and they have the “why” debate.  By the way, turn the music down because we can’t hear his talk with Alyssa due to the horns.  When they finally get Daniel out of the bedroom, he throws Monte and Michael’s names out as influencing the game.  Monte stands up for himself and Daniel seemingly backs down to start up again.  Hasn’t Daniel learned anything from the Taylor confrontation?  He makes all uncomfortable.  And his bestie, Kyle, is afraid of going on the block.  Taylor just munches chips as the drama unfolds.

The HoH Contest is an obstacle course.  There is a fire hydrant and doghouse so Poochapalooza is on.  They must walk a balance beam and if they fall off start over.  There are several routes to choose from in “Mind Your Step.”  which of three routes to take.  With statues of Pooch and Ameerah (with bags of dog poop in their hands) watching, the contestants must go one at a time.  Daniel has a time of 16.49 seconds but can he be beat.  Of course he can.  Michael does the course in 11.79 seconds.  Kyle says he doesn’t know if he will chose his alliance or Alyssa.  So the doubt was there before the competition (and Kyle lost by .1 second).  Also, like with Indy, the clock seems to go faster than for others! Turner takes a bad fall but gets up and seems okay.  The winner of HoH is Michael (and Brittany). 

Even though a Leftover, Michael sees the need to start taking things serious.  Britany and Michael meet to decide that Daniel is the most dangerous to their game.  Taylor joins them and the celebration continues.  Of course, Daniel is being discussed as the target.  Taylor feels safe because of her final three with the HoH pair.  Taylor and joins her “festie besties” and all Indy can see is the negative which is Taylor putting Indy on the block.  Meanwhile, Kyle starts a game outside (stupid finger snapping).  Jasmine, who feel and hurt her foot, is playing it for all its worth and Turner is so over her.  Please CBS don’t let them uses an injury as minor as this that she’s been cleared from as strategy.

Monte and Joseph strategize over Michael’s HoH.  Wait!  It is Michael who makes the final decision.  Monte suggests going up because it will prove Michael isn’t working with them.  Of courses, it will be the opportunity to get Terrance out.  Joseph and Monte agree to go up.  And it seems that all are beginning to have issues with Kyle.

And we have Muffingate.  Jasmine finds the muffins Nicole made.  She puts two in a bag for later.  When she returns, one is half missing and Jasmine goes on the search for “The Muffin Man.”  Turner says being with Jasmine is driving him slowly crazy.  I love Turner (because he is doing this).  She questions everyone but can’t find the culprit.  Turner claims to know nothing.  She returns them to the kitchen.  Even the Diary Room won’t tell her what happened.  Turner tells Taylor and Joseph (I think) what he did and attacks them again by eating a bite in the Diary Room. 

The Leftovers gather to meet about the nominees.  Taylor points out Daniel is the number one target but partnered with Kyle. Turner volunteers to go up but Monte points out that if his group go up there are three and would prove they’re not working together.  They agree with the backdoor planned for Daniel.  Michael said would taking out Daniel be the best move for him or Monte.  Kyle looks upset because he’d be up with Daniel, ruining his plans of a new alliance.

Oh great, Alyssa and Kyle has a meet up in the Storage Room to discuss showmances.  Do we really need a no chemistry showmance?  Come on!  The fireworks doesn’t work for me production as Alyssa saying they would be happy and Jasmine asks about the muffins.  Now that’s funny.

Daniel pitches to Michael to stay.  He points out that he’s won more competitions.  Daniel will take out whoever Michael wants him to do as the season progresses.  Michael is listening but not buying (because Taylor is Daniel’s prime target).  Michael, though, thinks that he might be able to work with Daniel.  No!  Michael don’t do it.  Terrance, Monte’s team member, might be the best as a cover and due to their competitive nature (and Terrance, of course).  It would also be unexpected which Michael and Britany likes.  Maybe, it's time to throw away the Leftovers.  Is it the week of make a big move?

At the Nomination Ceremony, Michael calls all together to reveal the nominees.  He has chosen:  Monte, Joseph, and Terrance.  While Daniel seems relieved because he’s not nominated but he seems to forget;  To ensure safety, Daniel needs to be picked for veto and win.  Monte points out they agreed to this.  They plan to win and the Leftovers to keep him safe.  To Michael, this is the best options moving forward. 


Wednesday night we get the veto competition and ceremony.  For the veto, it is OTEV (one beloved by all).   Please CBS – no Alyssa and Kyle show!  Oh, and Daniel has switched his target.  He wants Monte out of the house.  Jasmine wants Monte gone too so is rallying the Girly Girls.  Terrance wants to work with Daniel so anything Dan says is law.  Terrance is an idiot.  If he wins, he won’t remove his team from the block.  Say what?

Jasmine is still into Muffingate.  She is watching the kitchen by hiding to figure out who did the crime.  Only problem is, all of them can see her.  Jasmine goes to interrogate Turner as the guilty party in taking her muffin and he agrees.  He confesses but she evidently doesn’t think that is enough.  Turner turns from saying he did it to he did not do it.   I hope that she’s not around for the PoV Hide and Seek!  Brit, Taylor and Michael are still working together as a threesome alliance.  Daniel and Kyle meet with Michael and seem to be pitching something new.  Kyle doesn’t want to be there on the block due to his showmance and bestie with Daniel.  Michael, though, has the deciding opinion on whether to disband the Leftovers.

Oh,we get the hint of a potential romance between Taylor and Joseph.  Yes, they make a cute couple, but CBS let it happen naturally.  They are also making fun of the Lays Potato Chips.  Michael thinks they’re her “festie bestie.”

OTEV looks strange.  Terrance, Joseph and Monte are joined by Michael and Britany and the pick of Jasmine and Turner.  Well, Jasmine still has a “bad knee” so will that last long?  For ETOV they are dressed as cows with OTEV as a singing stage roach.  The contestants must bring back  sauces while being hit with what – manure, mud.  OTEV will sing and they must look for the correct sauce.  Jasmine is loving the music and the game is afoot.  Brit is the first one out (and it’s not shown but has a bad cut on her knee).  She’s followed by Jasmine, Turner (who according to feeds, dislocated knee), Joseph, and Monte.  It’s between Michael and Terrance with Michael winning.

Jasmine, Terrance, and Daniel have a meeting to figure out how to leave Monte on the block.  Withthis move, Terrance thinks he can play this game (yeah, right).  They’re going to use:  “Monte will win, it’s time to take a big player out.”  So Jasmine talks to the girls with Indy and Alyssa in.  Terrance talks to Michael and Brit.  Brit has a hard time “NOT” laughing.  Of course, Terrance doesn’t pay attention to her.  He’s followed by Jasmine, Indy, and Alyssa (“The Convenience Store”).  Will Kyle make a pitch?  First comes Daniel.  Michael thought of making a move but the “Convenience Store” with the same story is suspicious.  The Leftovers find it funny with Turner never agreeing with Jasmine.  Terrance is playing the game and is “killing it.”  Michael spills to Monte who sees this as bad playing. 

At the PoV Ceremony, Terrance finds outs that he’s not as convincing as he thinks.  Monte, Joseph, and Terrance comes down and Kyle and Daniel go up.  Brit has a smug look as she calls all together.  Michael starts the ceremony and announce that they will use the power on the Terrence team and Daniel looks worried.  The new nominations are Daniel and Kyle.  Taylor, Turner and Joseph look to have trouble not laughing. 

Michael tells us he saw right through them and we get a little “Chill Town.”  Daniel tells us it was not a smart move.  Terrance tells us Michael isn’t brave enough to take a big shot but he will.  Taylor compares it to a bag of chips as she smiles. 

Thursday night.  One will go home (Daniel, I hope) and we get the infamous “wall” competition.


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